Encyclopedia > List of Amiga Games

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List of Amiga Games


1869 (Computer game)[?] -- 'NAM[?] -- 1000 Miglia[?] -- 1st Personal Pinball[?] -- 3001 - O'Connors Fight[?] -- 3D Soccer[?] -- 4 Soccer Simulations[?] -- 4D Sports Boxing[?] -- 4D Sports Driving[?] -- 4x4 Off Road Racing[?] -- 5th Gear[?] -- 7 Gates of Jambala[?] -- 9 Lives[?]


A Prehistoric Tale[?] -- A.G.E.[?] -- A.P.B. - All Points Bulletin[?] -- Aargh![?] -- Abandoned Places 1[?] -- Abandoned Places 2[?] -- Academy: Tau Ceti II[?] -- Act of War[?] -- Action Cat[?] -- Action Fighter[?] -- Action Service[?] -- Action Stations![?] -- Addams Family, The[?] -- Adidas Championship Football[?] -- Advanced Destroyer Simulator[?] -- Adventures of Robin Hood, The[?] -- African Raiders[?] -- After the War[?] -- Afterburner -- Agony[?] -- Air Bucks[?] -- Air Force Commander[?] -- Air Supply[?] -- Air Support[?] -- Air Warrior[?] -- Airball[?] -- Airborne Ranger[?] -- AirTaxi[?] -- Akira -- Aladdin (Computer game)[?] -- Aladdins Magic Lamp[?] -- Alfred Chicken[?] -- Ali Baba[?] -- Alianator[?] -- Alien 3 -- Alien Bash 2[?] -- Alien Breed[?] -- Alien Breed 2[?] -- Alien Breed 3D[?] -- Alien Breed: Tower Assault[?] -- Alien Fires 2199 AD[?] -- Alien Legion[?] -- Alien Storm[?] -- Alien Syndrome[?] -- Alien World[?] -- [[All Dogs go to Heaven]] -- All New World of Lemmings[?] -- All Quiet on the Library Front[?] -- All Terrain Racing[?] -- Alpha Waves[?] -- Altered Beast[?] -- Alternate Reality -- Ambermoon[?] -- Ambermoon[?] -- Amberstar[?] -- Amiga CD Football[?] -- Amiga Karate[?] -- Amnios[?] -- Anarchy -- Anarchy -- Ancient Art of War in the Skies[?] -- Ancient Battles[?] -- Ancient Battles[?] -- Ancient Domains of Mystery[?] -- Andromeda Mission[?] -- Another World[?] -- Antago[?] -- Antares -- Apache -- Apache Flight[?] -- APB[?] -- Apidya[?] -- Apocalypse -- Apprentice[?] -- Aquanaut[?] -- Aquaventura[?] -- Arabian Nights -- Arachnophobia -- Arcade ClassiX[?] -- Arcade Fruit Machine[?] -- Arcade Pool[?] -- Archer Maclean's Pool[?] -- Archipelagos[?] -- Archon -- Archon 2[?] -- Arctic Fox -- Arena 2000[?] -- Arkanoid -- Arkanoid 2[?] -- Armada[?] -- Armalyte[?] -- Armour-Geddon -- Armour-Geddon 2[?] -- Army Moves[?] -- Arnhem: The Market Garden Operation[?] -- Arnie[?] -- Arnie 2[?] -- Arya Vaiv[?] -- Ashes of Empire[?] -- Assassin -- Assassin Special Edition[?] -- Astaroth - Angel of Death[?] -- Astate[?] -- Astro Marine Cops - AMC[?] -- Atax[?] -- ATF II[?] -- Atomino[?] -- A-Train[?] -- Aunt Arctic Adventure[?] -- Austerlitz[?] -- Australopiticus Mechanicus[?] -- Autoduel[?] -- AV8B Harrier Assault[?] -- Awesome[?] -- Axe of Rage[?] -- Axel's Magic Hammer[?]


