Encyclopedia > List of philosophical topics

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List of philosophical topics

This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to Philosophy. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Related changes in the sidebar.

The list is not necessary complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.

See also Philosophy basic topics for a pared-down list.

Table of contents
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E
6 F
7 G
8 H
9 I


Peter Abailard -- Nicola Abbagnano -- Abduction -- Peter Abelard -- Pierre Abelard -- Abortion -- The Absolute -- Absolute idealism[?] -- Absolute naturalism[?] -- Absolute theory of space[?] -- Abstract -- Abstract vs Concrete[?] -- Abstract ideas[?] -- Abstract objects[?] -- Abstraction -- The absurd[?] -- Abunaser[?] -- Academic Philosophy[?] -- Plato's Academy[?] -- Academy of Athens -- Academy of Florence[?] -- Accidental_properties -- Acceptance[?] -- Fallacy of the Accident[?] -- Accesibility Relation[?] -- Accidie[?] -- Achilles and the Tortoise[?] -- Acquaintance and Description[?] -- Action (philosophy)[?] -- Action at a distance[?] -- Act object ambiguity[?] -- Act and omisssion doctrine[?] -- Actual[?] -- Actualism[?] -- Actualty and potentiality[?] -- Actualization[?] -- Act utilitarianism[?] -- Adam of Wodeham[?] -- Adams thesis[?] -- Ad hoc hypothesis[?] -- Ad hoc theory[?] -- Ad hominem -- Ad hominem argument[?] -- Mortimer Adler -- Theodor Adorno -- Adventitous ideas[?] -- Advaita[?] -- Adiaphora[?] -- Adverbial theory[?] -- Aenesidemus of Cnossos[?] -- Aesop -- Aesthetics -- Aesthetic detachment[?] -- Aesthetic objectivity[?] -- Aesthetic values[?] -- Affirmative action -- Affirming the antecedent -- Affirming the consequent -- Aether -- Affective[?] -- Affirmative vs. negative propositions[?] -- A fortiori -- Age of reason[?] -- Agent -- Agent causation[?] -- Agent morality[?] -- Agent neutral reasons[?] -- Agent relative reasons[?] -- Agnostic -- Agnosticism -- Ahimsa -- AI -- Albert the Great -- Albert of Saxony[?] -- Albertus Magnus -- Samuel Alexander[?] -- Alexander of Aphrodisias -- Alexandrian school[?] -- Al Farabi[?] -- Abu Jasar Al-Farabi[?] -- Algazel -- Al-Ghazali -- Abu Hamid Muhammad Al-Ghazali[?] -- Robert Alyngton[?] -- Algorithm -- Yaqub ibn Ishaq Al-Kindi[?] -- Dante Alighieri -- Alienation -- Altruism -- Ambiguity-- Ammonius Saccas -- Saint Ambrose[?] -- Ammonius Saccus[?] -- Amoral decision[?] -- Amoralist[?] -- Amplative argument[?] -- Analogy -- Medieval theories of analogy[?] -- Analysis -- Analytic philosophy -- Analytic proposition -- Analytic vs synthetic knowledge[?] -- Anarchism -- Anarcho-capitalism -- Anarchism_and_natural_law_theory -- Anacharsis -- Anaxagoras -- Anaxarchus -- Anaximander of[?] -- Anaximenes -- Ancient philosophy -- John Anderson -- Ancient philosophy -- Ancient skepticism[?] -- Angst -- Animal consciousness[?] -- Animal rights -- Anotic[?] -- Anselm -- Saint Anselm -- Gertrude Elizabeth Margaret Anscombe[?] -- Antecedent[?] -- Antecedentalism[?] -- Anthropic principle -- Anthropocentrism -- Anthropology-- Antimodernism -- Antinomianism -- Antinomy -- Antiperistasis[?] -- Antiphon -- Anti-realism -- Antithesis -- Antiochus of Ascalon[?] -- Karl-Otto Apel[?] -- Aperion -- Aphorism -- Apodeitic[?] -- Apodictic[?] -- Apollonian vs Dionysian[?] -- Apopogetics[?] -- Apophatic philosophy[?] -- Apophatic theology -- Apperception[?] -- Applied ethics -- Applied philosophy[?] -- A posteriori -- A priori -- A priori and a posteriori knowledge -- a priori justification[?] -- Apitude[?] -- Saint Thomas Aquinas[?] -- Arcesilaus -- Arche[?] -- Archetype -- Hannah Arendt -- Arianism -- Aristippus -- Aristotelian logic -- Aristotle -- Arius[?] -- Arastocracy[?] -- Argument -- Argument form -- Arguments for the existence of God -- Argumentum ad baculum -- Argumentum ad hominum -- Argumentum ad misericordiam[?] -- Argumentum ad populum[?] -- Argumentum ad verecundiam -- Aristotelianism in the Ancient World[?] -- Aristotelianism in Islamic Philosophy[?] -- Aristotelianism in the Medieval Europe[?] -- Aristotelianism in the Renaissance[?] -- Aristotelian biology[?] -- Aristotelian ethics[?] -- Aristotelian logic -- Aristotelian mathematics[?] -- Aristotelian metaphysics[?] -- Aristotelian physics[?] -- Aristotelian political philosophy[?] -- Aristotelian poetics[?] -- Aristotelian rhetoric[?] -- Aristotle -- Aristotle's theory of universals -- Arminianism -- Jacob Arminius[?] -- David Armstrong[?] -- artifact -- Artificial intelligence -- Artificial intelligence and multi-valued logic[?] -- Antone Arnauld[?] -- Raymond Aron[?] -- Arrow paradox[?] Arrow's theorem[?] -- Ascriptivism[?] -- Assertion sign[?] -- Associative law[?] -- Astell, Mary[?] -- Astrology -- Atheism -- Athenian democracy -- Athens -- Atlantis -- Atomic fact[?] -- Atomism[?] -- Attitude Utilitarinism[?] -- Attribute -- Augustine -- Augustine of Hippo -- Saint Augustine -- Saint Augustine and neo-platonism[?] -- Saint Augustine and free will[?] -- Peter Auriol[?] -- Authenticity[?] -- Authoritarinism -- Authority -- John Austin -- John Langshaw Austin[?] -- Autocracy -- automated reasoning[?] -- Autonomy in moral philosophy[?] -- Autonomy in political philosophy[?] -- Richard Avenarius[?] -- Averoes[?] -- Avicena[?] -- Avowal[?] -- Axiology -- Axiom -- Axiomatic system -- Axiomatization Axiom of choice -- Axiom of infinity -- Axioms of intuition[?] -- A. J. Ayer -- Alfred Jules Ayer --


