A federal forester ignited the massive wildfire that has charred more than 100,000 acres near Denver as she attempted to burn a letter from her estranged husband. Forestry technician Terry Barton, 38, acknowledged that she started the so-called Hayman fire while patrolling the Pike National Forest to enforce the campfire ban. Barton had earlier reported "discovering" a wildfire. See Hayman fire.
A new terrorist organisation, Al Qanoon, claimed responsibility for an earlier suicide bomb attack aimed at the US consulate in Karachi in Pakistan. 11 people were killed in the bomb attack, and approximately 45 injured. The US has subsequently closed all diplomatic missions in Pakistan.
Terrorism: The U.S. government announced that it had prevented an al-Qaida attempt to construct and detonate a radiological weapon (sometimes called a "dirty bomb") in the United States.
... members. In the end it had close contacts with the maquis.
Francs-Tireurs et Partisans[?] (Français) (FTP or FTPF) – Formed by French communist[?] party and ...