1819- Adams-Onis Treaty- Spain ceded Florida to US for $5,000,000,US agreed to assume claims against Spain, US gave up claims to Texas.
1823- Monroe Doctrine- British Foreign Minister Canning proposed US join England in stating that European powers not be permitted further American colonization. Monroe states on December 2 as independent American Policy.
1837- Caroline Affair- a band of Canadian rebels took refuge on Navy island on Canadian side Niagara River, US sympathizers supplied them with aid via steamboat Caroline. On December 29, Canadian forces crossed to US and set Caroline ablaze. May 29, 1838 US forces burned British steamer Sir Robert Peel while in US.
1838- Aroostook War- disagreement over Northern Boundary of Maine resulted in troops being called on both sides, Martin Van Buren arranged truce while a commission was established.
1839- Amistad case - Spanish ship Amistad left Havana, Cuba bound for Puerto Principe, Cuba[?] with 54 recently captured Africans, who broke free and killed the captain. Two passengers whose lives were spared deceived the Africans and sailed the ship to Long Island, where it was recaptured by the United States Navy, delivered to Connecticut, and libeled by the commander of the navy vessel. Various admiralty claims were made, including claims by the Spanish crown, alleging that the Africans were slaves, but the Africans were adjudicated free men by the district court. The district court's decision was affirmed by the circuit court of appeals, and further affirmed by the United States Supreme Court.
1850- Clayton-Bulwer Treaty- US and Britain agreed both nations were not to colonize or control any Central American republic, neither nation would seek exclusive control of Isthmian canal, if canal built protected by both nations for neutrality and security. Any canal built open to all nations on equal terms.
1853- Gadsden Purchase- Purchase of 30,000 square miles south of Gila River[?] for $10,000,000 for purpose of Railroad line pass through Rockies.
1854- Kanagawa Treaty- Millard Fillmore sent Matthew Perry to Tokyo, he arrived in 1853 and delivered letter, returned next year with seven warships and treaty signed opening two Japanese ports and guaranteeing safety of shipwrecked US seamen.
1898- DeLome Letter- in private letter to friend, Spanish minister wrote disparagingly of President William McKinley, letter stolen from Post Office in Havana and released by Cuban revolutionists.
1903- Hay-Herran Treaty- with Colombian minister, US acquired renewable 99 year lease on 6 mile wide strip across Panama for 10,000,000 and annual payment. Ratified by US but not by Colombian Senate.
1915- RMS_Lusitania sunk- off Irish coast by submarine under control of Captain Schweiger sunk British passenger liner containing troops and munitions as well with 128 of Americans on board killed.
1917- Lansing-Ishii Agreement- US recognized Japan had special interests in China, particularly in contiguous territory, US had objected to Japan assuming German Asian territories.
1941- Atlantic Charter- Conferences aboard warships in Placentia Bay off Argentia, Newfoundland[?] between FDR and Churchill resulted in (1) no territorial gains sought by US or UK, (2) territorial adjustments must conform to people involved, (3) people have right to choose own govt. (4) trade barriers lowered, (5) there must be disarmament, (6) there must be freedom from want and fear (4 Freedoms of FDR), (7) there must be freedom of the seas, (8) there must be an association of nations.
1947- General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade- Signed in Geneva by 23 nations including US, membership has since increased, for purpose of eliminating trade barriers of all kinds on industrial and agricultural goods.
1957- Eisenhower Doctrine- stated US would use armed force upon request of imminent or actual aggression, applied in Lebanon that year successfully.
1961- Alliance for Progress- Agreement extended economic assistance to Latin American nations in exchange for land and tax reform, more democratic govt., and greater stability.
1961- Bay of Pigs- April 17 trained Cuban refugees invaded Cuba and were defeated because of lack of U.S. air support
1961- Berlin Crisis- Soviets give East Germany control over East Berlin, in August the Berlin Wall is built to stem tidal wave of refugees, In heat of crisis John Kennedy says "Ich bin ein Berliner" (apparently translated as "I am a jelly doughnut") to thousands of screaming West Berliners.
1962- Cuban Missile Crisis- John F. Kennedy on October 22 announced that there existed Soviet missiles in Cuba and demanded their removal while imposing an air sea blockade. Nikita Khrushchev sent two letters, one belligerent one conciliatory to Kennedy, Kennedy ignores belligerent letter and missiles withdrawn on condition that US won't invade Cuba, Kennedy demanded onsite inspection, this was not allowed.
... UNICEF (1965-1979)
February 11 - Sir Keith Holyoake, New Zealand Prime Minister (1960-1972)
February 20 - Alexei Kosygin[?], Premier of the Soviet Union[?] (+ ...