Encyclopedia > List of national anthems

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List of national anthems

A national anthem is a generally patriotic musical composition that is formally recognized by a country's government as their state's official national song.

During the 19th and 20th centuries, with the rise of the national state, most countries have adopted a national anthem, which can exist beside other commonly sung patriotic songs.

The names of nations that do no longer exist, or are not independent states but nevertheless have official anthems, are italicized.

Country Anthem Title
AlbaniaHymni i Flamurit (Hymn to the Flag)
AlgeriaKassaman (We Pledge)
American SamoaAmerika Samoa
AndorraEl Gran Carlemany (The Great Charlemagne)
AngolaAngola Avante (Forward Angola)
AnguillaGod Save the Queen
Antigua and BarbudaFair Antigua, We Salute Thee
ArgentinaOid, Mortales (Hear, O Mortals!)
ArmeniaMer Hayrenik (Our Fatherland)
ArubaAruba Dushi Tera (Aruba Precious Country)
AustraliaAdvance Australia Fair
AustriaLand der Berge, Land am Strome (Land of Mountains, Land of Streams)
The BahamasMarch On, Bahamaland
BahrainBahrainona (Our Bahrain)
Balearic IslandsLa Balanguera[?]
BangladeshAmar Sonar Bangla (My Golden Bengal)
BarbadosIn Plenty and In Time of Need
Basque CountryEusko Abendaren Ereserkia
BelarusMy Bielarusy
BelgiumLa Brabançonne (The Song of Brabant)
BelizeLand of the Free
BeninL'Aube Nouvelle (The Dawn of a New Day)
BermudaGod Save the Queen
BhutanDruk tsendhen (The Thunder Dragon Kingdom)
BoliviaBolivianos, el hado propicio (Bolivians, A Favourable Destiny)
Bosnia and HerzegovinaIntermeco
Formerly: Jedna i Jedina[?] (One and Only)
BotswanaFatshe leno la rona (Blessed Be This Noble Land)
BrazilHino Nacional Brasileiro
BruneiAllah Peliharakan Sultan (God Bless the Sultan)
BulgariaMila Rodino (Dear native land)
Burkina FasoUne Seule Nuit (One Single Night)
BurundiBurundi bwacu (Beloved Burundi)
CameroonChant de Ralliement
CanadaO Canada
CataloniaEls Segadors
Cayman IslandsBeloved Isles Cayman
Central African RepublicLa Renaissance
ChadLa Tchadienne
ChileDulce Patria, recibe los votos (Dear Homeland, Accept Our Devotion)
China, People's Republic ofThe March of the Volunteers
ColombiaOh Gloria inmarcesible (Oh Unfading Glory!)
ComorosUdzima wa ya Masiwa (The Union of the Great Islands)
Congo, Democratic Republic ofDebout Kongolaise (Arise Congolese)
Congo, Republic ofLa Congolaise
Cook IslandsGod Defend New Zealand
Costa RicaNoble patria, tu hermosa bandera (Noble Fatherland, Your Beautiful Flag)
Côte d'IvoireL'Abidjanaise (Song of Abidjan)
CroatiaLijepa nasa Domovino (Our Beautiful Homeland)
CubaLa Bayamesa (The Bayamo Song)
CyprusOde to Freedom
Czech RepublicKde domov muj
DenmarkRoyal: Kong Kristian[?] (King Christian)
Civil: Der er et yndigt land (There Is A Lovely Land)
DominicaIsle of Beauty, Isle of Splendour[?]
Dominican RepublicQuisqueyanos valientes[?] (Valiant Sons of Quisqueye)
East GermanyAuferstanden aus Ruinen (Risen from Ruins)
East TimorFoho Ramelau[?] (Ramelau Mountain)
EcuadorSalve, Oh Patria[?] (We Salute You Our Homeland)
EgyptBilady, Bilady, Bilady[?] (My Homeland, My Homeland, My Homeland)
El SalvadorSaludemos la Patria orgullosos[?] (Proudly Salute the Fatherland)
Equatorial GuineaCaminemos Pisando la Senda de Nuestra Inmensa Felicidad[?] (Let's Walk Down The Path Of Our Immense Happiness)
EnglandGod Save the Queen/King
Land of Hope and Glory
EstoniaMu isamaa, mu õnn ja rõõm (My Native Land, My Pride and Joy)
EthiopiaWhedefit Gesgeshi Woude Henate Ethiopia[?] (March Forward, Dear Mother Ethiopia)
Faeroe IslandsTú alfagra land mitt[?] (O Faeroe Islands, My Dearest Treasure)
Falkland IslandsGod Save the Queen
