vv < < 2 ^ v< v1<?>3v4 ^ ^ > >?> ?>5^ v v v9<?>7v6 v v< 8 . > > ^ ^<
0-9 | Push this number on the stack |
+ | Addition: Pop a and b, then push a+b |
- | Subtraction: Pop a and b, then push b-a |
* | Multiplication: Pop a and b, then push a*b |
/ | Integer division: Pop a and b, then push b/a, rounded down. If b is zero, ask the user what result they want. |
% | Modulo: Pop a and b, then push the remainder of the integer division of b/a. If b is zero, ask the user what result they want. |
! | Logical NOT: Pop a value; if the value is zero, push 1, otherwise zero. |
` | Greater than: Pop a and b, then push 1 if b>a, otherwise zero. |
> | Move right |
< | Move left |
^ | Move up |
v | Move down |
? | Move in a random direction |
_ | Pop a value; move right if value=0, left otherwise |
| | Pop a value; move down if value=0, up otherwise |
" | Start string mode: push each character's ASCII value all the way up to the next " |
: | Duplicate value on top of the stack |
\ | Swap two values on top of the stack |
$ | Pop value from the stack |
. | Pop value and output as an integer |
, | Pop value and output as ASCII character |
# | Trampoline: Skip next cell |
g | Pop y and x, then pushes ASCII value of the character at that position in the program |
p | Pop y, x and v, then change the character at the position x/y in the program to the character with ASCII value v |
& | Ask user for a number and push it |
~ | Ask user for a character and push ASCII value |
@ | End program |
The language was originally created by Chris Pressey in 1993, as an attempt to devise a language as hard to compile as possible - note that the 'p' command allows for self-modifying code. Nevertheless, a number of compilers have subsequently been written. A number of extensions to the original 'Befunge-93' specification also exist, including Funge-98, which extends the concept to an arbitrary number of dimensions and can be multithreaded, with multiple instruction pointers operating simultaneously on the same space.
See also: esoteric programming language
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