B.A.T. 1[?] -- B.A.T. 2[?] -- B17 Flying Fortress[?] -- Baal -- Baby Joe[?] -- Back to the Future 2[?] -- Back to the Future 3[?] -- Backlash[?] -- Bad Company -- Badlands Pete[?] -- Balance of Power[?] -- Balances[?] -- Ballistic Diplomacy[?] -- Ballistix[?] -- Bandit Kings of Ancient China[?] -- Bane of the Cosmic Forge[?] -- Bangboo[?] -- Bangkok Knights[?] -- Bank Busters[?] -- Banshee -- Bar games[?] -- Barbarian -- Barbarian 2[?] -- Bard's Tale 1[?] -- Bard's Tale 2[?] -- Bard's Tale 3[?] -- Bard's Tale, The[?] -- Barney Mouse[?] -- Bart vs the Space Mutants[?] -- Bart vs the World[?] -- Base Jumpers[?] -- Batman -- Batman - Action Game[?] -- Batman - The Movie[?] -- Batman Returns -- Battle Chess[?] -- Battle Command[?] -- Battle Isle[?] -- Battle Isle '93[?] -- Battle Master[?] -- Battle Squadron[?] -- Battle Valley[?] -- Battlehawks 1942[?] -- Battlestorm[?] -- Battletech -- Battletoads -- Bazza'n'Runt[?] -- BC Kid[?] -- Beam -- Beastlord[?] -- Beavers[?] -- Beneath A Steel Sky[?] -- Benefactor[?] -- Benny Beetle[?] -- Betrayal[?] -- Better dead than Alien[?] -- Beyond Dark Castle[?] -- Beyond the Ice Palace[?] -- Big Business -- Big Run -- Big Sea[?] -- Bignose the Caveman[?] -- Biing[?] -- Bill's Tomato Game[?] -- Bio Challenge[?] -- Bionic Commando[?] -- Birds of Prey[?] -- Bismarck -- Black Crypt[?] -- Black Gold -- Black Magic -- Black Tiger[?] -- Black Viper[?] -- Blade[?] -- Blade Warrior[?] -- Blasteroids[?] -- Blinky's Scary School[?] -- Blitzbombers[?] -- Blitzkrieg -- Blob[?] -- Blobz[?] -- Blockout[?] -- Blood Money[?] -- Blood Wars[?] -- Bloodnet[?] -- Bloodwych -- Blue and the Gray[?] -- Blue Angel 69[?] -- Blues Brothers -- BMX Simulator[?] -- Bob's Bad Day[?] -- Bob's Garden[?] -- Bodo Illgner's Super Soccer[?] -- Body Blows[?] -- Body Blows Galactic[?] -- Bograts[?] -- Bograts[?] -- Bomb Jack 1[?] -- Bomb Jack 2[?] -- Bomb Mania[?] -- Bomber Bob[?] -- Bombfusion[?] -- Bombuzal -- Bombuzal -- Bonanza Brothers[?] -- Boooly[?] -- Borobodur[?] -- Borodino[?] -- Börsenfieber[?] -- BoulderDäsh[?] -- Bouncing Bill[?] -- Brain Box[?] -- Brain Killer[?] -- Brain Man[?] -- Brainball[?] -- Brat[?] -- Bravo Romeo Delta[?] -- Breach 1[?] -- Breach 2[?] -- Breathless[?] -- Breed 2000[?] -- Breed 96[?] -- Brian the Lion[?] -- Brides of Dracula[?] -- Brigade Commander[?] -- Brutal Sports Football[?] -- BSS Jane Seymour[?] -- Bubba'n'Stix[?] -- Bubble & Squeak[?] -- Bubble Bobble -- Bubble Dizzy[?] -- Bubble Heroes[?] -- Buck Rogers - Countdown to Doomsday[?] -- Buck Rogers 2[?] -- Bucktooth Bob's Jungle Adventure[?] -- Budokan - Martial Spirit[?] -- Bug Bash[?] -- Bug Bomber[?] -- Buggy Boy[?] -- Build It[?] -- Builderland[?] -- Bump'n'Burn[?] -- Bumpy's Arcade Fantasy[?] -- Burger Man[?] -- Burning Rubber[?] -- Burnout[?] -- Burntime[?] -- Burntime AGA[?]


