Encyclopedia > List of linguistic topics

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List of linguistic topics

This page aims to list articles on Wikipedia that are related to linguistics. This is so that those interested in the subject can monitor changes to the pages by clicking on Recent changes (/w/wiki.phtml?title=Special:Recentchangeslinked&target=List_of_linguistic_topics) in the sidebar and on the bottom of the page..

The list is not necessary complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.

Table of contents
2 A
3 B
4 C
5 D
6 E
7 F
8 G
9 H

See also

A abbreviation - abessive case - ablaut - absolutive case - accusative case - acute accent - accent - acronym - adessive case - adjective - adverb - affix - affricate consonant - agglutination - agglutinative language - allative case - allomorph - allophone - alphabet - analytic language - anthropological linguistics[?] - alveolar consonant - antonym - approximant - article - articulatory phonetics - aspect - asterisk - augment - auxiliary verb

B back-formation - backronym - bilabial consonant - breathy voice - breve

C calque - cardinal vowel - case - cedilla - circumfix - circumflex - click consonant - closed-class word - cognate - cognitive science - colloquialism - comitative case - common phrases in different languages - comparative - comparative lingustics[?] - comparative method - compound - compound noun and adjective - compound verb - computer assisted language learning - computational linguistics - conjugation - conjunction - consonant - constructed language - context - copula - corpus - corpus linguisticcs[?] - creaky voice - creole language - cryptanalysis - cuneiform

D dangling modifier - dative case - decipherment - declension - descriptive linguistics - dental consonant - derivation - determiner - diacritic - diaeresis - dialect - dictionary - diphthong - discourse - double acute accent - dual grammatical number

E ecolect - elative case - endangered language - entailment - ergative case - error - essive case - Ethnologue - etymology - etymologist - evolutionary linguistics - example-based machine translation - expletive

F false cognate - false friend - formal language - fricative consonant - function word - fusional language

G gender - gendernym - general semantics - genitive case - gerund - glottal consonant - glottal stop - glottochronology - grammar - grammatical mood - grammatical number - grammatical voice - grave accent - Great Vowel Shift - Grimm's law - guttural language

H hacek - historical-comparative linguistics - historical linguistics - history of linguistics - homonym - hypernym - hyponym


ideogram - idiolect - idiom - illative case - implication (pragmatics)[?] - Indo-European languages - inessive case - infinitive - infix - inflected language - inflection - initialism - instructive case - interjection - International Phonetic Alphabet - irregular verb

J K L labiodental consonant - language - language acquisition - language education - language families and languages - language game - The Language Instinct - language isolate - laryngeal theory - lateral consonant - lemma - lexeme - lexical semantics - lexicography - lexicology - lexicon - linguist - linguistic layers - linguistic anthropology - linguistics - linguistics basic topics - liquid consonant - List of linguists - List of linguistic topics loanword - locative case

M machine translation - macron - manner of articulation - meaning - melodic accent - meronymy - metathesis - minimal pair - mispronunciation - mora - morpheme - morphology

N naming - nasal consonant - natural language - natural language processing - natural language understanding - naturalistic planned language - neologism - neurolinguistics - nominative case - noun - noun phrase

O onomatopoeia - open class word - Optimality theory[?] - orthography - OSV[?] - OVS[?] - oxytone

P palatal consonant - paradigm - paroxytone - part of speech - participle - particle - partitive case - pharyngeal consonant[?] - philology - philosophy of language - phonation - phone- phonetics - phonetic complement - phonetic transcription - phonology - phoneme - phonemics - phrase - phrase structure rules - pidgin - place of articulation - pleonasm - polysemy - polysynthetic language - portmanteau - possessive case - postalveolar consonant[?] - postposition - pragmatics - prefix - preposition - prepositional phrase - prescriptive - presupposition - profanity - prolative case - pronoun - pronunciation - prosody (linguistics)[?] - proparoxytone - pseudo-acronym - pseudo-Anglicism - psycholinguistics - punctuation

Q R radical - retroflex consonant[?] - retronym - rhotics - romanization - rounded vowel

S SAMPA - Sapir-Whorf hypothesis - schematic planned language - schwa - second language - semantics - semantic class - semantic feature - semantic property - semiotics - semivowel - sentence - sign - sign language - sociolinguistics - slack voice - slang - sociolect[?] - sound change - The sound pattern of English - SOV[?] - speaker recognition[?] - speech - speech act - speech disorder - speech processing - speech recognition - speech synthesis - speech therapy - spiritus asper - split infinitive - standard language[?] - stop consonant - stratificational linguistics - structuralism - stylistics - superlative - suppletion - subject - SVO[?] - syllabary - syllable - synonym - syntactic ambiguity - syntactic categories - syntax

T tense - thematic role - theoretical linguistics - thesaurus - thou - tonal language - tongue-twister - transcription - Transformational-generative grammar - translation - translative case - truth condition - T-V distinction - typology

U umlaut - uninflected word - Universal grammar - uvular consonant

V variety - velar consonant - verb - verb phrase - Verner's law - vocative case - vowel - vowel harmony - vowel stems - VOS[?] - SVO[?]

W word - word sense disambiguation - writing - writing systems - wug test

X X-bar theory


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