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Please, before you write on any of these topics, use the search engine below to see whether others have already written on the topic under a slightly different title or as part of another article.
(Sources for ideas, so far: The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy; try the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)
A priori and a posteriori knowledge -- A. N. Whitehead (or Alfred North Whitehead) -- Abduction -- Abortion -- Absolute[?] -- Abstract -- Academic Freedom[?] -- Better: academic freedom[?] (l. c.) -- Accident -- Account[?] (as a philosophical term, akin to "definition") -- Act -- Action (philosophy)[?] -- Active[?] (vs. "passive," a technical term) -- Adam Smith -- Aesthetics -- Affirmative action -- Affirming the consequent -- Age of Enlightenment -- Agency[?] -- Agnosticism -- Albert Camus -- Alliance -- Altruism -- Ambiguity -- American Philosophical Association[?] -- anthropomorphism -- Aristotle -- atheism -- axiom --
Benedict Spinoza or Baruch Spinoza or Baruch de Spinoza etc. -- Bertrand Russell -- Blaise Pascal -- Madame Blavatsky-- Buddhist philosophy --
casuistry -- Charles, Baron de Montesquieu (now located at Montesquieu) -- Cicero -- Cogito, ergo sum[?] -- consensus reality --
David Hume -- deduction -- deism -- determinism -- dualism --
Eastern philosophy -- epistemic justification -- epistemology -- ethical relativism[?] -- ethics -- existentialism --
fatalism[?] -- Friedrich Nietzsche -- free will --
G. W. F. Hegel[?] -- greatest happiness principle[?] --
hedonism -- humanism -- humanist -- humanities --
I think, therefore I am -- idealism -- Immanuel Kant -- Indian philosophy[?] -- induction -- inference[?] --
Jean-Jacques Rousseau -- John Locke -- John Stuart Mill -- justification --
law of non-contradiction -- liberal arts -- logic -- Ludwig Wittgenstein --
Man is the measure of all things[?] -- Marxism -- materialism -- metaphysics -- Michel de Montaigne -- monism -- monotheism -- moral absolutism -- mysticism --
natural law -- naturalism -- nihilism -- noumenon --
On Liberty[?] (by Mill) --
pantheism -- Pascal's Wager -- perfectability of man[?] -- phenomenon (a la Kant) -- philosopher -- philosopher-king[?] -- philosophes[?] -- philosophy -- physicalism -- Plato -- Plato's Academy[?] -- Plato's Republic or The Republic of Plato[?] -- Platonism -- pluralism -- polytheism -- positivism (also: logical empiricism; logical positivism) -- postulate -- pragmatism -- Principia Mathematica -- Protagoras --
realism -- reality enforcement -- relativism -- Rene Descartes -- Republic --
Soren Kierkegaard -- scholasticism -- semantics -- skepticism (or scepticism) -- social contract -- social contract theory[?] -- solipsism -- sophist -- stoic -- stoicism -- Summa Theologica[?] -- superman or overman[?] or uebermensch -- Symposium (by Plato) --
tabula rasa -- Thales -- The Prince (by Machiavelli) -- The Social Contract[?] (by Rousseau) -- Theosophy (HPB) thing in itself[?] or thing-in-itself[?] -- Thomas Aquinas -- Thomas Hobbes -- Thomism[?] -- Thus Spake Zarathustra[?] --
utilitarianism -- Utopia (by More) --
Western philosophy -- William of Ockham --
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