Cabaret Asteroids[?] -- Cadaver[?] -- Caesar -- California Games[?] -- Campaign[?] -- Cannon Fodder[?] -- Cannon Fodder 2[?] -- Capital Punishment[?] -- Captain Dynamo[?] -- Captain Fizz[?] -- Captain Planet[?] -- Captain Planet[?] -- Captive[?] -- Captive 2[?] -- Car Vup[?] -- Cardiaxx[?] -- Carnage[?] -- Carrier Command[?] -- Carthage -- Carvup[?] -- Cash -- Castle Incinerator[?] -- Castle Kingdoms[?] -- Castle of Dr. Brain[?] -- Castle Warrior[?] -- Castles 1[?] -- Castles 2[?] -- Catch 'em[?] -- Cattivic[?] -- Caveman Species[?] -- Cedric[?] -- Cells - Game of Life[?] -- Celtic Legends[?] -- Centerbase[?] -- Centurion - Defender of Rome[?] -- Century -- Chambers of Shaolin[?] -- Champion Driver[?] -- Champions of Krynn[?] -- Champions of Krynn[?] -- Champions of Raj[?] -- Championship Run[?] -- Chaos Engine 2[?] -- Chaos Engine -- Chaos Strikes Back[?] -- Chariots of Wrath[?] -- Charr[?] -- Chartbreaker[?] -- Chase[?] -- Chase HQ[?] -- Chinese Karate[?] -- Chip's Challenge[?] -- Christminster[?] -- Christoph Kolumbus[?] -- ChronoQuest[?] -- ChronoQuest-II[?] -- Chubby Gristle[?] -- Chuck Rock[?] -- -- Chuck Rock 2 - Son of Chuck[?] -- Chuckie Egg 1[?] -- Chuckie Egg 2 - Chockie Egg[?] -- Cisco Heat[?] -- Citadel -- City Defence[?] -- Civilization -- CJ in the USA[?] -- CJ's Elephant Antics[?] -- Clever & Smart[?] -- Cliffhanger -- Clik Clak[?] -- Clockwiser[?] -- Cloud Kingdoms[?] -- Clown'o'Mania[?] -- Cluedo -- Clystron[?] -- Coala[?] -- Cobra -- Codename Hell Squad[?] -- Cohort 1[?] -- Cohort 2[?] -- Colonial Conquest 2[?] -- Colonization -- The Colony[?] -- Colorado -- Combat Air Patrol[?] -- Commando -- Computer Diplomacy[?] -- Conflict Europe[?] -- Conflict: Korea[?] -- Conflict: Middle East[?] -- Conqueror[?] -- Conquestador[?] -- Continental Circus[?] -- Cool Spot[?] -- Cool World[?] -- Corporation -- Corporation -- Corruption -- Cosmic Spacehead[?] -- Cougar Force[?] -- Count Duckula[?] -- Covert Action[?] -- Crack Down[?] -- Crazy Cars 1[?] -- Crazy Cars 2[?] -- Crazy Cars 3[?] -- Crazy Seasons[?] -- Crazy Sue 1[?] -- Crazy Sue 2[?] -- Creatures[?] -- Creepers[?] -- Crossbow -- Crossfire 2[?] -- Crown -- Cruise For A Corpse[?] -- Crystal Dragon[?] -- Crystal Kingdom Dizzy[?] -- Crystal Palace -- Crystals of Arborea[?] -- Cubulus[?] -- Curse of the Azure Bonds[?] -- Cyber Games[?] -- Cyberblast[?] -- Cybercon III[?] -- Cybernoid 1[?] -- Cybernoid 2[?] -- Cyberpunks[?] -- Cybersphere[?] -- Cyberzerk[?] -- Cybexion[?] -- Cygnus 8[?]