FijiGod Bless Fiji[?]
FinlandMaamme/Vårt land (Our Land)
FranceLa Marseillaise
French GuianaLa Marseillaise
French PolynesiaLa Marseillaise
GabonLa Concorde[?]
The GambiaFor The Gambia Our Homeland[?]
GeorgiaDideba zetsit kurthelus[?] (Praise Be To The Heavenly Bestower of Blessings)
GermanyDas Lied der Deutschen, 3rd stanza (Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit)
GhanaGod Bless Our Homeland Ghana[?]
GibraltarGod Save The Queen
GreeceImnos pros tin Eleftherian (Hymn to Freedom)
Greenlandnangmineq erinllik
GrenadaHail Grenada[?]
GuadeloupeLa Marseillaise
GuamStand Ye Guamanians[?]
GuatemalaGuatemala Feliz (Guatemala, Be Praised!)
Guinea-BissauEsta é a Nossa Pátrai Bem Amada[?]
GuyanaDear Land of Guyana, of Rivers and Palms[?]
HaitiLa Dessalinienne[?]
HondurasTu bandera es un lampo de cielo[?] (Your Flag Is A Heavenly Light)
HungaryIsten áldd meg a magyart (God Bless the Hungarians)
IcelandLofsöngur (Song of Praise)
IndiaJana-Gana-Mana (Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People)
IndonesiaIndonesia Raya (Great Indonesia)
IranSorood-e Jomhoori-e Eslami
Imperial Salute[?]
IraqArdulfurataini Watan (Land of Two Rivers)
The Royal Salute[?]
Ireland, Republic ofAmhrán na bhFiann (The Soldier's Song)
Ireland, NorthernA Londonderry Air
IsraelHatikvah (The Hope)
ItalyFratelli d'Italia
Inno di Mameli (Mameli's Hymn)
JamaicaJamaica, Land We Love
JapanKimi Ga Yo (君が代 May 1,000 Years of Happy Reign Be Yours)
JordanAs-salam al-malaki al-urdoni[?] (Long Live the King!)
KazakhstanAnthem of the Republic of Kazakhstan[?]
KenyaEe Mungu Nguvu Yetu[?] (Oh God of All Creation)
KiribatiTeirake kaini Kiribati[?] (Stand Kiribati)
Korea, NorthPatriotic Song[?]
Korea, SouthAegukka (애국가 Love the Country)
LaosPheng Xat Lao (Hymn of the Lao People)
LatviaDievs, Sveti Latviju (God Bless Latvia)
LebanonKoullouna Lilouataan Lil Oula Lil Alam[?] (All Of Us! For Our Country, For Our Flag and Glory)
LesothoLesotho Fatse La Bontata Rona[?]
LiberiaAll Hail, Liberia Hail[?]
LibyaAllahu Akbar (God Is Greatest!)
LiechtensteinOben am jungen Rhein (High Above the Young Rhine)
LithuaniaTautiska Giesme[?] (The National Song)
LuxembourgOns Hémécht (Our Motherland)
Former Yugoslav Republic of MacedoniaToday Over Macedonia[?]
MadagascarRy Tanindraza nay malala ô[?] (Oh, Our Beloved Fatherland)
MalawiMlungu salitsani malawi[?] (Oh God Bless Our Land Of Malawi)
MalaysiaNegara Ku[?] (My Country)
MaldivesGavmii mi ekuverikan matii tibegen kuriime salaam[?] (In National Unity Do We Salute Our Nation)
MaliPour L'Afriquue et pour toi, Mali[?] (For Africa and for You, Mali)
MaltaL-Innu Malti (The Maltese Hymn)
Man, Isle ofArrane Ashoonagh Dy Vannin[?]
Marshall IslandsForever Marshall Islands[?]
MartiniqueLa Marseillaise
MayotteLa Marseillaise
MexicoMexicanos, al grito de guerra (Mexicans, to the War Cry)
Federated States of MicronesiaPatriots of Micronesia[?]
MoldovaLimba Noastra (Our Tongue)
MonacoHymne Monégasque[?]
MongoliaBügd Nairamdakh Mongol[?]
MontserratGod Save the Queen
MontenegroOhamo, Hamo[?] (There, Over There)
MoroccoHymne Cherifien[?]
MozambiqueViva, Viva a FRELIMO[?] (Long Live FRELIMO)
MyanmarGba Majay Bma[?] (We Shall Love Burma)
NamibiaNamibia, Land of the Brave[?]
NauruNauru Bwiema (Nauru Our Homeland)
NepalRas Triya Gaan[?] (May Glory Crown You, Courageous Sovereign)
NetherlandsWilhelmus van Nassouwe (William of Nassau)
Netherlands Antilles)Beautiful Islands[?]
New ZealandGod Defend New Zealand, God Save the Queen
NicaraguaSalve a ti, Nicaragua[?] (Hail to You, Nicaragua)
NigerLa Nigerienne[?]
NigeriaArise Oh Compatriots, Nigeria's Call Obey[?]
NorwayJa, vi elsker dette landet (Yes, We Love This Country)
OmanThe Sultan's Anthem[?]
