Encyclopedia > List of WOSM members

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List of WOSM members

The World Organization of the Scout Movement recognizes at most one organization per country. Some countries have several organizations combined as a federation, with different component groups divided on the basis of religion (France), geography (Denmark), language (Canada), sex (United States) or race (Israel).

World Organization of the Scout Movement Members
Country Membership (from 2000 or most recent available info) Name of Member Organization Year Current Scouting Organization joined WOSM Year Memer Organization was founded
Albania 1,730 Besa Skaut Albania[?] 1999 1922
Algeria 11,120 Scouts Musulmans Algériens[?] 1963 1939
Angola 13,777 Associação de Escuteros de Angola[?] 1998 1998
Argentina 44,981 Scouts de Argentina[?] 1922 1912
Armenia 2,256 Hayastani Azgayin Scautakan Sharjum Kazmakerputiun[?] 1997 1912
Australia 98,084 Scouts Australia[?] 1953 1908
Austria 13,785 Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Österreichs[?] 1922 1912
Azerbaijan 1,414 Azerbaican Skaut Assosiasiyasi[?] 2000 1997
the Bahamas 729 The Scout Association of the Bahamas[?] 1974 1913
Bahrain 1,820 Boy Scouts of Bahrain[?] 1970 1953
Bangladesh 908,435 Bangladesh Scouts[?] 1974 19
Barbados 3,032 Barbados Boy Scouts Association[?] 1969 1972
Belarus 3,408 Belaruskaya Natsianalnaya Skautskaya Asatsiyatsia[?] 1998 1909
Belgium 88,271 Guidisme et Scoutisme en Belgique/Gidsen- en Scoutsbeweging in België[?] (federation of several organizations) 1922 1911
Belize 1,211 The Scout Association of Belize[?] 1987 1911
Benin 19,605 Scoutisme Béninois[?] 1964 1932
Bhutan 6,716 Bhutan Scout Tshogpa[?] 1999 1991
Bolivia 7,521 Asociación de Scouts de Bolivia[?] 1950 1915
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1,514 The Council of Scout Associations in Bosnia and Herzegovina[?] (federation of several organizations) 1999 1999
Botswana 4,660 The Botswana Scouts Association[?] 1958 1936
Brazil 66,375 União dos Escoteiros do Brasil [?] 1922 1910
Brunei Darussalam 2,772 Persekutuan Pengakap Negara Brunei Darussalam[?] 1981 1933
Bulgaria 1,832 Organizatsia Na Bulgarskite Skauty[?] 1999 1911-1913
Burkina Faso 10,165 Fédération Burkinabé du Scoutisme[?] (federation of several organizations) 1972 1943
Burundi 6,661 Association des Scouts du Burundi[?] 1979 1940
Cameroon 6,535 Les Scouts du Cameroun[?] 1971 1937
Canada 212,259 Scouts Canada[?], with which is affiliated the Association des Scouts du Canada[?] 1946 1909
Cape Verde 1,500 Associação dos Escuteiros de Cabo Verde[?] 2002 2002
Chad 8,132 Fédération du Scoutisme Tchadien[?] (federation of several organizations) 1974 1960
Chile 33,812 Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Chile[?] 1922 1909
Colombia 12,808 Asociación de Scouts de Colombia [?] 1933 1917
Comoros 2,200 Wezombeli[?] 1990 1975
Democratic Republic of the Congo 62,842 Fédération des Scouts de la République démocratique du Congo[?] 1963 1924
Costa Rica 9,752 Asociación de Guias y Scouts de Costa Rica[?] 1925 1915
Côte d'Ivoire 6,436 Fédération Ivoirienne du Scoutisme[?] (federation of several organizations) 1972 1937
Croatia 4,068 Savez Izvidaca Hrvatske[?] 1993 1915
Cyprus 4,478 Cyprus Scouts Association[?] 1961 1913
Czech Republic 26,435 Junák-Svaz Skautu a Skautek[?] 1996 1911
Denmark 47,475 Fællesrådet for Danmarks Drengespejdere[?] (federation of several organizations) 1922 1909
Dominica 1,100 The Scout Association of Dominica[?] 1990 1929
Dominican Republic 8,702 Asociación de Scouts Dominicanos[?] 1930 1926
Ecuador 4,132 Asociación de Scouts del Ecuador[?] 1922 1920
Egypt 74,598 Egyptian Scout Federation[?] 1922 1918
El Salvador 3,970 Asociación de Scouts de El Salvador[?] 19 19
