The list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.
At the end is a list of important computer people. See also List of programmers.
Symbols/Numbers 1.TR.6 -- 100BaseFX -- 100BaseTX -- 100BaseT -- 100BaseVG -- 100VG-AnyLAN -- 10base2 -- 10base5 -- 10baseT -- 120 reset -- 16-bit -- 16-bit application -- 16550 UART -- 1NF -- 1TBS --
2.PAK -- 20-Gate programming language[?] -- 20-GATE -- 28-bit -- 2B1D -- 2B1Q -- 2D[?] -- 2NF --
3-tier (computing) -- 32-bit application -- 32-bit -- 320xx microprocessor -- 320xx -- 386BSD -- 386SPART.PAR -- 3Com Corporation -- 3DO -- 3D[?] -- 3GL -- 3NF -- 3Station --
4.2BSD -- 404 error -- 431A -- 473L Query programming language -- 486SX -- 4GL -- 4NF --
51forth programming language -- 56 kbps -- 56k line -- 5ESS Switch -- 5NF -- 5th Glove --
6.001 (MIT) -- 6.001 -- 64-bit -- 680x0 -- 6x86 --
8-bit clean -- 8.3 (computing) -- 80x86 -- 82430FX -- 82430HX -- 82430MX -- 82430VX -- 8514 (display standard) -- 8514-A -- 88open -- 8N1 -- 8x86 --
90-90 Rule -- 9PAC
A ABC ALGOL -- ABLE -- ABSET -- ABSYS -- Accent programming language -- Acceptance, Test Or Launch Language -- Accessible Computing -- Ada programming language -- AIM alliance -- AirPort networking -- AIX operating system -- Alan programming language[?] -- Algol -- Algol 60 -- Algol programming language -- AltiVec -- Amdahl's law -- America Online -- Amiga -- AmigaE -- Analysis of algorithms -- AOL -- APL programming language -- Apple Computer -- Apple II -- Apple Macintosh -- AppleScript -- Arithmetic and Logical Unit -- ASCII -- Assembly language -- Atari -- Atlas Autocode -- AutoLISP -- Automaton -- AWK -- B --
B Backus-Naur Form -- Basic Rate Interface (2B+D)-- BASIC -- batch job -- BCPL -- Befunge -- BeOS -- Berkeley Software Distribution -- BETA -- Big O notation -- Binary Synchronous Transmission -- BLISS[?] -- Blue[?] -- Blue ray disk[?] -- Blue screen of death -- Bourne shell (sh) Bourne-Again shell (bash) Brainfuck -- Burrows-Abadi-Needham logic -- Business Computing[?] -- C++ -- C# -- C programming language --
C Cache -- Canonical LR parser -- Cat (Unix) -- CD-ROM -- CDP1802 -- Central Processing Unit -- Chimera -- Chomsky Normal Form -- COBOL -- Cocoa (software) -- Code and fix -- CFM -- Colouring algorithm -- COMAL -- Comm (Unix) -- Command line interface -- Command line interpreter -- -- Commercial at (computing) -- Commodore 1541 -- Commodore 1581 -- Commodore 64 -- Commodore Amiga -- Compact disc -- Computability theory -- Computational complexity theory -- Computation -- Computer Aided Design -- Computer Aided Manufacturing[?] -- Computer architecture -- Computer cluster -- Computer hardware -- Computer network -- Computer numbering formats -- Computer programming -- Computer science -- Computer security -- Computer software -- Computer system -- Computer -- Computing -- Context-free grammar -- Context-sensitive grammar -- Context-sensitive language -- Control store -- Control unit -- CORAL66 -- CP/M operating system -- CPL -- Cracking -- Cryptography -- Cryptology -- Cybersquatting -- CYK algorithm -- Cyrix 6x86 --
D Data compression -- Database normalization -- Deep Blue -- Desktop environment -- Desktop publishing -- Dibol[?] -- Diff -- Digital camera -- Digital signal processing -- Digital visual interface -- Disk storage -- DVD -- DVI (TeX) -- Dvorak Simplified Keyboard -- Dylan --
E Earth Simulator -- EBCDIC -- ECMAScript (aka JavaScript) Electronic Data Processing[?] -- Enterprise Java Beans -- Entscheidungsproblem -- Equals (computing) -- Erlang -- ERP -- Ethernet -- Euphoria -- Exploit (computer science) --
F Final Cut Pro[?] -- Finite state automaton -- Firewire -- First-generation language -- Floating Point Unit -- Floppy disk -- Formal language -- Forth -- FORTRAN -- Fourth-generation language -- Free On-line Dictionary of Computing -- Free Software Foundation -- Free software movement -- Free software -- Freeware -- G4 --
G GDI -- GEM -- GENIE[?] -- Glossary of Coding Terms -- Glossary of computer graphics terms -- Glossary of computer hardware terms -- Glossary of computer programming terms -- GNU bison -- Gnutella -- GNU -- Godiva -- Graphical user interface -- Greibach normal form --
H Hacking -- Halting problem -- Haskell -- History of computing -- History of Microsoft Windows -- History of operating systems -- History of the graphical user interface -- Hitachi 6309 -- Home computer -- Hugo[?] -- Human-computer interaction --