Franz von Baader[?] -- Franz Xaver von Baader -- Graccus Baboeuf[?] -- Gaston Bachelard[?] -- Backward Causation[?] -- Francis Bacon -- Roger Bacon -- Bad faith[?] -- Alexander Bain -- Michael Bakunin -- Ball of wax example[?] -- Barber paradox -- Barcan formula -- Marcus Barcan[?] -- Karl Barth -- Roland Barthes -- Epistemic basing relation[?] -- Basic Action[?] -- Georges Bataille -- Bruno Bayer[?] -- Thomas Bayes -- Bayesian epistemology[?] Bayesian probability -- Bayesian rationality[?] -- Bayes's theorem[?]-- Bayle's trilema[?] -- James Beattie[?] -- Beauty -- Simone de Beauvoir -- Begging the question -- Behaviorism -- Being -- Being and becoming[?] -- Being in itself[?] -- Being for itself[?] -- Belief -- Bell's inequality -- Jeremy Bentham -- George Berkeley -- Sir Isaiah Berlin[?] -- Bernoulli's theorum[?] -- Best of all possible worlds[?] -- Biconditional -- Binary opposition[?] -- Hugh Binning -- Bioethics -- Teleological notions in biology[?] -- Principle of bivalence -- Hugh Blair -- Black box -- Black box theory[?] -- bodily continuity[?] -- Anicius Manlius Severinus Boëthius -- Boethius of Daca[?] -- Saint Bonaventure[?] -- George Boole -- Boolian Algebra[?] -- Bernard Bosanquet[?] -- Bound variable[?] -- Bourgeois -- Robert Boyle -- Francis Herbert Bradley[?] -- Bracketing[?] -- Thomas Bradwardine -- Richard Bevan Braithwaite[?] -- Brain -- Brain event -- Brain in a vat theory[?] -- Franz Brentano -- Luitzen Egbertus Jan Brauwer[?] -- British empiricists[?] -- British Idealism[?] -- Brute Fact[?] -- Thomas Brown -- Martin Buber -- Buddha -- Buddhism -- Buddhist philosophy -- Bultmann Rudolf[?] -- Bundle theory -- Joseph Butler -- Jean Buridan -- John Buridan -- Edmund Burke -- Walter Burleigh[?] -- Walter Burley[?] -- James Burnet[?] --


