21:11 Mar 31, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Bob Sapp" (non-article)
20:47 Mar 31, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Mamie Smith" (nonsense)
20:35 Mar 31, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "John Chadwick" (newbie experiment)
20:32 Mar 31, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Homohomohmomsexuality" (Guess...)
20:12 Mar 31, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Stephen Perry" (only obscenities)
20:06 Mar 31, 2003 The Epopt deleted "The History of Middle-earth" (entire content and history consisted of many "a"s, "b"s, &c, with no spaces, making the page excessively wide)
20:00 Mar 31, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Flag of Portugal" (blank; only trash in history)
19:58 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Single inheritance" (java code snipplet, no content)
19:58 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Hudson Bay Lowlands" (Content: "Hello everybody... This is ME! HEAR ME ROAR!!! [...]")
19:57 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Smithing" (Content: "josh is good")
19:56 Mar 31, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Outer Space Treaty" (blank; only trash in history)
19:56 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Sigmaringen" (Content: "jiuiugiugiugiui")
19:55 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Polygenetic theory" (Content: "Hello. i needed help finding how. a name would look like, ike type one of my friends name in and finding the meaning of it and such. Thanks much")
19:54 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Tom Clancy's Net Force" (Content: "You Hoser! Take Off, Eh!")
19:54 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Jacques Hadamard" (Content: "igigigigigigniguiguig")
19:49 Mar 31, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Dell International Services" (copyright viol; Votes for Deletion)
19:49 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Sylpheed" (advertisement.)
19:48 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Buckle Island" (Content: "YOU PEOPLE ARE FAGGOTS I NEED INFORMATION ON BUCKLE ISLANDS NOW!!" and some insultings)
19:48 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Interactivity" (Content: "Vladan is the king!")
19:47 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Sexual orientation joke" (A rather poor Monica Lewinsky joke)
19:47 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Supressive case" (Content: "Suppress my ass!")
19:46 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Edmund Wilson" (10-word students essay, signed, nonNPOV, ...)
19:46 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Philadelphia (movie)" (Content: "This page sucks u need more graphics get a life and start typing stuff like i am doing right now sincerely:sarah michelle")
19:45 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Eselan Institute" (Content: "i was at esalen during the 60's.")
19:45 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Perception management" (Content: "this really sucks that there is a link but no page when you click on it!")
19:44 Mar 31, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Lakeside Shopping Centre" (copyright infringement, Votes for Deletion)
19:43 Mar 31, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Eldridge" (blank, no pages link, on Votes for Deletion since March 22)
19:43 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "History category" (Content: "Hello")
19:43 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Overview of Talk History" (Content: "Hello")
19:42 Mar 31, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Call of the Wild" (no content)
19:41 Mar 31, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Nicaraguan Democratic Force" (nonsense)
19:41 Mar 31, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Blood and Chocolate" (no content)
19:23 Mar 31, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Webcentral" (advertisement)
06:04 Mar 30, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Strait Dardanelles Bosphorus Bristol Denmark Dover Gibraltar Hormuz Messina" (Content: "Hi! How are you?" -- fine, thanks)
06:04 Mar 30, 2003 JeLuF deleted "1917 in sports" (Content: "Well what happened was, Pink FLoyd is the greatest band of all time. And then they played hockey WOOHOOO")
06:04 Mar 30, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Rhombic triacontahedron" (Content: "Triacontahedron is a BIG WHITE LIGHT that goes trough youre skin. As it goes trough your skin it create color optics light. this is also called triacontahedron.")
06:03 Mar 30, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Women's Royal Naval Service" (Content: "Tell us more about the Womens Royal Naval Service ")
06:03 Mar 30, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Roundhouse" (Content:"i am creating a page kids! this is so much fun and i dont know what its about so i will leave this blank and whatnot, hey what can i say...it happens!")
06:02 Mar 30, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Operation and Management" (Content: "scfsadvjfvsdlkvfsdlkjnnvsdfgvsdf")
05:44 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Richard Avedon" (fuck this shit )
05:21 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Sigebert I" (yes FUCK YOU ALLL)
04:16 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Drdreofmsn8ia" (nonsense)
04:15 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Drdreofmsn8ia" (this was deleted once before, it's being deleted again)
04:01 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Skateboard grab" (contains only a link to another article)
03:59 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Spanish Prisoner" (GFY!)
03:54 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Dan Miller" (no text)
03:51 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Gun-cotton" (i9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
03:49 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Blasting gelatin" (gelatin that is used for blasting)
03:47 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Glen Clark" (contains no text)
03:42 Mar 30, 2003 Vicki Rosenzweig deleted "Drdreofmsn8ia" (this is someone's chat transcript)
03:10 Mar 30, 2003 PierreAbbat deleted "The Mafia, CIA and George Bush" (Advertisement for a book that sounded like it was copied from Amazon.)
03:06 Mar 30, 2003 PierreAbbat deleted "Meshugganah" (Was a redirect to "Shekinah" by
02:38 Mar 30, 2003 Zoe deleted "Lord Howe Island Group" (I live in the "Lord Howe House" and im VERY proud!)
02:07 Mar 30, 2003 Camembert deleted "DIMPAC" (contents: "asdsadasdasdad")
01:29 Mar 30, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "List of songs which have the word List in title or lyrics" (On votes for del since 18 march, never became active list)
01:26 Mar 30, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Talk:List of songs which do not appear on a Wikipedia list"
01:25 Mar 30, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "List of songs which do not appear on a Wikipedia list" (Satire of a trivia list on votes for deletion since March 18)
21:04 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Project Managers Body of Knowledge" (redirect to a page that doesn't exist)
21:04 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Project Management Institute Body of Knowledge" (just an external link and ISBN link)
21:03 Mar 29, 2003 WojPob deleted "Olympia (film)" (nonsense)
19:39 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Meyer Guggenheim" (vandalism)
19:38 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Bonaventura Cavalieri" (Content: "hahahahahaha i pwn")
19:37 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Star Maker" (first few sentences of a book)
19:37 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Passage meditation" (Content: "yh")
17:42 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Henry Cisneros" (content "bleh" no history)
16:25 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Rodaun" (Content: "www.rodaun.info")
16:24 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Nandos" (Content: "It is from Australia.")