PakistanPak sarzamin shad bad[?] (Blessed Be The Sacred Land)
PanamaHimno Istemño[?] (Isthmus Hymn)
Papua New GuineaO Arise, All You Sons[?]
ParaguayParaguayos, Républica o muerte[?]
PeruSomos libres, seámoslo siempre[?] (We Are Free, Let Us Remain So Forever)
PhilippinesLupang Hinirang (Beloved Land)
Pitcairn IslandsGod Save The Queen
PolandMazurek Dabrowskiego (Dabrowski's Mazurka)
PortugalA Portugesa (The Portuguese)
Puerto RicoLa Borinqueña
ReunionLa Marseillaise
RomaniaDeşteaptă-te, române (Wake up, Romanian)
Trei culori[?] (Three Colours)
RussiaThe Patriotic Song[?]
God Save the Tsar
RwandaRwanda rwacu[?] (Our Rwanda)
St. HelenaGod Save the Queen
St. Kitts and NevisOh Land of Beauty[?]
St. LuciaSons and Daughters of St. Lucia[?]
St. Pierre and MiquelonLa Marseillaise
St. Vincent and the GrenadinesSt Vincent Land So Beautiful[?]
SamoaThe Banner of Freedom[?]
Sao Tomé and PrincipeIndependência total[?] (Total Independence)
Saudi ArabiaAash Al Maleek[?] (Long Live Our Beloved King)
ScotlandGod Save the Queen
The Flower of Scotland
Scotland the Brave
For A That And A That[?]
SenegalPincez Tous vos Koras, Frappez les Balafons (Pluck Your Koras, Strike the Balafons)
SerbiaBoze Pravde (God of Justice)
Sierra LeoneHigh We Exalt Thee, Realm of the Free[?]
SingaporeMajulah Singapura (May Singapore Progress)
SlovakiaNad Tatrou sa blyská (Storm Over the Tatras)
SloveniaZdravljica (A Toast) Naprej zastava slave[?] (Go ahead, the Flag of Glory)
Solomon IslandsGod Save Our Solomon Islands[?]
South AfricaNkosi Sikelel iAfrica (God Bless Africa)
Die Stem van Suid Afrika (The Call of South Africa)
SpainMarcha Real (Royal March)
Sri LankaSri Lanka Matha[?]
SudanNahnu Djundulla Djundulwatan[?] (We Are the Army of God and of Our Land)
SurinameGod zij met ons Suriname (God Be With Our Suriname)
SwazilandOh God, Bestower of the Blessings of the Swazi[?]
SwedenCivil: Du gamla, Du fria (Thou ancient, Thou free, Thou mountainous North)
Royal: Ur svenska hjärtans djup en gång
SwitzerlandSwiss Psalm (Schweizerpsalm, cantique suisse)
SyriaHomat el Diyar[?] (Guardians of the Homeland)
Taiwan, Republic of ChinaThree Principles of the People, The Flag Raising Song[?]
TanzaniaMungu ibariki Afrika (God Bless Africa)
ThailandCivil: Phleng Chat
Royal: Phleng Sansasoen Phra Barami[?]
TogoSalut à toi, pays de nos aïeux[?] (Hail to thee, land of our forefathers)
TongaKoe Fasi Oe Tui Oe Otu Tonga[?]
Trinidad and TobagoForged From The Love of Liberty[?]
TunisiaAla Khallidi[?] (Oh Make Eternal) Himat Al Hima[?]
TurkeyIstiklâl Marsi (The March of Independence)
TurkmenistanIndependent, Neutral, Turkmenistan State Anthem
Turks and Caicos IslandsGod Save the Queen
TuvaluTuvalu mo te Atua (Tuvalu for the Almighty)
UgandaOh Uganda, Land of Beauty[?]
UkraineShche ne vmerla Ukraina (Ukraine Has Not Died Yet)
Union of Soviet Socialist RepublicsGimn Sovetskovo Soyuza[?] (Hymn of the Soviet Union)
The Internationale[?]
United KingdomGod Save the Queen/King
United StatesThe Star-Spangled Banner
UruguayOrientales, la Patria o la tumba[?] (Uruguayans, the Fatherland or Death!)
VanuatuYumi, Yumi, Yumi (We, We, We)
Vatican CityInno e Marcia Pontificale (Hymn and Pontifical March)
VenezuelaGloria al bravo pueblo (Glory to the Brave Nation)
VietnamTien Quan Ca (The March to the Front)
Virgin Islands (UK)God Save the Queen
Virgin Islands (US)Virgin Islands March
WalesHen Wlad Fy Nhadau
Wallis and FutunaLa Marseillaise
YemenUnited Republic
ZambiaStand and Sing of Zambia, Proud and Free
ZimbabweKalibusiswe Ilizwe leZimbabwe (Blessed Be The Land of Zimbabwe)
Formerly: Ishe Komborera Africa (God Bless Africa)

See also: Anthem, National flag

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