Jean Calvin[?] -- Callicles and Thrasymachus[?] -- Cambridge Platonists[?] -- Camridge School[?] -- George Campbell[?] -- Albert Camus -- Rudolf Carnap -- Carneades[?] -- Casuistry -- Categorical Imperative -- Categories -- Category of being -- Category theory -- Causation -- Causal Determinism[?] -- Causal decision theory[?] -- Causal processes[?] -- Causal theories of mental content[?] -- Counterfactual theories of causal processes[?] -- Causation and manipulability[?] -- Metaphysics and causal processes[?] -- Probabilistic causal processes[?] -- Chaos argument -- Character traits[?] -- Philosophy of childhood[?] -- Chinese philosophy -- Central concepts of Christianity[?] -- Chrysippus -- Alonzo Church -- Church-Turing thesis -- Cicero -- Citizenship -- Civil rights -- Classical logic -- Catharine Trotter Cockburn[?] -- Cogency -- Cogito ergo sum -- Cognitive science -- Cognitive science of mathematics -- Hermann Cohen[?] -- collective responsibility[?] -- College logic -- Anthony Collins -- Common knowledge[?] -- Common sense and the Diallelus -- Communitarianism -- Comparative philosophy Chinese and Western[?] -- Compatibilism -- Computability -- Computer ethics[?] -- Concepts of probability[?] -- Etienne Bonnot de Condillac -- Conditionals[?] -- Confirmation -- Confucianism -- Confucius -- Connectionism[?] -- Connectives[?] -- conscience -- Consciousness -- Higher-order theories of consciousness[?] -- Consciousness and intentionality[?] -- Representational theories of consciousness[?] -- Unity of consciousness[?] -- Consensus reality -- Consequentialism -- Rule Consequentialism[?] -- Constitutionalism[?]-- Contextualist theories of justification[?] -- Continental Philosophy[?] -- Continental Rationalism -- Contractarianism[?] -- Contract theory[?] -- Lady Anne Conway[?] -- Frederick C. Copleston -- Cosmology -- Cosmology and theology[?] -- Cosmopolitanism[?] -- Courage -- Creationism -- Criminal law theory[?] -- Critical philosophy -- Critical theory -- Ralph Cudworth -- Cultural evolution -- Haskell Curry -- Curry's paradox --