16:23 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "OMW" (Content: "valen para pura chingada")
16:18 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Dog Island" (copyright infringement - grace period expired)
16:18 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Peter Buck" (copyright infringement - grace period expired)
16:17 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Wound" (copyright infringement - grace period expired)
16:17 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Doberman Pinscher" (copyright infringement - grace period expired)
16:16 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Gold Faced Pumpkins" (Talk of deleted)
16:16 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Gold Faced Pumpkins" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:14 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Late For A Date" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:14 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Log On To My Head" (talk of deleted)
16:13 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Discussions Of A Really Sick And Perverted Mind" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:12 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "I Wish She Was Dead" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:12 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Promoted To The Next Floor" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:12 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Get It Through Her Head" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:12 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Suck My Dick" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:12 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Waste Of Time" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:12 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Courtney's Cleavage" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:12 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Log On To My Head" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:11 Mar 29, 2003 Camembert deleted "Christian Barnard" (blanked, only previous content: "www.jacquesvillon.co.za")
16:10 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Gold Faced Pumpkins: Have To Start Somewhere" (talk of deleted)
16:10 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Extra Shit" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:10 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Technical Soccer" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:10 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "The Jingle-My-Balls EP" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:10 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Conformity" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:10 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Empty Space" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:10 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Gold Faced Pumpkins: Have To Start Somewhere" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:09 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Tyler Scott Mason" (Talk of deleted)
16:08 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Tyler Scott Mason" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:08 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Adam Alexander" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:08 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Marc Loski" (talk of deleted)
16:07 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Way Too Low" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:07 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Jake Spore" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:07 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Marc Loski" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:07 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Kevin Randolph" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:07 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Paul Whitfield" (Made up, no hits on google, no response to talk, listed on votes for deletion for >10 days)
16:02 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Red Buttons" (Content. "is a Button which is Red")
16:01 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "William Whewell" (Content: "-oppoot6tt';;;;ll]]l6t6rftfg")
16:01 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Copernican system" (Content: "oiuoiuouiiou")
16:01 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Logical nor" (Content: "hello my name is bingo. I like bananas. I like to climb things. Eek, eek! I'm a monkey. Eek, eek!")
16:01 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Changi" (Content: "poopie")
16:00 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Act Without Words II" (Content: "erm er well erm, yeah")
15:58 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Learning foreign languages" (Content: "Hummmmmmmmmmmmmm So is this a way to start a hobby? Espanol es muy funo. LEARN IT! ")
15:58 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Types of humour" (obscene and insulting. Won't cite content.)
15:58 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Swiss cuisine" (Content: "I own this site!!! HAHAHAHAHA" ---- (Is that you, Jimbo!?))
15:57 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "United Gold Coast Convention" (Content: "I have no idea yet!!!")
15:50 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Keshia Knight Pulliam" (Content: "HI I AM SOME ONE YEAH....OK BYE")
15:50 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Van der Waals potential" (Content: "How is this related to the LJ potential?? ")
15:50 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Manchester Royal Institution" (Content: "Hello. I dont know what im doing....")
15:50 Mar 29, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Delocalized" (Content: "vtftftf")
13:15 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Nagasaki Massacre" (no new content ; much more on the bombing already at Nagasaki ; bably named with POV comment)
13:03 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Massacre by The U.S" (Wikipedia is not a collection of internal links)
11:01 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "First Mysore War" (silliness, no history)
10:18 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Bohrium/Temp" (temp page that is no longer needed)
10:08 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Pressure" (Getting this out of the way for a move back)
10:04 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Papelucho" (term on VfD expired)
10:04 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "The Tragically Hip" (term on VfD expired)
10:03 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Little Runaway" (term on VfD expired)
10:03 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Residual" (term on VfD expired)
10:03 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Stephen Hough" (Possible copyright infringement, listed on VfD, grace period expired)
10:01 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Bicentennial Man (short story)" (term on VfD expired)
10:00 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Ernest Willcher" (term on VfD expired)
09:59 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "President of Brazil" (term on VfD expired)
09:59 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Vacation" (term on VfD expired)
09:59 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Drug culture" (term on VfD expired)
09:56 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:PoitouCharentesRegion.JPG" (listed on VfD)
09:56 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:PicardieRegion.JPG" (listed on VfD)
09:55 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:PaysdelaLoireRegion.JPG" (listed on VfD)
09:55 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:LimousinRegion.JPG" (listed on VfD)
09:55 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:HauteNormandieRegion.JPG" (listed on VfD)
09:55 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:BretagneRegion.JPG" (listed on VfD)
09:54 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:BourgogneRegion.JPG" (listed on VfD)
08:33 Mar 29, 2003 Zoe deleted "Eye swelling" (fuck )
08:26 Mar 29, 2003 Zoe deleted "List of cities in Alaska" (Arizona )
08:04 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Johannesburg" (getting this out of the way for a move ; will restore in a moment)
07:58 Mar 29, 2003 WojPob deleted "Italian grammar" (no history, Italaian content)
07:36 Mar 29, 2003 Zoe deleted "William Gascoigne" (hi )
07:35 Mar 29, 2003 Zoe deleted "Fireside Chats" (llokkokkji)
07:05 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Third conference on the laws of the sea" (blank, only history "poop")
06:57 Mar 29, 2003 Sannse deleted "Handheld computer" (content "s3x" no history)
04:56 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "User:WillWare" (getting this out of the way for a move ; will undelete in a minute)
03:12 Mar 29, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Mass Murder Metal" (" likes to suck cock ")
03:25 Mar 27, 2003 Zoe deleted "Fairey" (Fuck this shit it is gay and i hope info on this page is correct other wise i will fail all of myfuckin classes )
03:17 Mar 27, 2003 Zoe deleted "Feriae Marti" (this is not cool)
02:41 Mar 27, 2003 Zoe deleted "Liberty League" (asshole i hate your page you should really check your security ass hole ... jerck i'm trying to do my history and your link wont work so whats the point go to hell )
23:28 Mar 26, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Erges Ucgun" (empty)
22:22 Mar 26, 2003 MyRedDice deleted "Givat Harsina" (miscreated by me)
22:11 Mar 26, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Petro Canada" (empty)
22:11 Mar 26, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Macroscopic" (empty)
22:10 Mar 26, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Windlass" (empty)
22:01 Mar 26, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Queen of Sheba" (empty)
21:56 Mar 26, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Speaking" (empty)
21:34 Mar 26, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Talk:Louis XVI of France" (junk)
04:37 Mar 26, 2003 Tim Starling deleted "Talk:John Williams (composer" (spanish-language fan letter)
04:24 Mar 26, 2003 Zoe deleted "Manitoba Act" (Yo man this is Louis Riel and I am here to tell you about I was a Traitor. Well one day i was hanged and died )
04:20 Mar 26, 2003 Zoe deleted "Ambrein" (recurrent episodes of penile erection, a dose-dependent, vigorous and repetitive increase in intromissions and an increased anogenital investigatory behavior)
02:47 Mar 26, 2003 Camembert deleted "Pernambuco" (contents: "Test!" - please use the Wikipedia:Sandbox to test)
22:09 Mar 25, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Sioux mythology" (hi)
21:00 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Gentle Ben Mussolini" (See: bad jokes and other deleted nonsense)
20:46 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Reaper" (some rants)
20:46 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "MSN 8" (copy of another article that shouldn't be at this title => Newbie experiment)
20:45 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Msn 8" (rubbish, vandalism, newbie experiment. Something like that.)
20:31 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Image:France.river.seine.502pix.jpg" (doubtful copyright status, replaced by new, (c)-compatible image)
20:31 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Image:France.river.seine.400pix.jpg" (doubtful copyright status, replaced by new, (c)-compatible image)
20:31 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Image:France.river.seine.250pix.jpg" (doubtful copyright status, replaced by new, (c)-compatible image)
20:27 Mar 25, 2003 The Cunctator deleted "Power to the people" (Deleting for move.)
