NOTE a theory about connections between the Veneti and Proto-Slovenes is believed to be speculative. This page won't discuss much of it, but it is at least worth mentioning it.
The neutrality of this page is disputed. See discussion here (/w/wiki.phtml?title=Timeline_of_Slovene_history&action=history)
- Circa 1300 BC - The Veneti (Venedes[?]) ('Venetkeni', 'Venetkini', 'Venedi', 'Vinedi', 'Vendi', (Jordanes 'Venethi'), 'Sclavi', 'Sclavini', (Jordanes 'Sclaveni'), 'Slovonici') (Greek Venedes, Homer shortened the name to 'Enetoi', Jordanes wrote 'Ainetoi' ("Laudable")) | (also Wenets, Veneds, Venets, Wenetes) (not to be confused with Venetians[?] or Venicians[?]), the Proto-Slavs (Proto-Slovenes, Slo-veneti[?]), an Aryan folk from Sorbian (Lusatian (Lusation), Wendish) culture along the Amber's path conquer and settle region between the Baltic and Adriatic Sea.
- Circa 1150 BC - The Veneti from Paflagonia[?], a region in today's northern Turkey on the Black Sea, continued East across Persia and Afghanistan after the defeat of Troy reach Punjab across the Khyber[?] mountain pass (1022 m). 2Z Homer talks about the Venets, and so do the Greeks, using the name Henetoi. Roman historians claim their leader was Antenor (Antenore), originated from Troy.
- 1100 BC - The new combined nation, known until today by the name of Aryans or Hindi, was able to penetrate towards East to the river valley of the Ganges and conquered the whole area up to the Himalayas. A new vast country came into existence, which still today carries the name Hindustran (like Heneti - Veneti). India - actually Vindia - was born.