Masham Lady Damaris[?] -- Dante Alighieri -- Daoism -- Darwinism -- Dasein[?] -- Donald Davidson -- Death -- Death of God[?] -- Decision theory[?] -- Deconstructionism -- Deduction and induction -- defeasible reasoning[?] -- Deism -- Gilles Deleuze -- Democracy -- Democritus -- Demonstratives[?] -- Daniel Dennett -- Deontic logic[?] -- Deontological ethics[?] -- Jacques Derrida -- Rene Descartes -- Robert Desgabets[?] -- Determinates vs. Determinables[?] -- Determinism -- Developmental biology -- John Dewey -- Dharma -- Dialectic -- Dialectical materialism -- dialetheism[?] -- dialethism[?] -- Denis Diderot -- Diogenes Laertius -- Discordianism -- Disjunction -- Disjunctive syllogism -- Distributive justice -- Diversity -- Divine freedom[?] -- Divine illumination[?] -- Divine simplicity -- Doing harm vs. allowing harm[?] -- Doctrine of double effect -- Dualistic_interactionism -- James Dunbar[?] -- Duns Scotus -- John Duns Scotus[?] --


John Carew Eccles -- Ecology -- Economic analysis of law[?] -- Economic subjectivism -- Umberto Eco -- Educational essentialism -- Educational perennialism -- Educational progressivism -- Jonathan Edwards -- Egalitarianism -- Egoism -- Albert Einstein -- Einstein-Bohr debates[?] -- Einstein and the hole argument[?] -- Elias[?] -- Emergent properties[?] -- Ralph Waldo Emerson -- Emic -- emotivism -- Empedocles-- Empirical knowledge -- Empiricism -- The Enlightenment -- Entailment -- Environmental ethics -- Envy -- Epictetus -- Epicureanism -- Epicurus -- Epigenetics -- Epiphenomenalism -- episteme and techne[?] -- epistemic basing relation[?] -- epistemic closure principle [?] -- Epistemic justification -- Epistemological problems of memory[?] -- Epistemological problems of perception[?] -- epistemology -- epistemology of religion[?] -- Epoche[?] -- Epsilon calculus[?] -- Equality -- Equality of opportunity[?] -- Erasmus of Rotterdam Paul Erdös -- Eternity -- Ethical egoism -- Ethical naturalism -- Ethical non-naturalism -- Ethics -- Natural law tradition in ethics[?] -- Ethology -- Etic -- Eubulides of Miletus -- Eudaimonia -- Eusociality -- Euthanasia -- Problem of evil -- Evolution -- Evolutionary epistemology[?] -- Cultural Evolution[?] -- Evolutionary game theory[?]-- Existence -- Existence of physical objects[?] -- Existentialism -- Experimentation -- Explanation -- Externalist theories of mental content[?] -- Extrinsic properties[?] --


Fact -- Fact value dichotomy[?] -- Faith -- Faith and rationality -- Fallacy-- Falsifiability -- Herbert Feigl[?] Feminism -- feminist epistemology[?] -- Feminist ethics[?] -- Feminist philosophy of science[?] -- Feminist ethics[?] -- Feminist history of philosophy[?] -- Feminist perspectives on reproduction[?] -- Feminist perspectives on the self[?] -- Adam Ferguson -- James Ferrier[?] -- Paul Feyerabend -- Johann Gottlieb Fichte -- Marsilio Ficino -- Fictionalism[?] -- Modal Fictionalism[?] -- Philosophy of film[?] -- first-order modal theory[?] -- First-order predicate calculus -- Fitch's paradox of knowability[?] -- Folk psychology[?] -- Force -- Formal language -- Formal learning theory[?] -- Forms[?] -- Michel Foucault -- Foundationalism -- Foundationalist theories of a justification[?] -- Frame problem -- Francis of Marchia[?] -- Freedom -- Free logic[?] -- Free will -- Free will and determinism -- Gottlob Frege -- French materialism -- functionalism (philosophy of mind) -- Fuzzy logic --