20:27 Mar 25, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Much Music" (Content: "KEWL CHANNEL WATCH IT NOW!")
19:28 Mar 25, 2003 Camembert deleted "Claymation" (contents: "hahahahahahahahahahahaha clayanimation is the downfall to all cilivization"... I doubt it)
15:08 Mar 25, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Ralph Merkle puzzle cryptographic system" (content: rttrtrtr)
13:40 Mar 25, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Burn" (nonsense)
10:30 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Talk:Durango State" (talk page of deleted)
10:09 Mar 25, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "This is a new link i just made" (newbie experiment; content: "so...")
10:08 Mar 25, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Jas2000" (newbie experiment)
10:01 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Durango State" (term on VfD expired)
10:01 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Eleanor Lansing Dulles" (term on VfD expired)
10:00 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Invidious" (term on VfD expired)
10:00 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Sextus Afranius Burrus" (term on VfD expired)
09:35 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Image:East turkestan.gif" (term on VfD expired (replaced by .png))
09:33 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Ananga ski Hanzular" (term on VfD expired)
09:32 Mar 25, 2003 Sannse deleted "Anangga ski Hanzular" (term on VfD expired)
07:15 Mar 25, 2003 Zoe deleted "Assur-bani-pal" (I was here on the 25/03/2003 and found this page enpty so I thought I would fill it in a little... f#ck you!)
06:00 Mar 25, 2003 Zoe deleted "Tomazepam" (see also: "Temazepam" )
05:50 Mar 25, 2003 Zoe deleted "18th Street gang" (The largest street gang in Los Angeles, with an estimated population of 15 to 20,000. )
04:57 Mar 25, 2003 Tim Starling deleted "Quantitative method" (was "bhal i am a hero")
04:52 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "Gundi" (junk)
04:44 Mar 25, 2003 Tim Starling deleted "List of cities in Czech Republic" (contained only "hi people this doesnt exist so owell")
03:35 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "95th Street Records" (experiment)
03:26 Mar 25, 2003 Tim Starling deleted "History of medicine/Chinese medicine" (contained only "this web site sux!")
03:22 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "Transforming principle" (maybe meant to be an article... but it's not)
03:21 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "National Socialist German Workers' Party" (vandalism)
03:21 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "U.S. presidential election, 2008" (we can't predict the future...)
03:18 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "Fleet" (experiment)
03:05 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "Trick Daddy" (moronic vandalism)
03:04 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "Weber-Fechner's Law" (junk)
02:27 Mar 25, 2003 Camembert deleted "Colorado Party" (removing philosophical musings: "I have never eaten raisins on a Tuesday because of the rain. Why don't dolphins have hair?")
02:20 Mar 25, 2003 Camembert deleted "Michael Roberts" (contents: "Beloved son, brother, boyfriend, cousin and friend to all who knew him!")
02:17 Mar 25, 2003 Karen Johnson deleted "Colorado Party" (garbage!)
00:08 Mar 25, 2003 Camembert deleted "Gary Sinise" (blank. only history "zsdasdasas" and a notice it's a stub, which it isn't (especially not now))
23:26 Mar 24, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Hesit" (redirect to nowhere)
23:26 Mar 24, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Demur" (redirect to nowhere)
23:24 Mar 24, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Talk:American Metric Standard" (Now-irrelevant talk, page has been removed by request of the original source's copyright owner)
23:19 Mar 24, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "American Metric Standard" (Removed by request of the source page's copyright owner)
22:38 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Sanli Urfa" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:38 Mar 24, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Sivas" (nonsense)
22:38 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Mus" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:37 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Gumushane" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:37 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Gazi Antep" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:37 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Erzurum" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:36 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Erzincan" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:36 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Elazig" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:35 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Diyarbakir" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:35 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Bingol" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:34 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Tunceli" (one of several mass entries with the content: "IS ZAZA PROVINCE")
22:24 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Peter L. Gorman" (content: "This is petert l koeiow")
21:49 Mar 24, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "H.L. Smith" (content: "was up muther f#ckers you are a b#tch for coming to this site", no history)
21:29 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Horrible Histories" (no content, was newbie experiment)
21:26 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Communist Party of France" (no content; was a newbie experiment)
21:23 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Talk:Communist Party of France" (content: "tHIUIS IS SFDOJSAOI[DSA0FNB...")
21:15 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Fréjus" (no content)
21:12 Mar 24, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Analog signal processing" (content: qweasfd)
20:57 Mar 24, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Prison cell" (Content: "i am making a page")
20:57 Mar 24, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Colorado Party" (Content: "I don't think that I have EVER eaten raisins on a Tuesday. Hmmmmm.... I think I'll do that some time. ")
20:56 Mar 24, 2003 Oliver Pereira deleted "Talk:Albertanism" (redirect out of article space)
20:50 Mar 24, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Magnetostriction" (something obscene I won't cite)
20:41 Mar 24, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Alex Rogers" (newbie experiment; content "hey!"; no history)
19:57 Mar 24, 2003 Sannse deleted "Table of Derivatives and Indefinite Integrals" (listed on VfD, misleadinging redirect)
18:59 Mar 24, 2003 Camembert deleted "Reaper" (rubbish wherein we are informed that "JASON" finds his dog "SEKSY")
18:56 Mar 24, 2003 Camembert deleted "Reaper" (more rubbish)
18:54 Mar 24, 2003 Camembert deleted "Reaper" (contents: "What's a reaper? I don't know. Spongebob eats cheese. CRAWFORD IS WHIPPED!". probably all true, but not encyclopaedic somehow)
18:07 Mar 24, 2003 Sannse deleted "Treaty of Fontainebleau" (silliness, no history)
17:46 Mar 24, 2003 Sannse deleted "Bromosel" (content "kjkjkjkkkkhhkkh" no history)
17:39 Mar 24, 2003 Sannse deleted "Grammy Award" (deleting for move of Grammy to here)
17:03 Mar 24, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Château d'If" (content: dantes sucks!!!! l'abbe faria is gay!!! )
15:55 Mar 24, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Magrathea" (content: I HATE YOU -)
13:04 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Okinawa diet" (was vandalism, now empty; is it strange people day or something?)
13:03 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Gratofski" (says "Jerzy Grotowsky")
13:03 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Charlotte Church" (vandalism, now empty)
10:15 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "San Quentin Prison" (was vandalism, now empty)
10:15 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Fu Jian" (newbie experiment)
10:01 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:Pink.JPG" (bad title)
09:52 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:Brent.JPG" (bad title)
09:49 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:Barnacle.JPG" (bad title)
09:48 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:Barnacle.JPG" (bad title)
09:36 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Permanent Joint Board on Defense" (Wanli again)
09:35 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Transboundary environmental issues" (Wanli again)
09:35 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Bilateral relationship" (Wanli again)
09:35 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "International Joint Commission" (Wanli again)
09:34 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Boundary Waters Treaty" (Wanli again)
09:34 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement" (Wanli again)
09:34 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Air Quality Agreement" (Wanli again)
09:30 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Trading partner" (Wanli again)
09:30 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "International role of Canada" (Wanli again)
09:30 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Frigate Iroqois" (Wanli again)
09:30 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Peace keeping" (Wanli again)
09:29 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Multilateralism" (Wanli again)
09:29 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Collective security" (Wanli again)
09:29 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "International initiatives" (Wanli again)
09:28 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Kyoto Protocols" (Wanli again)
09:28 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "International Ban on Land Mines" (Wanli again)
09:28 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Unilateral" (Wanli again)
09:28 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "International economic organizations" (Wanli again)
09:26 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Peace keeping" (Says "Google Keywords: Canada United States cooperation"; not an encyclopedia article. Wanli, STOP IT!)