Estonia 1,167 Eesti Skautide Ühing[?] 1940 1938
Ethiopia 1,000 Ethiopia Scout Association[?] 2002 1950
Fiji 2,821 Fiji Scouts Association[?] 1971 1914
Finland 26,885 The Guides and Scouts of Finland[?] 1922 1910
France 102,405 Scoutisme Français[?] (federation of several organizations) 1922 1910
Gabon 3,835 Fédération Gabonaise du Scoutisme[?] (federation of several organizations) 1971 1936
Gambia 15,632 The Gambia Scout Association[?] 1984 1921
Georgia 1,092 sakartvelos skauturi modzraobis organizatsia[?] 1997 1994
Germany 123,937 Ring deutscher Pfadfinderverbände[?] (federation of several organizations) 1950 1910
Ghana 2,311 The Ghana Scout Association[?] 1960 1912
Greece 18,992 Soma Hellinon Proskopon[?] 1922 1910
Grenada 1,665 The Scout Association of Grenada[?] 1979 1924
Guatemala 11,395 Asociación de Scouts de Guatemala[?] 1930 1928
Guyana 294 The Scout Association of Guyana[?] 1967 1909
Haiti 9,859 Scouts d'Haïti[?] 1932 1932
Honduras 5,174 Asociación de Scouts de Honduras[?] 1957 1952
Hong Kong 74,147 The Scout Association of Hong Kong[?] 1977 1911
Hungary 11,243 Magyar Cserkészszövetség[?] 1990 1912
Iceland 1,526 Bandalag íslenskra Skáta[?] 1924 1912
India 2,138,015 The Bharat Scouts and Guides[?] 1938 1909
Indonesia 8,909,435 Gerakan Pramuka[?] 1953 1912
Ireland 36,783 Federation of Irish Scout Associations[?] (federation of several organizations) 1949 1908
Israel 21,920 Hitachdut Hatsofim Ve Hatsofot Be Israel[?] (federation of several organizations) 1951 1920
Italy 100,675 Federazione Italiana dello Scautismo[?] 1922 1912
Jamaica 6,272 The Scout Association of Jamaica[?] 1963 1910
Japan 220,223 Scout Association of Japan[?] 1922 1913
Jordan 15,538 Jordanian Association for Boy Scouts and Girl Guides[?] 1955 1954
Kenya 151,722 The Kenya Scouts Association[?] 1964 1910
Kiribati 1,333 Kiribati Scout Association[?] 1993 1993
Republic of Korea (South Korea) 252,157 Boy Scouts of Korea[?] 1953 1922
Kuwait 6,061 Kuwait Boy Scouts Association[?] 1955 1952
Latvia 1,179 Latvijas Skautu un Gaidu Centrala Organizacija[?] 1993 1917
Lebanon 14,334 Fédération du Scoutisme Libanais[?] (federation of several organizations) 1947 1912
Lesotho 371 Lesotho Scouts Association[?] 1971 1936
Liberia 2,418 Boy Scouts of Liberia[?] 1965 1922
Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 13,698 Public Scout and Girl Guide Movement[?] 1958 1954
Liechtenstein 752 Pfadfinder und Pfadfinderinnen Liechtensteins[?] 1933 1931
Lithuania 1,500 Lietuvos Skautija[?] 1997 1918
Luxembourg 5,418 Luxembourg Boy Scouts Association[?] (federation of several organizations) 1922 1914
Republic of Macedonia 1,988 Sojuz na Izvidnici na Makedonija[?] 1997 1921
Madagascar 9,473 Firaisan'ny Skotisma eto Madagasikara[?] (federation of several organizations) 1960 1921
Malaysia 96,893 Persekutuan Pengakap Malaysia[?] 1957 1911
Maldives 4,518 The Scout Association of Maldives[?] 1990 1963
Malta 2,531 The Scout Association of Malta[?] 1966 1908
Mauritania 3,790 Association des Scouts et Guides de Mauritanie[?] 1983 1946
Mauritius 3,076 The Mauritius Scout Association[?] 1971 1912
Mexico 39,327 Asociación de Scouts de México, A.C.[?] 1926 1920
Republic of Moldova 1,540 Organizatia Nationala A Scoutilor Din Moldova[?] 1997 1921
Monaco 49 Association des Guides et Scouts de Monaco[?] 1990 1990
Mongolia 8,655 Mongoliyn Skautiyn Holboo[?] 1994 1992
Morocco 12,304 Fédération Nationale du Scoutisme Marocain[?] 1961 1933
Mozambique 16,675 Liga dos Escuteiros de Moçambique[?] 1999 1960
Namibia 1,816 Scouts of Namibia[?] 1990 1917
Nepal 12,341 Nepal Scouts[?] 1969 1952
Netherlands 57,484 Scouting Nederland[?] 1922 1910
New Zealand 23,537 Scouting New Zealand[?] 1953 1908
