Encyclopedia > SUMO class

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SUMO class

The Suggested Upper Merged Ontology (SUMO), a product of the IEEE Standard Upper Ontology Working Group[?], is an upper ontology that defines a hierarchy of a number of general classes, the SUMO classes.

SUMO concerns itself with meta-level concepts, and thereby would lead naturally to a categorization scheme for encyclopedias.

Here is an alphabetical list of the SUMO classes. A graphical representation of their hierarchical relations is available from the "External links".

abstract, address, adjective, adverb, advertising, age group[?], agent, alga, ampere, amphibian, amu, anatomical structure[?], angle measure, angstrom, angular degree, animacy attribute[?], animal, animal language[?], antisymmetric relation, ape, april, aquatic mammal[?], arachnid, area measure, arthropod, article[?], artifact, artificial language, art work[?], asexual reproduction, asleep[?], associative function[?], astronomical body, asymmetric relation[?], atom, atom gram[?], atomic nucleus, attaching[?], attribute, august, awake[?]

bacterium, battle, becquerel, belief group[?], betting, beverage, binary function, binary number, binary predicate[?], binary relation, biological attribute[?], biologically active substance[?], biological process[?], bird, birth, bit, blood, body covering[?], body junction[?], body motion[?], body part[?], body substance[?], body vessel[?], boiling, bone, book, borrowing[?], breakability attribute[?], breathing, british thermal unit, building, buying, byte

calculating[?], calorie, candela, canine, carbohydrate, carnivore, case role, cell, celsius degree, centimeter, certificate, change of possession[?], character, chemical decomposition[?], chemical process[?], chemical synthesis, city, class, classifying[?], clothing, cognitive agent[?], cold blooded vertebrate[?], collection, color attribute[?], coloring[?], combining[?], combustion, committing[?], communication, commutative function[?], comparing[?], complex number, compound substance[?], computer language, computer program, condensing[?], confining[?], consciousness attribute[?], constant quantity[?], constructed language, constructing[?], content bearing object[?], content development[?], contest[?], contest attribute[?], continent, continuous function, cooking, cooling[?], cooperation[?], corporation, corpuscular object[?], coulomb, counting[?], covering[?], creation, crustacean, cup, currency measure[?], cutting[?]

damaging[?], dancing, day, day duration, death, december, declaring[?], decoding[?], decreasing[?], destruction[?], detaching[?], developmental attribute[?], device[?], diagnostic process[?], directed graph, directing[?], directional attribute[?], direction change[?], disease or syndrome[?], disseminating[?], drinking, drying[?], dual object process[?],

eating, educational organization[?], educational process[?], electron, electron volt, elemental substance, emotional state[?], encoding, engineering component[?], engineering connection[?], entity, enzyme, equivalence relation, ethnic group, euro cent, euro dollar[?], even integer, expressing[?],

fabric, fahrenheit degree, family group[?], farad, fat tissue[?], february, feline, fern, field of study[?], financial transaction[?], finite set, fish, flowering plant, food, foot, formula, freezing, fresh water area[?], friday, fruit or vegetable[?], function, function quantity[?], fungus,

game, geographic area[?], geopolitical area[?], getting[?], giving[?], gland, government, graduation, gram, graph, graph arc[?], graph circuit[?], graph element[?], graph loop[?], graph node[?], graph path[?], gray, group, growth[?], guiding[?],

hearing, heating[?], henry, hertz, hiring[?], hole, hominid, hoofed mammal[?], hormone, hour, hour duration[?], human, human language[?],

icon, imaginary number, impacting[?], impelling[?], inch, increasing[?], information measure[?], ingesting[?], inheritable relation[?], injuring[?], insect, integer, intentional process[?], intentional psychological process[?], intentional relation[?], internal attribute[?], internal change[?], intransitive relation, invertebrate, investigating[?], irrational number, irreflexive relation, island,

january, joule, july, june,

keeping[?], kelvin, killing, kilo byte,

land area[?], language, leap year, learning, legal action[?], lending[?], length measure[?], linguistic expression[?], list, liter, logical operator, lumen, lux,