09:25 Mar 24, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "War against Iraq" (Says "Google Keywords: Canada United States cooperation"; not an encyclopedia article)
08:26 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Kim Clijsters" (kim clijsters boyfriend is laten hewitt.wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
06:48 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Halliburton" (redirect to a page that doesn't exist)
06:48 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Halliburton Company" (just a stub notice)
06:36 Mar 24, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Blindness technology" (only a few external links)
01:26 Mar 23, 2003 Zoe deleted "Pizza Delivery / Home Sweet Pineapple" (agreed deletion)
01:26 Mar 23, 2003 Zoe deleted "Talk:Hooky / Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II" (agreed deletion)
01:26 Mar 23, 2003 Zoe deleted "Hooky / Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy II" (agreed deletion)
00:31 Mar 23, 2003 Zoe deleted "Field-Marshal" (Boobs )
00:07 Mar 23, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Tetanus On Drugs" (newbie experiment)
23:42 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Mim" (just an external link and a see also)
23:38 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "MIM" (only an external link with a see also)
23:16 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Pacification" (NO TO WAR!!!! BUSH WILL KILL US ALL!!!! NO TO WAR!!!! WAR IS EVIL!!!! NO TO WAR!!!! LET YOURSELF BE HEARD, SAY NO TO WAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND NO TO U.S. EXPANSIONISM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
23:10 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Quadratic residue" (just an external link)
19:22 Mar 22, 2003 Oliver Pereira deleted "Andrew V Schally" (history contains only an obscenity)
18:59 Mar 22, 2003 Danny deleted "Sajida Talfah" (someone cut and pasted a webpage)
17:33 Mar 22, 2003 MyRedDice deleted "Image:BasseNormandieRegion.JPG" (VfD request by Black Widow)
17:32 Mar 22, 2003 MyRedDice deleted "Image:AquitaineRegion.JPG" (VfD request by Black Widow)
17:31 Mar 22, 2003 MyRedDice deleted "Image:AlsaceRegion.JPG" (request by Black Widow)
17:31 Mar 22, 2003 LittleDan deleted "Arc of a Diver" (no relevant content)
15:57 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Open Up & Say...Ahhh!" (obscenity)
13:01 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Mazda RX-8" (Content: "Susi was here Susi was here Susi was here...")
12:59 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Castle Hill Rebellion" (Content: "dumb idiotic Stupid website Anyonne who comes to this website, add some more adjectives")
12:46 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Ole Martin Buene" (Content: "Norwegian subsitute for Jesus ")
12:45 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Image:Noalbumcover.png" (Not used, not needed (Shows text "No picture yet"))
12:36 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Qaraxanlik Federation" (talk of deleted)
12:36 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Qaraxanlik Federation" (Some mock-up. Failed Google-Test, Zoe's request for some more information was not answered)
12:32 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Sonic and Tails" (Content: "jyumi n7ik8mmny 6y756yh")
12:32 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Francis Cabot Lowell" (Content: "What is this kind of page. It sux!")
12:32 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "1988 in sports" (Content: "your mom is a [...]")
11:52 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Trevor Berbick" (Content: "gillian is so cool" )
11:52 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Wheatland" (Content: "1111111111111111111111111111111111111...")
11:52 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Tales from the Crypt" (Content: "bvjfjl;kgnbkl;n lkjdhsbkndfgfggggggggggggggbbbbbbbbbbbb")
11:50 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Rychle sipy" (copy-vio, not in english, and now empty)
09:55 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Ironsides" (hello,this is a very )
09:04 Mar 22, 2003 JeLuF deleted "End of human race, predicted by Kyle Douglas Williams" (non-encyclopedic essay on the end-of-the-world)
09:04 Mar 22, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Petate funky" (empty)
08:58 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Idler" (newbie experiment; no history)
08:58 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "UserMod" (requested by person who created page)
08:54 Mar 22, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Abe Shozo" (pangit!!! )
22:44 Mar 21, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Black box theory" (Content: "lofiadelix burning on the timberlakish synapse looped to flash eddie and macmaster mike's room of doom ")
22:38 Mar 21, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Analist" (Contenet :"It's Analyst". No Article "Analyst" to redirect to)
22:37 Mar 21, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Bob Kane" (Content: "he was a goof")
22:36 Mar 21, 2003 JeLuF deleted "ROM image" (Ad for another website)
22:30 Mar 21, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Functional design" (Content: "gjgkgk")
22:07 Mar 21, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Image:Arsharon1.jpg" (copyright violation; per Votes for deletion)
22:03 Mar 21, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Talk:Jewish supremacy" (talk for deleted page)
22:02 Mar 21, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Jewish supremacy" (blank and on "Votes for deletion" since 11 March; no pages link here)
22:00 Mar 21, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Talk:List of books without an article in the title" (talk page of deleted article)
20:26 Mar 21, 2003 MyRedDice deleted "Image:Ruby.jpg" (copyright violation (listed on VfD))
19:36 Mar 21, 2003 Sannse deleted "Malay Archipelago" (content "grfgvrerfev is the common namer for it, and it is the hair under your arms ", no history)
18:44 Mar 21, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Talk:The motivation to philosophize" (content: Put the text for your new page here.hello)
18:22 Mar 21, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Darkness" (newbie experiment; no history)
18:22 Mar 21, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Meet in the middle" (content: jj)
17:52 Mar 21, 2003 Sannse deleted "Zhou Wu Wang" (Content "Hello how are u toda ", no history)
16:20 Mar 21, 2003 Sannse deleted "Fontaine" (anti-french rant, no history)
16:12 Mar 21, 2003 Sannse deleted "The Bell Jar" (content "hey ", no history)
12:59 Mar 21, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Little Runaway, the first ever punk rock porno, directed by Rob Rotten" (empty)
10:17 Mar 21, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Gcubo" (not in English)
09:26 Mar 21, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Little Runaway, the first punk rock porno directed by Rob Rotten, www.robrotten.com bands in the movi: DI, US Bombs, The Sick, The Stitches, The Lower Class Brats" (Gee, such a nice article...)
07:43 Mar 21, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Still" (Content. "i am afraid of cats")
06:44 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Okhrana" (got bombed. nasty)
06:43 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Machado-Joseph disease" (you damn gimps fuck you all!!! )
06:06 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "CASE technology" (i smell really bad. I really smell. Hello )
05:21 Mar 21, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Harry S. Truman" (Getting this out of the way for a correct move)
05:13 Mar 21, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Librarian" (newbie experiment; no history)
05:00 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Chimera (fish)" (The Chimera fish is silvery and fleeting.)