D.R.A.G.O.N. Force[?] -- D/Generation[?] -- Dalek Attack[?] -- Damocles -- Dan Dare 3[?] -- Danger Castle[?] -- Danger Freak[?] -- Dangerous Streets[?] -- Dark Castle[?] -- Dark Century[?] -- Dark Fusion[?] -- Dark Queen of Krynn[?] -- Dark Seed[?] -- Darkman[?] -- Darkmere[?] -- Darkmere[?] -- Darkspyre[?] -- Das Boot -- Das Deutsche Imperium[?] -- Das Dschungelbuch[?] -- Das Haus[?] -- Das Magazin[?] -- Das Schwarze Auge - Schicksalsklinge[?] -- Datastorm[?] -- Dawn Patrol[?] -- Day of the Pharao[?] -- Day of the Viper[?] -- Daylight Robbery[?] -- Days of Thunder[?] -- D-Day -- Death Knights of Krynn[?] -- Death Mask[?] -- Death or Glory[?] -- Death Trap[?] -- Deathbots[?] -- Deathbringer[?] -- Deep Core[?] -- Defender[?] -- Defender 2[?] -- Defender of the Crown[?] -- Defender of the Crown II[?] -- Defenders of the Earth[?] -- Deflector[?] -- Deja Vu[?] -- Deja Vu II[?] -- Deliverance -- Delivery Agent[?] -- Deluxe Galaga[?] -- Demon Blue[?] -- Demon Wars[?] -- Demon's Winter[?] -- Dennis[?] -- Der Patrizier[?] -- Der Produzent[?] -- Der Reeder[?] -- Der Seelenturm[?] -- Descent -- Desert Strike[?] -- Detroit AGA[?] -- Deuteros[?] -- Diablo -- Dick Tracy -- Die Drachen von Laas[?] -- Die Nordländer[?] -- Die unendliche Geschichte 2[?] -- Diggers[?] -- Dino Wars[?] -- Dinosaur Detective Agency[?] -- Disc -- Discovery -- Diskman[?] -- Disposable Hero[?] -- Dithell in Space[?] -- Dizzy - The Ultimate Cartoon Adventure[?] -- Dizzy Down the Rapids[?] -- Dizzy Panic[?] -- DNA Warrior[?] -- Doc Croc's Adventure[?] -- Dogfight[?] -- Dojo Dan[?] -- Domination -- Dominator[?] -- Dominium[?] -- Donk![?] -- Doodlebug[?] -- Doofus -- Doom -- Double Agent[?] -- Double Dragon 1[?] -- Double Dragon 2[?] -- Double Dragon 3[?] -- Double Mind[?] -- Down at the Trolls[?] -- Dr. Doom's Revenge[?] -- Dracula -- Dragon Breed[?] -- Dragon Fighter[?] -- Dragon Ninja[?] -- Dragon Spirit[?] -- Dragon Strike[?] -- Dragon Wars[?] -- Dragon's Breath[?] -- Dragon's Lair 1[?] -- Dragon's Lair 2[?] -- Dragon's Lair 3[?] -- Dragonflight -- Dragon's Breath[?] -- Dragon's Lair[?] -- Dragons of Flame[?] -- Dragonstone[?] -- DragonStrike[?] -- Drakkhen[?] -- Dreadnoughts[?] -- Dreamweb[?] -- Drivin' Force[?] -- Drol[?] -- Drop It[?] -- Duck Tales - Quest for Gold[?] -- Dune -- Dune II[?] -- Dungeon Flipper[?] -- Dungeon Master -- Dungeon Master 2[?] -- Dungeons of Avalon 1[?] -- Dungeons of Avalon 2 - Island of Darkness[?] -- Dyna Blaster[?] -- Dynablasters[?] -- Dynamite Düx[?] -- Dynasty Wars[?] -- Dynatech[?] -- Dyter 07[?]


E.S.S. - European Space Simulator[?] -- Eagle's Rider[?] -- Earl Weaver Baseball[?] -- Earth 2140[?] -- Eat the Whistle[?] -- Eco[?] -- Edd the Duck 1[?] -- Edd the Duck 2[?] -- Eggminator[?] -- Elf -- Elf Mania[?] -- Eliminator[?] -- Elite -- Elite 2 - Frontier[?] -- Elite plus[?] -- Elvira - Arcade Game[?] -- Elvira 1[?] -- Elvira 2[?] -- Elysium -- Emlyn Hughes International Soccer[?] -- E-Motion[?] -- E-Motion[?] -- Emperor of the Mines[?] -- Empire Soccer[?] -- The Empire Strikes Back -- Empire: Wargame of the Century[?] -- Encounter[?] -- England Championship Special[?] -- Enigma -- Enterprise[?] -- Entity -- Epic -- Erik[?] -- Escape from Colditz[?] -- Escape from the Planet of the Robot Monsters[?] -- Espionage -- Euro Soccer '88[?] -- Euro Soccer '92[?] -- European Championship 1992[?] -- European Football Champ[?] -- European Soccer Challenge[?] -- Evil Garden[?] -- Evil's Doom[?] -- Evolution Cryser[?] -- Exile -- Exodus 3010[?] -- Exodus: The Last War[?] -- Exolon[?] -- Exploding Fist[?] -- Exterminator[?] -- Extreme Violence 6.9[?] -- Exxolon[?] -- Eye of Horus[?] -- Eye of the Beholder -- Eye of the Beholder 2[?] -- Eye of the Storm[?] -- Eyes of the Eagle[?]


