Listed are persons whose achievements have been important also outside
Pure and Applied Mathematics
- Harald Bohr[?]
- A. K. Erlang, Danish engineer, industrial and systems engineer
- Thomas Fincke, (1561-1656), Danish mathematician
- J�rgen Pedersen Gram[?]
- Piet Hein, (1905-1996)
- Georg Mohr, (1548-1620), Danish mathematician
- Niels Erik N�rlund[?]
- Julius Petersen, (1839-1910), Danish mathematician
- Caspar Wessel, (1745-1818), Norwegian-Danish mathematician
Computer Science
Biology, Genetics
Anatomy, Medicine
Industrial Enterprise
Linguistics, Philology, Folklore
- Ada Adler, (1878-1946)
- Otto Jespersen, (1860-1943), Danish
- Johan Nicolai Madvig, (1804-1886)
- Axel Olrik, (1864-1917)
- Holger Pedersen, (1867-1953), Danish linguist
- Rasmus Rask[?]
- Vilhelm Thomsen, (1842-1927)
- Karl Verner, (1846-1896), Danish linguist
Architecture, Town-Planning, the Environment
Literature, Journalism
- Hans Christian Andersen, (1805-1875), Fairy Tales and Stories[?]
- Jens Immanuel Baggesen, (1764-1826)
- Georg Brandes[?]
- Isak Dinesen, (1885-1962), author
- Piet Hein, (1905-1996)
- Ludvig Holberg, (1684-1754), playwright
- Johannes V. Jensen, (1873-1950), Danish novelist
- Kaj Munk, (1898-1944), Danish dramatist
- Tor N�rretranders, (born 1955), science popularizer
- Adam Oehlenschl�ger, (1779-1850)
- Jacob Riis, (1849-1914)
- Peter Kjaerulff, Danish novelist
Sculpture and Painting
- Nikolaj Abraham Abildgaard, (1744-1809), Danish painter
- Else Alfelt, (1910-1974), Danish Painter
- Henry Heerup, (1907-1993), Danish painter
- Asger Jorn, (1914-1973), Danish painter
- Bertel Thorvaldsen, (1770-1844), Danish sculptor
Musical Theory and Composition
Performing Arts, Theatre, Movies
- Bille August, (born 1948), Danish director
- Erik Balling, (born 1924)
- Victor Borge, (1909-2000), Danish comedian
- August Bournonville, (1805-1879)
- Carl Th. Dreyer[?]
- Jean Hersholt, (1886-1956)
- Peter Martins[?]
- Lauritz Melchior, (1890-1973)
- Asta Nielsen[?]
- Aksel Schi�tz, (1906-1975)
- Lars von Trier, (born 1956), director
- Thomas Vinterberg, (born 1969), Danish film director
Exploration, Cartography
Government, Statesmanship
See also: List of people by nationality
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