I IA-32 -- IA-64 -- IBM PC -- IBM -- iBook -- iCab -- iCal[?] -- Icon -- iDVD[?] -- IEEE 802.2 -- IEEE 802.3 -- IEEE Floating Point Standard -- iMac -- image processing -- iMovie[?] -- Inform -- Instruction register -- Intel 8008 -- Intel 80186 -- Intel 80188 -- Intel 80386 -- Intel 80486SX -- Intel 80486 -- Intel 8048 -- Intel 8051 -- Intel 8080 -- Intel 8086 -- Intel 80x86 -- Intel -- INTERCAL -- International Electrotechnical Commission -- Internet Explorer -- Internet -- iPhoto[?] -- iPod -- iSync[?] -- iTunes -- J programming language --
J Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition -- Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition -- Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition -- Java API -- Java programming language -- Java virtual machine -- JavaScript -- JPEG --
K KDE -- Kernighan/Ritchie[?] -- Kid -- Kilobyte -- Kleene star -- KRYPTON -- Kvikkalkul --
L LALR parser -- Lambda calculus -- Leet -- Limbo[?] -- Linked list -- Linux -- Lisp programming language -- List of computing topics -- List of IBM products -- List of Intel microprocessors -- List of operating systems -- LL parser -- LOGO -- Lotus 1-2-3 -- LR parser -- Lua -- LYaPAS -- Lynx
M M4 -- Mac OS -- Mac OS X Server -- Mac OS X -- MAD -- Mainframe computer -- Mary -- Megabyte -- Mercury -- Mesa -- Microcode -- Microprocessor -- Microprogram -- Microsequencer -- Microsoft Windows 1.0 -- Microsoft Windows -- Microsoft -- Miranda -- ML -- MMU -- MMX -- Mobile Trin[?] -- Modula -- MOO -- Moore's Law -- MOS Technologies 6501 -- MOS Technologies 6502 -- MOS Technologies 650x -- MOS Technologies 6510 -- MOS Technologies 65816 -- Motorola 68000 -- Motorola 6800 -- Motorola 68020 -- Motorola 68030 -- Motorola 68040 -- Motorola 68060 -- Motorola 6809 -- Motorola 680x0 -- Motorola 68HC11 -- Motorola 68LC040 -- Motorola 88000 -- Mozilla -- MPEG -- MS-DOS -- Multics -- Multiprocessing -- MUMPS
N Netscape Navigator -- NeXT -- Nial -- Ninety-Ninety Rule -- Non-Uniform Memory Access --
O Oberon -- Objective-C programming language -- Ocaml -- Occam -- OmniWeb -- One True Brace Style -- Open source -- Open source movement -- Opera (browser) -- Operating system advocacy -- Operating system --
P PA-RISC -- Page description language -- Parallel computing -- Parser -- Partial function -- Pascal programming language -- Peer-to-peer network -- Perl -- Personal computer -- PHP -- PILOT -- PL/I -- Pointer -- Poplog -- Portable Document Format (PDF) -- Poser -- PostScript -- PowerBook -- PowerPC -- Preprocessor -- Primitive recursive function -- Programming language -- Prolog -- PSPACE-complete -- Pulse code modulation (PCM) -- Pushdown automaton -- Python --
Q QuarkXPress -- QuickTime -- QWERTY --
R Ram disk[?] -- RAM (random access memory) -- Random access -- Rascal[?] -- Ratfor[?] -- Read only memory (ROM) -- REBOL -- Recursive descent parser -- Recursive function -- Reference (computer science) -- Register -- Regular expression -- Regular grammar -- Regular language -- RPG[?] -- REXX -- RFC 822 -- RISC -- RS/6000 -- Ruby --
S Safari (browser) -- Script kiddie -- Scripting programming language -- SCSI -- Sed -- Self (or "SELF") Semaphore (programming) -- Sequential access -- SETL[?] -- Shareware -- Shell script -- Shellcode -- SIMD -- Simula -- SLR parser -- Smalltalk -- Smiley -- SML (Standard ML) SNOBOL -- Software engineering -- Specialist computer[?] -- SPITBOL[?] -- SQL -- Structured programming -- Supercomputer -- Symmetric multiprocessing --
T TADS -- Tcl -- teco[?] -- Text editor -- TeX -- Third generation language -- Timeline of computing 1950-1979 -- Timeline of computing 1980-1989 -- Timeline of computing 1990-forward -- Timeline of computing 500 BC-1949 -- Timeline of computing -- Tk -- tpu -- Trac[?] -- Trin II[?] -- Trin VX[?] -- Turing machine -- Turing -- Two-binary, one-quaternary --
U Unicode -- Unicon[?] -- Unix -- Unix shell -- UnLambda -- USB --
V Var'aq -- VBScript -- Vector processor -- Very-Large-Scale Integration -- Video editing -- Virtual Memory System -- Virtual memory -- Visual Basic -- Visual FoxPro --
W Web browser -- Whitespace -- wiki -- window manager -- Windows 2000 -- Windows 95 -- Windows ME -- Windows NT -- Windows XP -- Word processor -- World wide web -- WYSIWYG --
X X Window System -- X86 -- Xerox Ventura --
Y Yacc -- YaST -- Yet Another -- Yorick --
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