F.O.F.T. - Federation of Free Traders[?] -- F/A-18 Interceptor[?] -- F-117 Stealth Fighter 2[?] -- F-15 Strike Eagle 2[?] -- F-16 Combat Pilot[?] -- F-16 Falcon 1[?] -- F-16 Falcon 2[?] -- F17 Challenge[?] -- F-19 Stealth Fighter[?] -- F-29 Retaliator[?] -- FA Premier League -- Faery Tale Adventure[?] -- Fah-Yo[?] -- Falcon -- Fallen Angel[?] -- Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy[?] -- Fantastic Voyage[?] -- Fantasy World Dizzy[?] -- Fascination[?] -- Fast Eddie's Pool[?] -- Fast Food Dizzy[?] -- Fast Lane[?] -- Fate - Gates of Dawn[?] -- Fatman[?] -- Fears[?] -- The Feeble Files[?] -- Ferrari Formula One[?] -- Fields of Glory[?] -- Fields of Glory[?] -- Fields of Glory[?] -- FIFA -- FIFA International Soccer[?] -- Fighter Bomber[?] -- Fighter Command[?] -- Fighter Duel Pro 2[?] -- Fightin' Spirit[?] -- Fighting Soccer[?] -- Fighting Spirit[?] -- Fill'em[?] -- Final Command[?] -- Final Countdown[?] -- Final Fight[?] -- Final Odyssey[?] -- Fire -- Fire & Brimstone[?] -- Fire and Ice[?] -- Fire and Ice[?] -- Fire Brigade[?] -- Fire Zone[?] -- Fireforce[?] -- Fireteam 2200[?] -- First Contact -- First Samurai[?] -- Fist Fighter[?] -- Flamingo Tours[?] -- Flashback -- Flight of the Amazon Queen[?] -- Flight of the Intruder[?] -- Flimbo's Quest[?] -- Flip It & Magnose[?] -- Flood -- Fly Fighter[?] -- Fly Harder[?] -- Flying High -- Flying Shark[?] -- Football Champ[?] -- Football Glory[?] -- Football Glory Indoors[?] -- Footballer of the Year[?] -- Forest Dumb Forever[?] -- Forgotten Worlds[?] -- Formula 1 3D[?] -- Formula 1 Grand Prix[?] -- Formula One Grand Prix[?] -- Fort Apache[?] -- Fortress Underground[?] -- Foundation -- Foundation Director's Cut[?] -- Foundations Waste[?] -- Frankenstein -- Freecell[?] -- Freedom -- Freespace - The Great War[?] -- Frenetic[?] -- Fright Night[?] -- Frontier Elite 2[?] -- Fugger -- Full Contact[?] -- Full Metal Planete[?] -- Fullspeed[?] -- Funsoft Inc.[?] -- Furball[?] -- Fury of the Furries[?] -- Future Space[?] -- Future Sport[?] -- Future Tank[?] -- Fuzzball[?]


