This list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please update the page accordingly.
A AAC -- acre -- Advanced Encryption Standard -- ampere -- angstrom -- ANSI -- ANSI C standard library -- ASCII -- ASN.1 -- avoirdupois -- B barcode -- BASIC programming language -- bit -- board-foot -- British Standards Institute[?] -- British thermal unit -- Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) -- bushel[?] -- Business -- C C programming language -- cable length -- caesium -- calorie -- candela -- capacitance -- CCITT -- CD-ROM -- Celsius -- centimetre -- cgs -- chain -- character (computing) -- character encoding -- character set -- charge -- code -- Coding standard -- color space -- Common Criteria -- Computer display standard -- conductance -- Conference Generale des Poids et Mesures (CGPM) -- configuration management -- constant of proportionality -- conversion of units -- cooking measures -- Coulomb's law -- coulomb -- country codes -- cup -- currency codes -- D Data Encryption Standard -- de facto standard -- de jure -- dimensional analysis -- DIN -- distance -- dram[?] -- DSSSL -- dyne -- E EAN -- EBCDIC -- electric charge -- electric current -- electric field -- electric potential -- electrical resistance -- electrical resistivity -- electromagnetism -- energy -- erg -- ETSI -- Extended Industry Standard Architecture -- F Fahrenheit -- farad -- fathom -- Federal Information Processing Standard -- Federal standard[?] -- Federal standard 1037C -- FIPS -- fluid dram[?] -- fluid measure[?] -- fluid ounce[?] -- foot -- force (physics) -- Fortran programming language -- French language -- fundamental unit -- furlong -- G gallon -- gill -- Global Trade Item Numbering (GTIN) Gold Standard Act -- grain -- gram (unit) -- H henry (inductance) -- History of Weights and Measures -- horsepower -- hundredweight[?] -- hyperfine levels[?] -- I IEC -- IEEE -- IETF -- Imperial unit -- Imperial units -- inch -- inductance -- Industry standard architecture -- Informal conversion of common units -- integer -- Interface standard -- International Electrotechnical Commission -- International standard -- Internet standard -- ISBN -- ISO -- List of ISO standards -- ISSN -- ITS-90[?] -- ITU-R -- ITU-T -- IUPAC -- J JIS[?] -- joule -- JPEG -- JPEG 2000 -- K Kansas City standard -- kelvin -- kilogram -- L lbf -- length -- light -- link -- long hundredweight[?] -- long ton[?] -- M magnetic field -- magnetic flux -- magnetism -- mass -- metre -- Metrology -- mile -- milligram -- millimetre -- MILSPEC[?] -- mole (unit) -- MPEG -- MPEG-1 -- MPEG-2 -- MPEG-4 -- N National Institute of Standards and Technology -- NIST -- non-governmental organization -- O open standard -- operational definition -- Orders of magnitude -- ounce -- P paper size -- Particle physics standard model[?] -- pascal -- peck -- permittivity -- permeability -- physical unit -- pint -- POSIX -- pound-force -- pound -- power -- pressure -- project management -- Q quart -- R Rankine -- rod -- S SCC[?] -- second -- section[?] -- SGML -- SI base unit -- SI derived unit -- SI prefix -- SI -- SIS -- software -- speed of light -- square foot[?] -- square inch[?] -- square mile -- square rod[?] -- Standard accounting practice -- Standard data model -- Standard gauge -- Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) -- standard -- standardization -- statcoulomb -- statvolt -- system of units -- T tablespoon -- teaspoon -- temperature -- thermodynamic temperature -- thou (unit) -- time -- ton -- torr -- troy ounce -- U UCS -- Unicode -- UPC -- UTC -- V vacuum -- viscosity -- volt -- W W3C -- weights and measures -- WGS-84[?] -- Y yard --
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