Nicaragua 2,056 Asociación de Scouts de Nicaragua[?] 1948 1937
Niger 4,352 Association des Scouts du Niger[?] 1996 1947
Nigeria 46,701 Boy Scouts of Nigeria[?] 1961 1915
Norway 13,329 Norges Speiderforbund[?] 1922 1911
Oman 10,654 The National Organisation for Scouts & Guides[?] 1977 1948
Pakistan 526,403 Pakistan Boy Scouts Association[?] 1948 1947
Palestinian Authority 20,275 Palestinian Scout Association[?] 1996 1912
Panama 2,263 Asociación Nacional de Scouts de Panamá[?] 1950 1924
Papua New Guinea 2,811 The Scout Association of Papua New Guinea[?] 1976 1926
Paraguay 1,000 Asociación de Scouts del Paraguay[?] 1962 1960
Peru 12,677 Asociación de Scouts del Perú[?] 1922 1916
Philippines 1,956,131 Boy Scouts of the Philippines[?] 1946 1923
Poland 85,822 Zwiazek Harcerstwa Polskiego[?] 1996 1919
Portugal 70,863 Federação Escutista de Portugal[?] 1922 1913
Qatar 3,244 Qatar Boy Scouts Association[?] 1965 1956
Romania 4,930 Cercetasii României[?] 1993 1914
Russian Federation 14,000 Vserossiyskaya Natsyonalnaya Skautskaya Organizatsya[?] 2000 1909
Rwanda 18,884 Association des Scouts du Rwanda[?] 1975 1940
San Marino 159 Associazione Guide e Esploratori Cattolici Sammarinesi[?] 1990 1973
Saudi Arabia 19,267 Saudi Arabian Boy Scouts Association[?] 1963 1961
Senegal 26,373 Confédération Sénégalaise du Scoutisme[?] (federation of organizations) 1963 1930
Seychelles No Data Available The Scout Association of Seychelles[?] 2002 2002
Sierra Leone 7,902 Sierra Leone Scouts Association[?] 1964 1909
Singapore 11,163 The Singapore Scout Association[?] 1966 1910
Slovakia 4,118 Slovensky skauting[?] 1997 1913
Slovenia 6,357 Zveza tabornikov Slovenije[?] 1994 1915
South Africa 13,118 South African Scout Association[?] 1937 1908
Spain 74,561 Federación de Escultismo en España[?] 1922 1912
Sri Lanka 21,653 Sri Lanka Scout Association[?] 1953 1912
St. Lucia 393 The Saint Lucia Scout Association[?] 1990 1935
St. Vincent and the Grenadines 541 The Scout Association of Saint Vincent & The Grenadines[?] 1990 1924
Sudan 13,550 Sudan Boy Scouts Association[?] 1956 1935
Suriname 2,601 Boy Scouts van Suriname[?] 19 19
Swaziland 4,994 Swaziland Boy Scouts Association[?] 1968 1924
Sweden 60,122 Svenska Scoutrådet[?] (federation of organizations) 1922 1911
Switzerland 52,349 Swiss Guide and Scout Movement[?] 1922 1912
Taiwan 69,452 Scouts of China[?] 1937 1912
Tajikistan 1,504 Ittihodi Scouthoi Tochikiston[?] 1997 1991
United Republic of Tanzania 102,739 Tanzania Scouts Association[?] 1963 1929
Thailand 1,305,027 The National Scout Organization of Thailand[?] 1922 1911
Togo 8,890 Association Scoute du Togo[?] 1977 1920
Trinidad and Tobago 4,655 The Scout Association of Trinidad & Tobago[?] 1963 1911
Tunisia 28,483 Les Scouts Tunisiens[?] 1957 1934
Turkey 8,174 Turkiye Izcilik Federasyonu[?] 1950 1923
Uganda 77,894 The Uganda Scouts Association[?] 1964 1915
United Arab Emirates 5,824 Emirates Scout Association[?] 1977 1972
United Kingdom 498,888 The Scout Association[?] 1922 1907
United States 6,239,435 Boy Scouts of America 1922 1909
Uruguay 3,965 Movimiento Scout del Uruguay[?] 1950 1946
Venezuela 14,513 Asociación de Scouts de Venezuela[?] 1937 1913
Yemen 6,481 Yemen Scout Association[?] 1980 1954
Yugoslavia (Serbia and Montenegro 30,493 Savez Izvidaca Jugoslavije[?] 1995 1915
Zambia 7,427 Zambia Scouts Association[?] 1965 1930
Zimbabwe 1,612 The Boy Scouts Association of Zimbabwe[?] 1980 1909

Territories and Countries which are part of an above organization

Countries and Territories that have no Scouting movement recognized by the World Scouting Organization


Italics: Scouting exists but no member organization is recognized.

Bold: Scouting does not exist and/or is banned.

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