Gainforce[?] -- Galactic Conqueror[?] -- Galactic Empire -- Galaga[?] -- Galaxy 89[?] -- Galaxy Force[?] -- Galdregon's Domain[?] -- Game Over[?] -- Garfield - Winter's Tail[?] -- Garrison[?] -- Garrison 1[?] -- Garrison 2[?] -- Gateway to the Savage Frontiers[?] -- Gauntlet 2[?] -- Gauntlet 3[?] -- Gazza Soccer 2[?] -- Gear Works[?] -- Gear Works[?] -- Gee Bee Air Rally[?] -- Gem Stone Legend[?] -- Gemini Wing[?] -- Gem'X[?] -- Genesia[?] -- Genetic Species[?] -- Genghis Khan -- Genius -- German Trucking[?] -- Gettysburg -- Ghostbusters 1[?] -- Ghostbusters 2[?] -- Ghosts'n'Goblins[?] -- Ghouls'n'Ghosts[?] -- Gilbert - Escape from Drill[?] -- Global Chaos[?] -- Global Commander[?] -- Global Effect[?] -- Global Gladiators[?] -- Globdule[?] -- Globulus[?] -- G-Loc[?] -- Gloom[?] -- Goal![?] -- Goblins III[?] -- Gods -- Gold of the Americas[?] -- Gold of the Realm[?] -- Golden Axe[?] -- Golden Eagle -- Goldrunner 1[?] -- Goldrunner 2[?] -- Graeme Souness Vektor Soccer[?] -- Graffiti Man[?] -- Grand Prix Circuit[?] -- Gravity -- Gravity Power[?] -- Great Courts II[?] -- Great Giana Sisters -- Great Napoleonic Battles[?] -- Gremlins 2[?] -- Gridiron![?] -- Guardian[?] -- Guardian Angel[?] -- Guardians[?] -- Gunbee F-99[?] -- Gunship[?] -- Gunship 2000[?] -- Guy Spy[?]


H.A.T.E.[?] -- Hacker 1[?] -- Hacker 2[?] -- Halls of Montezuma[?] -- Hammerfist[?] -- Hannibal -- Hanse 1[?] -- Hanse 2 - Gold[?] -- Hard Drivin'[?] -- Hard Drivin' 2 - Drive Harder[?] -- Hard Nova[?] -- Hard'n'Heavy[?] -- Harlequin -- Harpoon[?] -- Harrier Jump Jet[?] -- Hawkeye[?] -- Head over Heals[?] -- Heart of China[?] -- Heart of the Dragon[?] -- Heimdall -- Heimdall 2[?] -- Hell Raiser[?] -- Hell Run[?] -- Hellfire Attack[?] -- Heretic II -- Hero Quest 1[?] -- Hero Quest 2[?] -- Hex -- High Octane[?] -- High Seas Trader[?] -- High Steel[?] -- Highway Patrol 1[?] -- Highway Patrol 2[?] -- Hillsea Lido[?] -- Hillsfar[?] -- Hired Guns -- History Line 1914-1918[?] -- History Line 1914-1918[?] -- Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy -- Hoi[?] -- Hole-in-One Miniature Golf[?] -- Hollywood Pictures[?] -- Home Alone -- Hong Kong Phooey[?] -- Horror Zombies from the Crypt[?] -- Hostages -- Hostile Breed[?] -- Hot Ball[?] -- Hot Rod[?] -- Huckleberry Hound -- Hudson Hawk -- Hugo -- Human Killing Machine[?] -- Humans 1[?] -- Humans 2[?] -- Humans 3[?] -- Hunt the Fonts[?] -- Hunter[?] -- Hybris -- Hyperdome[?]


I Ludicrus[?] -- Iceball[?] -- Icerunner[?] -- Ikari Warriors[?] -- Ilyad[?] -- Ilyad[?] -- Impact[?] -- Imperator[?] -- Imperium -- Impossamole[?] -- Impossible Mission 2[?] -- Impossible Mission 2025[?] -- Impossible Mission 2025[?] -- Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis -- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade -- Indianapolis 500 -- Indoor Sports[?] -- Industrial Rebound[?] -- Indy Heat[?] -- Inferior[?] -- Infestation[?] -- Insanity Fight[?] -- Insects in Space[?] -- Intact[?] -- International Karate[?] -- International Karate Plus[?] -- International Soccer[?] -- International Soccer Challenge[?] -- International Truck Racing[?] -- Interphase -- Into the Eagle's Nest[?] -- Invest[?] -- Ishar 1[?] -- Ishar 2[?] -- Ishar 3[?] -- Ishido[?] -- It Came From the Desert[?] -- Italia 1990[?] -- Italy 90[?] -- Ivanhoe