04:57 Mar 21, 2003 Bryan Derksen deleted "Interference" (Nothing in the history except a disambiguation page. Making room for a move.)
04:39 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Atake FDD" (Atake FDD from Hermosillo Sonora , MAJOR LEAGUES OF HIP-HOP (62 Productions))
04:24 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "War hawks" ("This page has not yet been created")
04:10 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Lemmings 2: The Tribes" (WAZ UP!!!)
03:32 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Firewall In The Bible" (bogus)
03:30 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Fuck The Government" (deleting again and again and again)
03:26 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "American Suicide" (bogus)
03:25 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Politically Correct" (yet again)
03:22 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Reinhard Heydrich Memorial" (the usual)
03:14 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Neverfall" (imaginary)
03:12 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Pathway To Anarchism"
03:08 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Pornographic Video Tapes: A Nation Of Porn" (imaginary album from an imaginary band)
03:04 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "Fantastic Porn Craving" (no proof that this thing exists)
03:04 Mar 21, 2003 Zoe deleted "My Girlfriend Fucked Me" (no proof that this thing exists)
23:51 Mar 20, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Repeating rifle" (vandalism)
23:44 Mar 20, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Walter Browne" (WALTER BOWNE NOT BROWNE )
22:54 Mar 20, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Talk:Cat got your toungue?" (as requested)
22:54 Mar 20, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Cat got your toungue?" (as requested)
22:14 Mar 20, 2003 Tarquin deleted "2Step" (empty)
21:19 Mar 20, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Gangster lifestyle" (devoted Eminem fan rant -- in uppercase, just so you know it's serious)
20:59 Mar 20, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "Unwritten article" (example link; essay text is on Talk:Unwritten article)
20:58 Mar 20, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "Image:Oswald.jpg" (delete copyrighted photo (from old versions of Lee Harvey Oswald article) )
20:53 Mar 20, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "World of ends" (blank since march 8, no pages link here)
20:18 Mar 20, 2003 Infrogmation deleted "List of books without an article in the title" (page blank since 7 march; on Votes for deletion since same date with no objections)
16:28 Mar 20, 2003 Ed Poor deleted "Planned attack on Iraq" (No pages link to here.)
16:07 Mar 20, 2003 Ed Poor deleted "Axis of Evil/Iraq" (No pages link to here.)
15:38 Mar 20, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Mirabilis" (junk)
15:19 Mar 20, 2003 Ed Poor deleted "U.S. military action to disarm Iraq" (No pages link to here.)
15:17 Mar 20, 2003 Ed Poor deleted "Planned war on Iraq" (No pages link to here.)
11:55 Mar 20, 2003 MyRedDice deleted "Wikipedia:What is a book" (full text: "Is the book the same an online resource?")
09:44 Mar 20, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Plebeians" (empty)
01:35 Mar 19, 2003 LittleDan deleted "Civilization 3" (blank,)
01:34 Mar 19, 2003 LittleDan deleted "Video game culture" (POV content)
00:45 Mar 19, 2003 Zoe deleted "Carlos Mendieta y Montefur" (Hi !!!!!!!!!!!!!! )
00:36 Mar 19, 2003 Zoe deleted "Image:La2.gif" (personal information not linked to any encyclopedia article)
00:30 Mar 19, 2003 Zoe deleted "Big Bob Dobyson" (I love big Bob)
00:25 Mar 19, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Ferenc Puskas" (newbie exp)
00:21 Mar 19, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Technology tree" (joke)
21:31 Mar 18, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "FECK-OFF vegetable" (junk)
21:30 Mar 18, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Repeating rifle" (vandalism)
20:57 Mar 18, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Fred Perry" (newbie experiment)
20:42 Mar 18, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Talk:Henry IV of France" (newbie experiment)
20:35 Mar 18, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Talk:Henry IV of France" (newbie experiment)
20:31 Mar 18, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Hookworm" (no content; was newbie experiment)
20:22 Mar 18, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Shep and the Limelites" (newbie experiment)
19:13 Mar 18, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Talk:Yottabyte" (newbie experiment)
19:12 Mar 18, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Black smoker" (newbie experiment)
19:10 Mar 18, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Vapor Trails" (newbie experiment)
19:03 Mar 18, 2003 Sannse deleted "Battle of the East Solomon Islands" (content: "awesome", no history)
14:07 Mar 18, 2003 LittleDan deleted "Ginuwine" (no content)
12:27 Mar 18, 2003 Sjc deleted "Wilson's theorem" (Empty page, facile previous content)
11:37 Mar 18, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Talk:Michaelis-Menten kinetics" (was vandalism, now empty)
11:37 Mar 18, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Michaelis-Menten kinetics" (was vandalism, now empty)
08:27 Mar 18, 2003 The Epopt deleted "USS New York City (SSN-686)" (title-typo)
07:28 Mar 18, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Ravensbruck" (personal note)
04:20 Mar 18, 2003 Zoe deleted "CinkoSiete" (www.cinkosiete.tk)
03:03 Mar 18, 2003 Camembert deleted "Human-readable" (contents: "prima")
02:49 Mar 18, 2003 Zoe deleted "John Hersey" (article contains nothing but an external link)
02:03 Mar 18, 2003 Camembert deleted "Abu Simbel" (contents: "apparently, this page does not exist yet. goodbye.". Yes, goodbye)
01:49 Mar 18, 2003 Zoe deleted "Uday Saddam Hussein" (Uday Saddam Hussein knows all on his brother Qusai, the next antichrist. He will take control against Bush and will start the third and last world war. Bush is not the antichrist but his messenger. Bush is evil like Qusai. )
01:36 Mar 18, 2003 Zoe deleted "Sexual Behavior in the Human Male" (if ur here ur gay or a lesbo!!!!!!!!! ha bye!!!!!!!!11 go have sex in a hotel room! )
00:53 Mar 18, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Andrew Stern" (nonsense)
00:47 Mar 18, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Pokémon Ruby" (newbie experiment; no history)
20:26 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Transverse colon" (some nasty words only)
20:26 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "George Graham" (Content: "tttt")
20:26 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "The people" (Content: "Describe democracy in terms of its implications for:The general public (man in the street) " - Wikipedia is not there for doing your homework)
20:25 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "TheArni" (Content: "theArni is a cute little fellow in openlan on EFnet" - not encyclopedic)
19:51 Mar 17, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Rodcet Nife" (empty)
19:15 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Locarno Treaty" (C: "l'; l ';l'; l")
19:15 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Kristina Fulton" (C: "kristina fulton is a crazed loonatic")
19:14 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Tenoch" (C: "burtie wills in the hosue!!!")
19:13 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Macbeth (1971 movie)" (C: "HI This Page Is fucked up")
19:13 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "James Marsters" (C: "spike is sooooooooo fit")
19:12 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Silas Wright" (Content: "i hate mrs vasser")
19:12 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Club cricket" (Content: "Hallo.. dan zet je die site er toch nioet op joh")
19:12 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Signal analysis" (Content: "jfdasf")
19:11 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Masques" (Content: "they are cool and big.")