Hans-Georg Gadamer -- Gaia Hypothesis -- Galen -- Galileo Galilei -- Game theory -- Game theory and ethics [?] -- Game theory and evolution[?] -- Pierre Gassendi -- David Gauthier -- Geist[?] -- Aulus Gellius -- Genealogy of ideas[?] -- Generalized quantifiers[?] -- General relativity -- General semantics -- Genetic fallacy -- Genetics -- Genotype-phenotype distinction -- Geometry -- Alexander Gerard[?]-- German Philosophy[?] -- Gersonides -- Gettier problem -- Ghost in the machine[?] -- Giles of Rome[?] -- Globalization -- Gnomic wisdom[?] -- Gnosticism -- God -- God of the philosophers[?] -- Kurt Gödel -- Godfrey of Fontaines[?] -- William Godwin -- Goldbach conjecture[?] -- Golden Rule -- Nelson Goodman[?] -- Goodmans paradox[?] -- Goodness -- Government -- Grammatology[?] -- Antoine Le Grand[?] -- Greatest happiness principle[?] -- Thomas Hill Green -- Gregory of Rimini[?] -- Grellings paradox[?] -- Felix Guattari --


Johann Georg Hamann[?] -- William Hamilton -- Baron von Hardenberg Friedrich Leopold[?] -- Charles Hartshorne[?] -- Hedonism -- Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel -- Martin Heidegger -- Heraclitus -- Johann Gottfried von Herder -- Rudolf Hermann [?] -- Heuristic argument -- William Heytesbury[?] -- David Hilbert -- Historical materialism -- Historicism -- historicist theories of rationality[?] -- History of logic -- History of metaphysics[?] -- History of philosophy -- Thomas Hobbes -- Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin[?] -- Holes[?] -- Robert Holkot[?] -- Henry Home[?]-- Henry Home, Lord Kames -- Heraclitus -- Douglas Hofstadter -- Homology (trait)[?] -- Max Horkheimer -- Civic Humanism[?] -- David Hume -- Edmund Husserl -- Francis Hutcheson -- James Hutton -- Hypothesis --


I Ching -- Idealism -- Identity -- Identity and change -- Identity and individuality in quantum theory[?] -- Identity of indiscernibles[?] -- Identity politics[?] -- Identity theory[?] -- Identity theory of mind[?] -- Idiolect -- Iff -- If and only If -- Illusion -- Immutability[?] -- Impartiality[?] -- Indexicals[?] -- Incompatibilism[?] -- Incompatibilist theories of free will[?] -- Indexicals[?] -- Indispensability arguments in the philosophy of mathematics[?] -- Inequality -- Inertial systems[?] -- Infinitary logic[?] -- Informal logic -- Inherence relation -- Innatism[?] -- Integrity -- Intelligent design theory[?] -- Intentionality -- Intergenerational justice[?] -- Internalist vs. externalist conceptions of justification[?] -- Interpretation and coherence of the law[?] -- Intrinsic properties[?] -- intrinsic vs. extrinsic properties[?] -- Intuitionistic logic -- Intuitive truth[?] -- Irrationalism and Aestheticism -- Irrealism --


Friedrich Heinrich Jacobi -- William James -- Julian Jaynes -- Jurisprudence -- Jus Ad Bellem[?] -- Jus In Bello[?] -- Justice -- Justice as a virtue[?] -- Justification of the state[?] --


Lord Kames -- Immanuel Kant -- Kant's theory of space and time[?] -- Karma -- John Maynard Keynes -- Sřren Kierkegaard -- killing vs. letting die[?] -- Richard Kilvington[?] -- Kin selection -- Knowledge -- Saul Kripke -- Thomas Samuel Kuhn --


