A Sukhoi Su-27 fighter plane crashes into a crowd at an airshow in Lviv in the Ukraine, killing at least 78 people and injuring many more.
A series of bomb blasts have rocked the Christian districts of the city of Ambon[?] in Indonesia in what appears to be a continuation of violence between Christian and Muslim inhabitants. Over the past 5 years more than 5000 people have been killed in this conflict.
A US proposal to delay adoption of a new United Nations anti-torture pact was defeated 15-29, after which the pact was adopted by the Economic and Social Council. The US cited concerns that, if adopted by the General Assembly, American state prisons and other facilities may become subject to inspection.
A few hours after the spiritual leader of Hamas, Ahmed Yassin, offered to halt all suicide attacks in exchange for full Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, an Israeli F-16 jet dropped a bomb into a densely populated residential area of Gaza City. Fifteen people were killed, including Salah Shehade[?] (the leader of Hamas's military wing, the Izz ad-Din el-Qasam Brigades), and more than 100 others were wounded. Nine of the dead were children, including Mohammed al-Huwaiti (aged 4), his brother Subhi (aged 3), Ayman Mattar (aged 1) and Dunya Rami Mattar (aged 3 months). The United Nations swiftly condemned the action as a flagrant violation of international law. Ariel Sharon, Israel's Prime Minister, said it was "one of our biggest successes," though the Prime Minister's office later added, "it is well known he regrets the killing of civilians." [1] (http://www.cnn.com/2002/WORLD/meast/07/23/hanna.gaza.otsc/)
Harry Potter. The director for the third Harry Potter film has been announced as Mexican-born Alfonso Cuaron. Cuaron will start directing "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" next year.
Patents: Forgent Networks has asserted that it owns and will enforce patent rights on the widely-used JPEGimage compression standard which is used widely on the World Wide Web. The announcement has created a furore remisicent of Unisys' attempts to assert its rights over the GIF image compression standard.
... February 11 - Sir Keith Holyoake, New Zealand Prime Minister (1960-1972)
February 20 - Alexei Kosygin[?], Premier of the Soviet Union[?] (+ 1980)
February 25 - ...