1946 in television - The BBC resumes television broadcasting after its suspension during the Second World War. RCA demonstrates all-electronic color television system. FCC issues first network license to DuMont.
1945 in television - DuMont begins first network broadcasts, August 9. Applies for first network license.
1938 in television - DuMont manufacturers and sells first all electronic television sets to the public. Baird gives the first public demonstration of colour projection television
1927 in television - Baird demonstrates the first ever system for recording television. His Phonovision system records pictures and sound on conventional 78rpm gramophone records.
1908 in television - In a letter to Nature A.A. Campbell-Swinton[?] describes the modern electronic camera and display system which others are to develop throughout the 1920s.
... is covered by US patents 3,726,146 (1973) and 5,353,655 (1994) by L.A. Mishler and US patent 5,800,311 (1998) by P.S.Chuang.
External links
www.gyrotwister.de ...