Imre Lakatos -- George Lakoff -- Friedrich Albert Lange[?] -- Language of thought hypothesis[?] -- Laozi -- Larrys Text -- Law -- Law and ideology[?] -- Law and language[?] -- Law of excluded middle Laws of nature -- Law of non-contradiction Law (principle) -- Legal obligation and authority[?] -- Legal philosophy[?] -- Legal positivism[?] -- Legal punishment[?] -- Legal realisms[?] -- Legal reasoning[?] -- Legal rights[?] -- Antoine Le Grand[?] -- Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz -- Leibniz and modal metaphysics[?] -- Leibniz on the problem of evil[?] -- Leibniz and the philosophy of mind[?] -- Leibniz, and ethics[?] -- Baron von Hardenberg Friedrich Leopold[?] -- Leucippus -- Claude Levi-Strauss -- Liberal arts -- liberalism -- libertarianism -- life -- lifeworld[?] -- linguistic behaviourism[?] -- List of Isms -- List of philosophers -- John Locke -- Logic -- Logic and provability[?] -- Logical argument

Logical consequence[?] -- logical constructions[?] -- Logical fallacy -- logical form[?] -- logical behaviourism[?] -- Logical positivism -- logic and ontology[?] -- Lord Kames -- love -- luck -- Lucretius--


Magister abstractionum[?] -- Salomon Maimon[?] -- Maimonides -- Nicolas Malebranche -- Ernst Mally[?] -- Ernst Mally and deontic logic[?] -- Many-valued logic -- Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics[?] -- Jacques Maritain[?] -- Andrei Andreevich Markov -- Marsilius of Inghen[?] -- Masham Lady Damaris[?] -- Marxism -- Materialism -- Mathematical constructivism Mathematical intuitionism Marshall McLuhan -- Meaning -- Meaning holism[?] -- meaning of meaning -- Measurement -- Measurement in quantum theory[?] -- Medieval philosophy -- Medieval semiotics[?] -- Medieval theories of conscience[?] -- Medieval theories of the categories[?] -- Medieval theories of properties[?] -- Memory -- Mencius -- Mental content[?] -- Mental event -- Mental functions -- Mental illness -- Mental imagery[?] -- Mental representation[?] -- Mereology[?] -- Maurice Merleau-Ponty -- Metaethics -- Meta-philosophy -- Metaphysical subjectivism -- Metaphysics - Methodological naturalism -- James Mill -- John Stuart Mill -- Minarchism -- Mind -- mind-body problem -- Marvin Minsky -- Miracles[?] -- Modal interpretations of quantum mechanics[?] -- Modality -- Modal logic[?] -- model theory -- Modernism -- Modernity -- Modus ponens -- Modus tollens -- Mohism -- Mohist Canons[?] -- Molecular biology -- Lord Monboddo[?] -- Monism -- Baron de Montesquieu[?] -- Moral absolutism -- Moral character[?] -- Moral core -- Moral cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism[?] -- Moral dilemmas[?] -- Moral epistemology[?] -- Morality -- Morality and practical reason[?] -- Moral justification[?] -- Moral non-naturalism[?] -- Moral particularism[?] -- Moral psychology[?] -- Moral realism -- Moral reasoning[?] -- Moral relativism -- Moral responsibility[?] -- Moral skepticism -- Multiculturalism -- Multiple realizability[?] -


Nagarjuna -- Nationalism -- Naturalism in legal philosophy[?] -- Naturalism in epistemology[?] -- Naturalism in philosophy of science[?] -- Naturalistic fallacy -- Naturalized epistomology[?] -- Natural law -- Natural law tradition[?] -- Natural selection -- Natural theology -- Nature -- Nature of God -- Nature of law[?] -- Necessary and sufficient condition[?] -- Neoplatonism -- Neural Darwinism -- Otto Neurath -- Neutral monism -- Isaac Newton -- Newtons views on space, time, and motion[?] -- Nicholas of Autrecourt[?] -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- Nihilism -- Noema[?] -- Nominalism -- Non-cognitivism -- Non-conceptual mental content[?] -- Non-monotonic logic[?] -- Normative ethics -- Novalis -- Robert Nozick --