Jaguar XJ220[?] -- Jaktar - Der Elfenstein[?] -- James Bond - Licence to Kill[?] -- James Bond - Spy who loved me[?] -- James Pond -- James Pond 2[?] -- James Pond 3[?] -- Japanese, British & German Forces[?] -- Jaws -- Jeanne d'Arc -- Jet -- Jet Pilot[?] -- Jet Set Willy 1[?] -- Jet Set Willy 2[?] -- Jetstrike[?] -- Jim Power[?] -- Jimmy White's Whirlwind Snooker[?] -- Jimmy's Fantastic Journey[?] -- Jinxter[?] -- Joan of Arc: Siege and the Sword[?] -- Joe & Mac - Caveman Ninja[?] -- John Barnes European Football[?] -- John Madden's Football[?] -- Judge Dredd -- JUG[?] -- Jumping Jack Son[?] -- Jungle Boy[?] -- Jungle Strike[?] -- Jurassic Park


K240[?] -- Kaiser -- Kalashnikov[?] -- Kampfgruppe[?] -- Kang Fu[?] -- KAPITAlist[?] -- Katakis[?] -- Kayden Garth[?] -- Keef the Thief[?] -- Kellogg's Game[?] -- Kelly X[?] -- Kengi[?] -- Kengilon[?] -- Kenny Dalglish Soccer Match[?] -- Keys to Maramon[?] -- KGB -- Khalaan[?] -- Kick Off[?] -- Kid Chaos[?] -- Kid Gloves[?] -- Kid Gloves 2[?] -- Killing Cloud[?] -- Killing Game Show[?] -- Killing Machine[?] -- King of Chicago[?] -- King of Chicago[?] -- King's Bounty[?] -- Kingdoms of England[?] -- Kingdoms of Germany[?] -- Kingmaker[?] -- King's Bounty[?] -- King's Quest I[?] -- Kiro's Quest[?] -- Klax[?] -- Knightforce[?] -- Knightmare -- Knights -- Knights of the Crystallion[?] -- Knights of the Sky[?] -- Knoorkie the Pig[?] -- Kosmos[?] -- Krusty's Fun House[?] -- Kult -- Kwik Snax[?]


Lamborghini -- Lamborghini American Challenge[?] -- Lancaster -- Land of Genesis[?] -- Larrie and the Ardies[?] -- Larrie at the Castle[?] -- Laser Squad[?] -- Laser Squad[?] -- Last Action Hero[?] -- Last Battle[?] -- Last Ninja 2[?] -- Last Ninja 3[?] -- Leading Lap[?] -- Leander[?] -- Leavin' Teramis[?] -- LED Storm[?] -- Legend -- Legend of Fearghail[?] -- Legend Of Kyrandia[?] -- Legend of Lothian[?] -- Legend of the Lost[?] -- Legend of Valour[?] -- Legion of Dawn[?] -- Leisure Suit Larry -- Lemmings -- Lemmings 2[?] -- Lemmings 3[?] -- Let Sleeping Gods Lie[?] -- Lethal Action[?] -- Lethal Weapon -- Lethal Xcess[?] -- Liberation -- Liberation -- Life and Death[?] -- Light Corridor[?] -- Limes & Napoleon[?] -- Links -- Lionheart[?] -- Lionking[?] -- Litil Divil[?] -- Little Dragon[?] -- Little Puff in Dragonland[?] -- Liverpool -- Livingstone 1[?] -- Livingstone 2[?] -- Llamatron[?] -- Logic -- Logical -- Logo -- Lollypop[?] -- Lombard RAC Rally[?] -- Loom -- Lord of the Rings -- Lords of Chaos[?] -- Lords of Doom[?] -- Lords of the Realm[?] -- Lords of the Rising Sun[?] -- Lords of Time[?] -- Lorna[?] -- Lost Dutchman Mine[?] -- Lost New York[?] -- Lost Patrol[?] -- The Lost Vikings -- Lost'n'Maze[?] -- Lothar Matthäus Soccer[?] -- Lupo Alberto[?] -- Luxor