19:11 Mar 17, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Buffalo Dance" (Content: "hello every body how are you today? thats good enjoy!!!")
19:07 Mar 17, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Without family" (nonsense)
17:32 Mar 17, 2003 Sannse deleted "Driverless mode" (content: "What Rhymes with Window? ")
17:17 Mar 17, 2003 Magnus Manske deleted "Louis Thenard" ("butt head" - probably describes the writer ;-))
16:23 Mar 17, 2003 Tarquin deleted "List of songs about Wikipedia, which have the word Wikipedia neither in title nor lyrics" (non-encyclopedic)
13:20 Mar 17, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Built-in" (sadnbox entry)
13:17 Mar 17, 2003 Tarquin deleted "List of songs which do not appear on a Wikipedia list" (a) it's a pointless list b) it's daft c) it's weird meta-content d) it has self-links. Wikipedia is not an exercise is self-referential propostitions)
09:51 Mar 17, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "ĸ国" (bad title)
09:00 Mar 17, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "The fight at Finnburg" (newbie experiment; no history)
07:49 Mar 17, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Mihai Viteazul" (newbie experiment with copying text)
06:47 Mar 17, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Oleoresin" (nonsense)
06:04 Mar 17, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Great A'Tuin" (getting this out of the way for a move)
05:46 Mar 17, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Mike Love" (redirect to The Beach Boys)
04:16 Mar 17, 2003 Zoe deleted "L'Evolution creatrice" (4865447894789444644489787878448484484877878484546444545486448694)
08:26 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Utilization" (C: "the free meaning af pal")
08:25 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Sobeknefru" (C: "Hi FREKS OF NATURE . WELCOME TO A FAKE SITE. ")
08:25 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Time-based arts" (C: "ieat bugs they taste like chicken. it is delisous. if you like chicken,that is")
08:25 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Acrylic painting" (C: "this is cool!!!!! yeah!!! here is a thanks to my bestest friends!! Brooke,arin,brit,katie,mo,em!! tx and good nite!")
08:25 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Marsha Chase" (Content: "wtf")
08:24 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Irish Guards" (C: "dear the irish guards iwant towreal tow see you on parade and piper guard hold fiecbearnentthe ")
08:24 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Min Chueh Chang" ("this is the min chueh chang web page " -no, this is wikipedia)
08:22 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Linda programming language" (Content: "Am I supposed to type here?")
08:22 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Rose Garden Arena" (Containing the f###-word only)
08:22 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Malacostraca" (Content: "Whoever likes this page is an idiot, [....]")
08:21 Mar 16, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Rodcet Nife" (talk of deleted)
11:49 Mar 14, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Sulfur cycle" (junk)
06:31 Mar 14, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Vs. Super Mario Brothers" (no useful content or history)
06:30 Mar 14, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Talk:Vs. Super Mario Brothers" (no content or history)
05:27 Mar 14, 2003 Zoe deleted "Voyage into the Trance" (What's this all about anyway? )
05:23 Mar 14, 2003 Zoe deleted "TBA" (Hardly the appropriate use of this tla)
04:04 Mar 14, 2003 Zoe deleted "Emily Harris" (dssdds )
02:48 Mar 14, 2003 Camembert deleted "Penny Rimbaud" (blank. nothing but an external link in history)
02:41 Mar 14, 2003 Camembert deleted "Pimp" (fascinating stuff: "Tabhiya is seated at the right hand of the Pizza Father." and so on)
02:38 Mar 14, 2003 Camembert deleted "Archosaurs" (blank. nothing of worth in history)
02:19 Mar 14, 2003 Camembert deleted "Edouard de Givenchy" (contents: "ytttttttttttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhdhg")
02:18 Mar 14, 2003 Camembert deleted "Wardrobe" (only contents: "Find A Page Stupid heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
01:54 Mar 14, 2003 Camembert deleted "Repeating rifle" (blank, only history was silliness starting "I LOVE JEREMY COX A WHOLE LOT" etc.)
01:39 Mar 14, 2003 Stephen Gilbert deleted "User:Isis" (Begone...)
23:12 Mar 13, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Rohyphnol" (empty)
22:24 Mar 13, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "2109" (random joke)
21:39 Mar 13, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Joseph Cayetty" (junk)
21:35 Mar 13, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "1st dynasty" (junk)
21:26 Mar 13, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Culture of the Czech Republic" (newbie experiment)
20:59 Mar 13, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Repeating rifle" (junk )
20:38 Mar 13, 2003 Camembert deleted "Isaac de Rivas" (sillines starting "Hello welcome to a cool site hahahahaahaha" etc)
20:22 Mar 13, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Stiff Little Fingers" (just a link)
20:21 Mar 13, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Talk:Peter Stuyvesant" (vandalism)
20:19 Mar 13, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Talk:Incan Empire" (vandalism)
20:02 Mar 13, 2003 Camembert deleted "Talk:Murder in the Cathedral" (nothing but profanity and stupidity from one anon user)
19:37 Mar 13, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Pablo Picasso/Blue Period" (no content)
19:16 Mar 13, 2003 Camembert deleted "Jose Clemente Orozco" (blank. only history is "a good guy man thing")
18:57 Mar 13, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Talk:Monty python and the holy grail" (no useful content)
17:27 Mar 13, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Monster's Inc." (empty tyop)
16:05 Mar 13, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Main.page" (nonsense page)
11:41 Mar 13, 2003 Cordyph deleted "Glacier National Park" (page without content, was newbie experiment)
11:04 Mar 13, 2003 Tarquin deleted "This is cool man" (junk)
10:31 Mar 13, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Wikipedia talk: J. R. Ackerley" (identical page is alreayd in the right place)
10:31 Mar 13, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Wikipedia: J. R. Ackerley" (identical page is alreayd in the right place)
06:54 Mar 13, 2003 Sannse deleted "Eatthisfool" (No content, only history "Eating nothing.. Text has no taste, no? ")
06:32 Mar 13, 2003 Sannse deleted "User:Throbbing monster cock" (no content, only history "kcoc retsnom gnibborhT:resU gnitidE ")
06:26 Mar 13, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Talk:The dangers of nuclear power" (Removing my now redundant note recommending merging)
04:27 Mar 13, 2003 Zoe deleted "Margaret of France" (bla bla bla this page does not exist )
04:23 Mar 13, 2003 Zoe deleted "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" (hello i came for info dumb ass )
04:21 Mar 13, 2003 Zoe deleted "Meet in the middle" (help)
03:24 Mar 13, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Throwing" (no history or useful content)
02:12 Mar 13, 2003 Danny deleted "Albertan calendar" (more nonsense)
01:36 Mar 13, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Schedule I drug" (no content or history)
01:33 Mar 13, 2003 Danny deleted "Albertanism" (personal graffiti nonsense)
01:32 Mar 13, 2003 Danny deleted "Albert Jacher" (deleted this morning. )
01:26 Mar 13, 2003 LittleDan deleted "UK Gold" (Text read, "What the..." and that was it.)