Object (philosophy) -- Objectivity -- obligations[?] -- Observation -- Occam's razor -- William of Ockham -- Oedipus the King -- Peter John Olivi(Robert Pasnau)[?] -- Olympiodorus (Christian Wildberg)[?] -- Omnipotence -- Omniscience -- Ontological argument -- Ontological dependence[?] -- Ontology -- Ontology and information science[?] -- Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind[?] -- Original position


Panpsychism[?] -- Panarchism -- Pantheism -- George Pappas -- Paraconsistent logic[?] -- Paradox -- Derek Parfit -- Parmenides -- Particular -- Part/whole paradox[?] -- Blaise Pascal -- Pascal's wager -- Paternalism[?] -- Francesco Patrizi[?] -- Paul of Venice[?] -- Benjamin Peirce[?] -- Charles Sanders Peirce -- William Penbygull[?] -- Perception -- Perfectionism -- Perfectionism in moral philosophy[?] -- Peter of Spain[?] -- St. Petersburg paradox[?] -- Petrus Hispanus[?] -- Phenomenology -- Philip II of Macedon -- Philip the Chancellor[?] -- Philo of Larissa[?] -- Philoponus[?] -- Philosopher Philosophical argument -- Philosophical counseling -- Philosophical Investigations -- Philosophical issues and problems -- Philosophical method -- Philosophical movement -- Philisophical naturalism[?] -- Philosophical pessimism -- Philosophical subdisciplines -- Philosophical theories -- Philosophical view -- Philosophy -- Philosophy of education -- Philosophy of language -- Philosophy of law -- Philosophy of mathematics -- Philosophy of mind -- Philosophy of neuroscience[?] -- Philosophy of perception -- Philosophy of religion -- Philosophy of science -- Physicalism -- Piety -- Alvin Plantinga -- Plato -- Platonic epistemology -- Platonic metaphysics[?] -- Platonic realism -- Platonic Utopia[?] -- Platonism -- Plato's allegory of the cave -- Plato's divided line[?] -- Plato's ethics and politics in The Republic[?] -- Plato's metaphor of the sun -- Plato's Republic -- pleasure principle[?] -- Pliny the Elder -- Plotinus -- plurality of forms[?] -- plural quantification[?] -- Plutarch -- Michael Polanyi -- Political justification[?] -- Political philosophy -- Karl Popper -- Populism -- Porphyry -- Postmodernism -- Post-structuralism -- Practical reason[?] -- Precedent and analogy in the law[?] -- Predicate calculus -- Presocratic philosophy[?] -- Principia Mathematica -- Arthur Prior[?] -- Prisoner's dilemma -- Privacy -- Private language[?] -- Probability calculus[?] -- Problem of evil -- Problem of other minds[?] -- Problem of the criterion -- problem of universals -- Process theology -- Proclus -- proof theory -- Proper names -- properties -- Property -- Propositional attitude report[?] -- Proposition -- Protagoras -- Psychedelic -- Psychoanalysis -- Psychological egoism -- Singular -- Structured[?] -- Providence[?] -- Pseudophilosophy -- Psychology of human judgment and epistemology[?] -- punishment -- Purpose -- Purpose of government[?] -- Hilary Putnam -- Pyrrho -- Pyrrhonism[?] -- Pythagoras --


qualia -- quantum mechanics -- quantum mechanics and free will[?] - quantum theory -- quantum entanglement and information[?] -- quantum logic and probability theory[?] -- quasi-realism[?] -- W. V. Quine --