M1 Tank Platoon[?] -- Mad News[?] -- Mad Professor Mariarti[?] -- Mad TV[?] -- Maelstrom[?] -- Maelstrom[?] -- Mafdet -- Mag![?] -- Magic Ball[?] -- Magic Boy[?] -- Magic Fly[?] -- Magic Marble[?] -- Magic Pockets[?] -- Magic Serpent[?] -- Magicland Dizzy[?] -- Major Motion[?] -- Manager[?] -- Manager[?] -- Manchester United 1[?] -- Manchester United 2[?] -- Manchester United 3[?] -- Maniac Mansion -- Manic Miner 1[?] -- Manic Miner 2[?] -- Manix[?] -- Marble Madness -- Marble Madness -- Marblelous 1[?] -- Marblelous 2[?] -- Marvin's Marvellous Adventures[?] -- Master Axe[?] -- Master Ninja[?] -- Matrix Marauders[?] -- MAX Rally[?] -- McDonald Land[?] -- Mean 18[?] -- Mech Force V.3.77[?] -- Medieval Warriors[?] -- Mega lo Mania[?] -- Mega Motion[?] -- Mega Phoenix[?] -- Mega Twins[?] -- Mega Typhoon[?] -- Megaball 4[?] -- Megablast[?] -- Megafortress[?] -- Mega-lo-Mania[?] -- Megaphoenix[?] -- Megatraveller 1[?] -- Megatraveller 2[?] -- Menace[?] -- Mercenary -- Mercenary 3[?] -- Merchant Colony[?] -- Metal Law[?] -- Metal Masters[?] -- Micky Mouse[?] -- Micro Machines[?] -- Microcosm[?] -- Microprose Golf[?] -- Microprose Soccer[?] -- Midnight Resistance[?] -- Midwinter[?] -- Midwinter 2[?] -- MIG-29 Soviet Fighter[?] -- MIG-29M Super Fulcrum[?] -- Might & Magic 2 - Gates to Another World[?] -- Might & Magic 3 - Isles of Terra[?] -- Mighty Bomb Jack[?] -- Mike the Magic Dragon[?] -- Mille Miglia[?] -- Millenium 2.2[?] -- Mind Force[?] -- Mind Run[?] -- Mindroll[?] -- Mindwalker[?] -- Minos -- Missile Command -- Missiles over Xerion[?] -- Mission Elevator[?] -- Mobile Warfare[?] -- Moebius[?] -- Monopoly -- Monster Business[?] -- Monsters of Terror[?] -- Monty Python's Flying Circus -- Moon City[?] -- Moonbase[?] -- Moonblaster[?] -- Moonfall[?] -- Moonshine Racers[?] -- Moonstone[?] -- Moonwalker[?] -- Morph[?] -- Morph[?] -- Mortal Kombat -- Mortal Kombat II[?] -- Mot[?] -- Motorbike Madness[?] -- Motorhead -- Mr. Blobby[?] -- Mr. Do! Run Run![?] -- Mr. Heli[?] -- Mr. Nutz[?] -- Murder![?] -- Myst -- Mystical -- Myth


Napalm -- Napoleon -- Naughty Ones[?] -- Navy Moves[?] -- Navy Seals[?] -- Nebulus[?] -- Nebulus 1[?] -- Nebulus 2[?] -- Necronom[?] -- Neighbours -- Nemac IV[?] -- Neuromancer -- Never Mind[?] -- New York Warriors[?] -- New Zealand Story -- Nick Faldo's Championship Golf[?] -- Nicky 1[?] -- Nicky 2[?] -- Nigel Mansell's Grand Prix[?] -- Nigel Mansell's World Championship[?] -- Night Hunter[?] -- Night Raider[?] -- Night Shift -- Nightbreed: Action Game[?] -- Nightlong[?] -- Ninja -- Ninja Rabbits[?] -- Ninja Remix[?] -- Ninja Spirit[?] -- Nitro[?] -- No Buddies Land[?] -- No Excuses[?] -- No Exit[?] -- No Greater Glory[?] -- No Second Prize[?] -- Nobunaga's Ambition[?] -- North and South -- Nova 9[?] -- Nuclear War[?] -- Nuxelia[?] -- NY Warriors[?]


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Dennis Gabor

...     Contents Dennis Gabor Dennis Gabor (Gábor Dénes) (1900-1979) was a Hungarian physicist. He invented holography in 1947, for ...

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