23:54 Mar 12, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "The Ventures" (no content)
23:02 Mar 12, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Ruth Turner" ("she was a good person,she also died or rabies. ")
22:54 Mar 12, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Canadian Standards Association" (newbie experiment; text copied from another site complete with self references)
22:54 Mar 12, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "SCC" (newbie experiment; text copied from another site complete with self references)
21:45 Mar 12, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Interface pattern" (Content: "dfdsf")
21:45 Mar 12, 2003 JeLuF deleted "The 64,000 Question" (Content: "blah blahdy blah garfle narb.")
21:39 Mar 12, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Armory" (Content: "this web page sucks")
21:37 Mar 12, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Blade Runner/Eye and Talon" (Only containing a link, no text)
21:36 Mar 12, 2003 JeLuF deleted "2108" (some weird/apocalyptic speculations on the year 2108)
18:56 Mar 12, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Sine-wave" (gjryfhjmty ryujk )
18:42 Mar 12, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Vaishya" (newbie experiment; no history)
18:36 Mar 12, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Telecommunications Act of 1996" (newbie experiment; just an unmodified copy of the FCC page (including self-references)
18:29 Mar 12, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Public sphere" (Just an external link)
17:15 Mar 12, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Aztec architecture" (empty)
16:52 Mar 12, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Picture" (empty)
16:40 Mar 12, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Mc luka" (no content)
16:37 Mar 12, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Freddie Prinze, Jr." (nonsense)
13:04 Mar 12, 2003 Danny deleted "Albert Jacher" (the wacko self proclaimed prophet himself)
13:03 Mar 12, 2003 Danny deleted "Albertan calendar" (the calendar of the aforementioned wacko self proclaimed prophet)
13:01 Mar 12, 2003 Danny deleted "Natural Universal Wisdom Religion" (wacko self proclaimed prophet)
13:00 Mar 12, 2003 Danny deleted "Albertanism" (more wacko self proclaimed prophecy)
10:51 Mar 12, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Discipline" (empty)
10:37 Mar 12, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Intervet" (empty)
10:05 Mar 12, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Felis" ("I <3 weenor")
02:11 Mar 12, 2003 Camembert deleted "Kidnap" (blank. only contents in history: "ass")
23:45 Mar 11, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Image:SkidRowSlavetotheGrindalbumcover.jpg" (uploaded wrong one)
23:41 Mar 11, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Urethane" (a "hello?" article)
23:08 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Invasion of the idiots" (improper redirect)
23:02 Mar 11, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Kagome" (junk)
22:54 Mar 11, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Fraser spiral illusion" (junk)
22:20 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Mare Tranquilitatis" (vandalism)
17:23 Mar 11, 2003 Sannse deleted "Gene map" (Content: "Her name was lola, she was a show girl with yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there.")
15:39 Mar 11, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Compiègne" (empty)
12:19 Mar 11, 2003 Danny deleted "November 1975" (gibberish)
11:46 Mar 11, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Peace and Freedom Party" (empty)
11:45 Mar 11, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Nancy Spungen" (empty)
09:18 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Hassan II of Saudi Arabia" (newbie experiment; no history)
09:14 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Bert's Blockbusters" (hello joe. what do you know?)
09:12 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Freddie Prinze, Jr." (Content: "he is gay ")
09:11 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Tyrone Sutton" (Content: "This page was supposed to be here to help me not for me to make it myself!!!!!! " -- he didn't get the point, did he?)
09:11 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Mask" (helllllllooooooo u surkkkkk )
09:11 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Industrial metal" (Content "I also like cake " and some more longish nonsense)
09:10 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Industrial relations" (Content: "hollar mcdonalds big n tasty 4 a dollar!uj")
09:09 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "United States v. Miller" (Sorry, but "Vicki Is god!!!! " doesn't qualify as article.)
09:09 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Venetian Snares" (Content: "jungle is masiiive !")
09:08 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Gyula Kellner" (Content: "hello")
09:08 Mar 11, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Arius" (request for content)
08:19 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "David Gulpilil" ("Hi this page isn't made yet so come back in 2 years . sorry for the inconvenience . ")
07:50 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Reciprocating compressor" (newbie experiment with sentence fragment)
07:04 Mar 11, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Personification" (newbie mistake)
05:48 Mar 11, 2003 AxelBoldt deleted "Protein Data Bank" (to prepare for move)
04:51 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Yoko Gushiken" (just the name; ultimate stub)
04:49 Mar 11, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Agricultural Act" (vandalism)
04:13 Mar 11, 2003 Zoe deleted "362 Rappaz" (deleting HTML gone wild)
04:13 Mar 11, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Other metal" (newbie experiment)
20:08 Mar 9, 2003 Camembert deleted "José Joaquín Fernández de Lizardi" (begins: "AYUDA A IRAK DANDO AYUDA" i dunno what it means, but it ain't an encyclopaedia article)
20:06 Mar 9, 2003 Camembert deleted "Hitler: The Last Ten Days" (contents: "i want to see this")
19:28 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Julian Schwinger" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:28 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Ferenc Puskas" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:28 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:12 stars" (talk of deleted)
19:28 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Pumpkin scones" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:27 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "National Bolshevism" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:25 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Suinbai Aronuly" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:25 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "12 stars" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:23 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Kang Sheng" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:22 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Underground Resistance" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:22 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Abulkhair Khan" (talk of deleted)
19:19 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Abulkhair Khan" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
19:19 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Byron Galvez" (Copyright violation. Grace period expired.)
18:59 Mar 9, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Forrest Gump?" (erm. yeah)
09:30 Mar 9, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Cosimo de Medici" (newbie experiment; no history)
08:58 Mar 9, 2003 JeLuF deleted "User talk:WeBelieveThatå››äººå¸®ä¸‡å² æ¯›ä¸»å¸ä¸‡å²" (no content, broken title)
08:25 Mar 9, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Diplomonads" (blank with rubbish in history)
08:00 Mar 9, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "ËÄÈË°ï" (Broken encoding)
02:36 Mar 9, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Collins glass" ("this is a glass that the drink tom collins goes in ")
02:30 Mar 9, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "DTSS" ("? What is this? ")
02:20 Mar 9, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Claudio Abbado" (oprkyotorykrky[er )
02:14 Mar 9, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Jellyfish (band)" (nothing but old copyright infringement in history)
00:42 Mar 9, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Bipolar" (junk)
00:17 Mar 9, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Poisson's equation" (junk)
22:13 Mar 8, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Mole (espionage)" ("vKentucky will win the NCAA tournament! ")
21:57 Mar 8, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Iamblicus" (vandalism)
21:56 Mar 8, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Louis Acaries" ("she was meann!!!!!! ")
21:55 Mar 8, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Gervaise de Peyer" (only says the city the person was born in)
21:54 Mar 8, 2003 Tarquin deleted "List of all lists which do not contain themselves" (cos it's bl##dy stupid and the joke is now old. there's already a list of all lists.)