machine, maintaining[?], making[?], mammal, managing[?], maneuver[?], manufacture[?], march, marsupial, mass measure[?], matriculation[?], may, measuring[?], meat, meeting, mega byte[?], melting, metal, meter, microorganism, mile, military process[?], mineral, minute, minute duration[?], mixture[?], mole, molecule, mollusk, monday, monkey, month, morpheme, moss, motion, motion picture, multi graph[?], muscle, music, musical instrument, mutually disjoint class[?], myriapod[?],

nation, natural language, negative integer[?], negative real number[?], neutron, newton, non flowering plant[?], nonnegative integer[?], nonnegative real number[?], normative attribute[?], noun, noun phrase, november, number, nutrient,

object (philosophy), object attitude[?], obligation, occupational role[?], october, odd integer, ohm, olfactory attribute[?], one to one function, ordering[?], organ, organic object[?], organism, organism process[?], organization, organizational, process[?], organization unit[?], organ or tissue process[?], ounce,

pairwise disjoint class[?], partial ordering relation, partial valued relation[?], particle, pascal, patent, pathologic process[?], perception, perceptual attribute[?], periodical, phrase, physical, physical quantity, physical state, physiologic process[?], pint, plan, plane angle measure, planning[?], plant, poisoning, poking[?], political organization[?], political process[?], position[?], positional attribute[?], positive integer[?], positive real number[?], pound force, pound mass, predicate, predicting[?], prepositional phrase, pretending[?], primary color, primate, prime number, probability relation[?], procedure, process, product, proposition, propositional attitude[?], protein, proton, pseudo graph[?], psychological attribute[?], psychological dysfunction[?], psychological process[?], publication, pure substance[?], pursuing[?], putting[?],

quantity, quantity change[?], quart, quaternary function[?], quaternary predicate[?], quaternary relation[?], questioning[?], quintary predicate[?], quintary relation[?],

radian, radiating[?], radiating light[?], radiating sound[?], rankine degree, rational number, reading, real number, reasoning, recreation or exercise[?], reflexive relation, region, regulatory process[?], relation, relational attribute[?], relation extended to quantities[?], religious organization[?], religious process[?], remembering[?], removing[?], repairing[?], replication, reproductive body[?], reptile, requesting[?], rodent, room,

salt water area[?], saturation attribute[?], saturday, searching[?], second, second duration, seeing, selecting[?], self connected object[?], selling[?], sentence, sentient agent[?], separating[?], september, sequence function[?], series, set, set or class[?], sex attribute[?], sexual reproduction, shape attribute[?], shape change[?], shape property[?], shooting, siemens, sievert, single valued relation[?], slug, smelling[?], social interaction[?], social role, solid angle measure, solution, sound attribute[?], spatial relation[?], sport, state change[?], state of mind[?], state or province[?], static water area[?], stating[?], stationary artifact[?], steering[?], steradian, stream water area[?], subatomic particle, subjective assessment attribute[?], substance, substituting[?], summary[?], sunday, surface change[?], surgery, swimming, symbolic string[?], symmetric relation, systeme international unit,

tactile perception[?], taste attribute[?], tasting[?], temperature measure, temporal relation[?], terminating employment[?], ternary function[?], ternary predicate[?], ternary relation[?], tesla, text, texture attribute[?], therapeutic process[?], thursday, time dependent quantity[?], time duration[?], time interval[?], time measure[?], time point[?], time position[?], time zone, tissue, total ordering relation, total valued relation[?], touching, toxic organism[?], trait attribute[?], transaction, transfer, transitive relation, transportation, transportation device[?], tree, trichotomizing relation[?], truth value, tuesday,

unary constant function quantity[?], unary function[?], unconscious, uncovering[?], unilateral getting[?], unilateral giving[?], unique list[?], united kingdom gallon, united states cent, united states dollar, united states gallon, unit of measure,

variable arity relation[?], verb, verb phrase, vertebrate, violent contest[?], virus, visual attribute[?], vitamin, volt, volume measure,

walking, war, warm blooded vertebrate[?], water, water area[?], watt, weapon, weber, wednesday, week, week duration, wetting[?], word, worm, writing,

year, year duration

External links

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Great River, New York

... median income of $60,179 versus $58,125 for females. The per capita income for the town is $35,509. 7.9% of the population and 6.8% of families are below the poverty line. ...

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