Ethnic violence in India: 57 people die in Godhra[?] when a Muslim mob sets fire to a carriage on the Sabarmati Express[?] filled with Vishwa Hindu Parishad activists returning from Ayodhya en route to Ahmedabad. After detaching the burned carriage, the train continues to Vadodara[?], where Hindus beat and stab people leaving the train, killing one. A 17-year-old is later killed in Godhra by police trying to disrupt mobs.
British Telecommunications plc starts its US federal court case relating to a controversial patent that it claims gives it a monopoly on the technology of web links.
... present, and 15.9% are non-families. 13.0% of all households are made up of individuals and 5.2% have someone living alone who is 65 years of age or older. The averag ...