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Sex Pistols

Despite their short existence, the Sex Pistols (named in reference to the male sex organ) were perhaps the quintessential British punk rock band. Whilst The Clash were both more articulate and politically motivated, and The Buzzcocks had more astute pop sensibilities, no other group better exemplified the punk movement's spirit and inherent contradictions.

Promotional flyer for an early Sex Pistols gig

The group was formed in 1975 by situationist influenced pop svengali Malcolm McLaren from both clientelle and employees of his Kings Road, Chelsea[?] 'SEX' boutique , and were initially influenced in part by the style of The New York Dolls and Television, who were doyens of the New York City new wave music scene.

Following a showcase gig as part of London's first punk festival at the 100 Club in Oxford Street, they were signed (for a large advance) to the major label EMI. The Pistols' first single, "Anarchy in the UK", released in November 1976, served as a statement of intent, full of wit, anger and visceral energy.

However, in December 1976 the group and their close circle of followers, the Bromley Contingent, created a storm of publicity in the UK when, goaded by interviewer Bill Grundy, guitarist Steve Jones used the word "fuck" on Thames Television's early evening television programme Today, as well as calling Grundy a "rotter" after he made a rather inept attempt at 'chatting up' Siouxsie of Siouxsie and the Banshees [[1] (http://www.thirdeyecandles.fsnet.co.uk/a/billgrundy.mp3)]. Although the programme was only seen in the London ITV region, the ensuing furore occupied the tabloid newspapers for days and the band were shortly after dropped by the label. After a short and disastrous period spent with the A&M record label, The Pistols were picked up by the at that time independent Virgin Records. A shambolic tour of the UK followed, with the majority of the concerts cancelled by local authorities and many of the rest ending in states of semi-riot.

In February 1977 bass player Glen Matlock departed from the band to be replaced by Rotten's friend and "ultimate Sex Pistols fan" Sid Vicious, famously chosen by McLaren for his looks and "punk attitude" rather than his somewhat limited musical abilities (according to Jon Savage[?]'s biography of the Sex Pistols, Englands Dreaming, most of the bass parts on the bands later recordings were actually played by guitarist Steve Jones, and at live performances his amplifier was often turned down).

The group's second single, eventually released by Virgin in May 1977, was God Save the Queen, a swingeing attack on the British Royal Family and, by extension, the institutions of Britain delivered in Rotten's trademark sneer. Coming at a time when deference to royalty was still a predominant trait in both the establishment and the country as a whole the record was quickly banned from airplay by the staid BBC, whose Radio 1 dominated music broadcasting.

Nevertheless, in the week of Queen Elizabeth II's Silver Jubilee, the record reached number one in the UK charts, although the title and artist were replaced with a blank space in many publications. Meanwhile, The Sex Pistols decided to celebrate the Jubilee, along with the success of their record, in their own way by chartering a boat, upon which they sailed down the Thames, past Westminster and the Houses of Parliament, performing their live set. As usual, the event ended in chaos; the boat was raided by the police, and Mclaren, The Pistols and most of their entourage were arrested and taken into custody. Arguably all good fun and a great publicity stunt, but matters took a distinctly uglier turn when many young punk followers of the Sex Pistols began to be frequently physical attacked in the street by 'pro-royalists', and Rotten himself was assaulted by a razor weilding gang of 'Teddy Boys[?]' in Finsbury Park who, it seems, didn't see the funny side of the Pistols' antics.

The promise of the bands early singles was eventually fulfilled by the group's first album Never Mind The Bollocks Here's The Sex Pistols, released in October 1977. The album also included singles "Pretty Vacant", an ode to apathy, and "Holidays In The Sun". Again the band faced controversy when a record shop in Manchester was threatened with prosection for diplaying the album's 'obscene' cover, although the case was overturned when expert witnesses were able to demonstrate that the word "bollocks" was of legitimate English origin.

The Sex Pistols' final UK performance was at Ivanhoes in Huddersfield on Christmas day 1977, a benefit for the families of striking firemen. Despite the band's state of disintegration by this time, the gig was considered by some as a vindication of their anti establishment stance when they were, for once, united with what might be viewed as their true constituency, the dispossessed English working class. They played two shows, a matinee and an evening show. Tickets for the latter were furtively sold for a secret venue, announced shortly before the gig as a tactic to avoid the attentions of local councillors and the like, who had cancelled many of the Pistols' other shows. Those waiting outside for the second show were given turkey sandwiches from the remains of the meal laid on the the strikers' families. The atmosphere in the evening show was counter to the negative publicity that had been generated towards the band by the tabloid press; Before the show, Johnny Rotten mingled with the crowd wearing his pith helmet, and the good humour of the matinee (which was a benefit played for free) lingered on. Years later the promoter of the evening show confessed that the Pistols never cashed his cheque.

Early in 1978 an American tour was booked by McLaren. This was a sapping experience for all concerned, and on the final date at the Winterland Ballroom in San Francisco on January 14, the disillusioned Rotten quit, famously asking "Ever get the feeling you've been cheated?" from the stage before walking off. The remainder of the group soldiered on for a short time, trading on their reputation and gimmicks, such as recording with notorious British criminal Ronnie Biggs[?] and Vicious releasing a version of "My Way", but after the release of the movie The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle, they finally split.

Rotten, now using his given name Lydon, went on to form the group Public Image Ltd. Vicious was arrested for the murder of his girlfriend, Nancy Spungen in New York but died of a heroin overdose before coming to trial. A fictionalised account of Vicious's relationship with Spungen was later recounted in the 1986 film Sid and Nancy (dir. Alex Cox).

The group remain influential however, both for the musical style they were pivotal in helping to define, and in terms of their influence on the British cultural landscape, helping to change the cultural climate. Whereas previous challenges to the class system had come mainly from within, such as the public school[?] and Oxbridge dominated satire boom of the 1960s or the socially realist theatre of the 1950s, the Pistols communicated directly with a much wider audience and, to some extent, the resulting shock waves can still be felt.

It can be argued that the Sex Pistols are the most influential band ever in punk rock. Their chord progressions and pounding, primal bass lines can still be heard in the music of bands such as Rancid and other revivalists. The surviving members of the Sex Pistols have performed reunion gigs in 1996 and 2002.

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See also

Jamie Reid[?]

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