20:07 Mar 8, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Larry Combs" (full text: who this is really weird man)
20:57 Mar 3, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Gutting" (trolling newbie experiment)
20:32 Mar 3, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Hallestein Doctrine" (Perhaps "katrine is the best", but this seems to be clearly POV)
20:00 Mar 3, 2003 Camembert deleted "Talk:Talk:Central Hall Westminster" (created because Talk:Central Hall Westminster had been protected. All content now moved to the proper talk page)
17:10 Mar 3, 2003 PierreAbbat deleted "Mixing console" (silliness by "This creates a monster inside the desk which comes out and mixes the food to the desired specifications." etc.)
13:55 Mar 3, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Hard disk recording" (no content)
13:40 Mar 3, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Hard disk recording" (nonsense)
13:39 Mar 3, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Natural fibres" (junk entry)
11:31 Mar 3, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Cirque du Soleil" (junk - blanked by another user)
11:28 Mar 3, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Mrs. Dalloway" (newbie experiment; no history)
04:10 Mar 3, 2003 Toby Bartels deleted "Saint Stephen" (To combine histories; coming back soon.)
04:04 Mar 3, 2003 Zoe deleted "H.R. Pufnstuf" (AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! POOOP!)
03:57 Mar 3, 2003 Zoe deleted "World War II/The Blitz" (nonsense )
03:31 Mar 3, 2003 The Cunctator deleted "Talk:Homophobic hate speech" (Blank.)
03:11 Mar 3, 2003 The Cunctator deleted "'AIDS Kills Fags Dead' slogan" (Reverting.)
02:55 Mar 3, 2003 The Cunctator deleted "'AIDS Kills Fags Dead' slogan" (Reverting move.)
00:42 Mar 3, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:Cliff in Clouds.jpg" (desktop backgroud image)
00:41 Mar 3, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:ScannersBanner1.gif" (banner ad)
23:15 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Alexander of Alexandria" (newbie experiment; no history)
20:50 Mar 2, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Cold Crush Brothers" (Content: "Cold Crush, what can we say? They Lived, they loved, and they DIED.")
20:32 Mar 2, 2003 Scipius deleted "Argentina/Temp" (Temp page no longer necessary)
20:29 Mar 2, 2003 Scipius deleted "Lost of Argentines" (Misspelled page of my own doing)
20:25 Mar 2, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "FDNY" (redirect to nonexistent article)
19:31 Mar 2, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "DeadHeads" (full text: "deadheads")
17:32 Mar 2, 2003 The Cunctator deleted "Two World Trade Center" (Moving South Tower entry here.)
11:21 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Trapezoid" (just an external link)
10:23 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:383gun.png" (replaced by jpeg that is 10% of the size)
10:23 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:383sail.png" (replaced by jpeg that is 10% of the size)
10:02 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:Sixandsix.jpg" (orphan image for over a week)
10:02 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:Sugarducky.png" (orphan image for over a week)
09:33 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Image:OHPcoil.jpg" (orphan image)
09:06 Mar 2, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "George W. Moron" (unfunny parody, POV screed)
09:03 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Adaptive coding" ("ff")
08:52 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "G. W. Moron" (vandalism)
08:17 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Crucial conditions" (random comment)
07:49 Mar 2, 2003 The Epopt deleted "Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa Dei Frari" (entire content and history was "fuck shit wank")
07:40 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Septum piercing" (vandalism)
07:36 Mar 2, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Drexel Shaft" (POV drivel)
06:37 Mar 2, 2003 TUF-KAT deleted "Henry Williams" (no content)
04:45 Mar 2, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Image:Google-french-military-vict.gif" (Non-encyclopedic material; nationalistic joke image. You wanna post it on your own site, fine, but it doesn't belong here.)
00:20 Mar 2, 2003 Enchanter deleted "Arrow's impossibility theorem" (Deleting redirect to make way for move)
23:35 Mar 1, 2003 PierreAbbat deleted "Zakia" (consists only of their address, later erased)
20:49 Mar 1, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Orange mécanique" (French title created by misdirected bot test)
20:44 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Greeting cards" (redirect to a page that doesn't exist)
20:43 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Greeting card" (only has a see also)
20:40 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Hypérion" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:39 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Les Bêtes enracinées" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:39 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Le Désert du monde" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:39 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Cette chère humanité" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:39 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Le Monde inverti" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:38 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Le Temps incertain" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:38 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "L'Enchâssement" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:38 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Malevil" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:38 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Les Seigneurs de la guerre" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:38 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Les Monades urbaines" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:38 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "La Main gauche de la nuit" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:37 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Tous à Zanzibar" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:37 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Seigneur de lumière" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:37 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "L'Intersection Einstein" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:37 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Le Vagabond" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:37 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "La Planète des singes" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:37 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Elric le Nécromancien" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:36 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Le Monde englouti" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:36 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Le Berceau du chat" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:36 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Le Monde vert" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:35 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "En terre étrangère" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:35 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Les Amants étrangers" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:35 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "La Patrouille du temps" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
20:35 Mar 1, 2003 Maveric149 deleted "Un cas de conscience" (French artilce emplaced by a bot)
19:29 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Hypérion2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:29 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Les Bêtes enracinées2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:29 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Le Désert du monde2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:29 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Cette chère humanité2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Le Monde inverti2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Le Temps incertain2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "L'Enchâssement2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Stalker2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Malevil2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Les Seigneurs de la guerre2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Les Monades urbaines2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Ubik2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "La Main gauche de la nuit2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:28 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Tous à Zanzibar2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:27 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Seigneur de lumière2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:27 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "L'Intersection Einstein2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:27 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Dune2" (duplicate, french-language article by
19:27 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Le Vagabond2" (duplicate, french-language article by
09:07 Mar 1, 2003 Tarquin deleted "Rankin Inlet" (empty)
08:24 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Margaret Herrick" (Content: "librarian at the acadamy")
08:13 Mar 1, 2003 Zoe deleted "INtolerance (movie)" (i misspelled the stoopid name)
08:10 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre" (talk of deleted)
08:09 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "IRC International Water and Sanitation Centre" (copyright infringement, grace period expired)
08:07 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Johannes Mueller" (Empty, was a broken redirect)
07:26 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Dedekind complete" (newbie experiment)
07:06 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Talk:Valquiria" (talk of deleted, no response in >3 weeks)
07:05 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Valquiria" (No content, just a link to some other website)
07:04 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Spindle fiber" (Content: )
07:03 Mar 1, 2003 JeLuF deleted "Solar industries" (nonsense article)
04:23 Mar 1, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Nationalist Army" (More garbage from jzcool: 'armed revolt against non-catholic forces of public schools.')
04:12 Mar 1, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Battle of St. Tammany" (Garbage by jzcool - "i beat your moms ass in this battle")
04:12 Mar 1, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Battle of Central Lafourche" (Garbage "ur mom is hot")
04:12 Mar 1, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Nationalist Army" (Time-travelling garbage by jzcool)
04:07 Mar 1, 2003 Brion VIBBER deleted "Religious Wars" (Garbage by Jzcool. Contents: "These were wars lasting from 2000 to 2005 involving religious toleration issues in the public and private school systems of the southern United States.")
03:37 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Papal States" (making way for page move from Papal states - nothing interesting in history)
03:00 Mar 1, 2003 Camembert deleted "Notes of a Native Son" (blank. only history "james baldwin")
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