radical behaviourism[?] -- Allan Ramsay[?] -- Frank Ramsey -- Ayn Rand -- Rationality -- raw feels -- realism -- Reality -- reality enforcement -- Reason -- reasoning -- Reciprocal altruism -- Recursive function -- redistribution[?] -- Reductio ad absurdum -- Reduction -- reference -- regress argument in epistemology[?] -- August Wilhelm Rehberg[?] -- Thomas Reid -- Karl Leonhard Reinhold[?] -- Relational quantum mechanics[?] -- relations[?] -- Relative identity[?] -- relativism -- relevance of logic[?] -- reliabilism -- religion -- republicanism -- responsibility -- Revealed truth -- rhetoric -- Ricardus Sophista[?] -- Richard the Sophister[?] -- Heinrich Rickert[?] -- Right -- Rights -- role obligations[?] -- Role of decoherence in quantum mechanics[?] -- Richard Rorty -- Antonio Rosmini[?] -- Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- Josiah Royce[?]-- rule consequentialism[?] -- Rule of law -- Ibn Rushd -- Bertrand Russell -- Russell's moral philosophy[?] -- Russell's paradox --


Ammonius Saccas -- George Santayana -- Jean-Paul Sartre -- Scepticism -- Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling[?] -- Friedrich Schlegel[?] -- Friedrich Daniel Schleiermacher[?] -- Moritz Schlick -- Kaspar Schmidt -- Scholasticism -- Arthur Schopenhauer -- Scientific explanation[?] -- Scientific instruments[?] -- Scientific knowledge[?] -- Scientific method scientific progress[?] -- scientific realism[?] -- scientific unity[?] -- Scientists belief in God -- Scottish Philosophy[?] -- Johannes Scotus Erigena[?] John Duns Scotus[?] -- self -- Wilfrid Sellars[?] -- semantic challenges to realism[?] -- Semantic conceptions of information[?] -- Semantic holism[?] -- Semiotics -- Seneca -- Set theory -- Lord Shaftesbury[?] -- Johannes Sharpe[?] -- Shinto -- Henry Sidgwick -- Simon of Faversham[?] -- Simplicity -- Simplicius -- Simpson's paradox -- Ibn Sina -- Peter Singer -- Skeptic -- Skepticism -- Slippery slope argument[?] -- Adam Smith -- social contract theory[?] -- Social contract theories -- Social dimensions of knowledge[?] -- Social epistemology -- Social justice -- Society of Mind theory -- Socrates -- Socrates Scholasticus -- Socratic method -- Sokal Affair -- Solipsism -- sophisms[?] -- Sophist-- Sophocles -- Sorites paradox -- Soul -- Soundness -- Sovereignty -- Space and time[?] -- species -- Herbert Spencer -- Speusippus[?] -- Baruch Spinoza -- Spirit -- Square of opposition -- State of affairs[?] -- Statistical physics -- Statistics -- Dugald Stewart -- Max Stirner -- Stoicism -- Strabo -- Leo Strauss -- Structuralism -- Francisco Suárez[?] -- Substance -- Substance theory -- Substructural logic[?] -- Sui generis -- supererogation[?] -- Superman -- Supernatural -- supertasks[?] -- supervenience[?] -- Symbolic logic -- synthetic knowledge[?] -- synthetic proposition -- Syrianus[?] --


Taking children seriously -- Taoism -- Alfred Tarski -- Teleological argument -- Teleological theories of mental content[?] -- Teleology -- Temperance -- Temporal logic[?] -- Thales -- The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy -- Theism -- Theodicy -- Theology -- Theory -- Theory of conduct -- Theory of ideas and vision in God[?] -- Theory of justification -- Time -- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus -- Trial of Socrates -- Tripitaka -- Truth -- Truth table -- Alan Turing -- Turing machine -- Turing test -- Twin Earth thought experiment


Uncertainty -- uncertainty principle -- Unconscious mind -- Universal -- Universe -- Utilitarianism -- Utility --


Validity -- Value -- Value theory -- Vedic -- Venn diagram -- Virtue -- Virtue epistemology[?] -- Virtue ethics -- Visual arts and design -- Voltaire --


Friedrich Waissman[?] Max Weber -- Wisdom -- Ludwig Wittgenstein -- Georg Henrik von Wright --




Peter Wessel Zapffe -- Zeno of Citium -- Zeno's paradoxes -- Zombie -- Zimboe

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