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> List of astronauts by name
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List of astronauts by name
Loren Acton
, (born 1936), astronaut
James Adamson[?]
, astronaut
Viktor Afanasyev[?]
, astronaut
Thomas Akers[?]
, astronaut
Toyohiro Akiyama[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Aksenov[?]
, astronaut
Sultan Salman Al-Saud[?]
, astronaut
Buzz Aldrin
, (born 1930), US astronaut
Alexander Alexandrov[?]
, astronaut
Andrew Allen[?]
, astronaut
Joseph Allen[?]
, astronaut
Scott Altman[?]
, astronaut
William Anders
, (born 1933), US astronaut
Michael P. Anderson
, (1959-2003), astronaut
Claudie Andre-Deshay[?]
, astronaut
Jerome Apt[?]
, astronaut
Neil Armstrong
, (born 1930), US astronaut, first on the Moon
Anatoly Artsebarsky[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Artyuhin[?]
, astronaut
Jeffrey Ashby[?]
, astronaut
Oleg Atkov[?]
, astronaut
Toktar Aubakirov
, (born 1946), cosmonaut
Sergei Avdeyev[?]
, astronaut
James Bagian[?]
, astronaut
Ellen Baker[?]
, astronaut
Michael Baker[?]
, astronaut
Alexander Balandin[?]
, astronaut
Daniel Barry[?]
, astronaut
John Bartoe[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Baturin[?]
, astronaut
Patrick Baudry[?]
, astronaut
Alan Bean
, (born 1932),
Apollo 12
Pavel Belyayev
, (1925-1970), astronaut
Ivan Bella[?]
, astronaut
Georgi Beregovoi
, (1921-1995), astronaut
Anatoly Berezovoy[?]
, astronaut
John Blaha[?]
, astronaut
Michael Bloomfield[?]
, astronaut
Guion Bluford[?]
, astronaut
Karol Bobko[?]
, astronaut
Charles Bolden[?]
, astronaut
Roberta Bondar
, first Canadian woman in space
Frank Borman
, astronaut
Kenneth Bowersox[?]
, astronaut
Charles Brady[?]
, astronaut
Vance Brand[?]
, astronaut
Daniel Brandenstein[?]
, astronaut
Roy Bridges[?]
, astronaut
Curtis Brown[?]
, astronaut
David M. Brown
, (1956-2003), astronaut
Mark Brown[?]
, astronaut
James Buchli[?]
, astronaut
Jay Buckey[?]
, astronaut
Nikolai Budarin[?]
, astronaut
Daniel Burbank[?]
, astronaut
Daniel Bursch[?]
, astronaut
Valery Bykovsky
, (born 1934), astronaut
Robert Cabana[?]
, astronaut
Kenneth Cameron[?]
, astronaut
Duane Carey[?]
, astronaut
Scott Carpenter[?]
, astronaut
Gerald Carr[?]
, astronaut
Sonny Carter
, (1947-1991), astronaut
John Casper[?]
, astronaut
Robert Cenker[?]
, astronaut
Gene Cernan
Apollo 17
Roger Chaffee
, (1935-1967), US astronaut
Franklin Chang-Diaz[?]
, astronaut
Kalpana Chawla
, (1961-2003), astronaut
Maurizio Cheli[?]
, astronaut
Leroy Chiao[?]
, astronaut
Kevin Chilton[?]
, astronaut
Jean-Loup Chretien[?]
, astronaut
Laurel Clark
, (1961-2003), astronaut
Mary Cleave[?]
, astronaut
Jean-Francois Clervoy[?]
, astronaut
Michael Clifford[?]
, astronaut
Michael Coats[?]
, astronaut
Kenneth Cockrell[?]
, astronaut
Catherine Coleman
, (born 1960), astronaut
Eileen Collins[?]
, astronaut
Michael Collins
, (born 1930), astronaut
Pete Conrad
Apollo 12
Gordon Cooper[?]
, astronaut
Richard Covey[?]
, astronaut
John Creighton[?]
, astronaut
Robert Crippen[?]
, astronaut
Roger Crouch[?]
, astronaut
Frank Culbertson[?]
, astronaut
Walter Cunningham[?]
, astronaut
Robert Curbeam[?]
, astronaut
Nancy Currie[?]
, astronaut
Nancy Jan Davis[?]
, astronaut
Lawrence DeLucas[?]
, astronaut
Lev Demin[?]
, astronaut
Frank De Winne[?]
Vladimir Dezhurov[?]
, astronaut
Georgi Dobrovolski
, (1928-1971), astronaut
Takao Doi[?]
, astronaut
Brian Duffy[?]
, astronaut
Charles Duke[?]
Apollo 16
Bonnie Dunbar[?]
, astronaut
Pedro Duque[?]
, astronaut
Samuel Durrance[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Dzhanibekov[?]
, astronaut
Joe Edwards[?]
, astronaut
Donn Eisele[?]
, astronaut
Anthony England[?]
, astronaut
Joseph Engle[?]
, astronaut
Ronald Evans[?]
, astronaut
Reinhold Ewald[?]
, astronaut
Leopold Eyharts[?]
, astronaut
John Fabian[?]
, astronaut
Muhammed Faris[?]
, astronaut
Bertalan Farkash[?]
, astronaut
Jean-Jacques Favier[?]
, astronaut
Konstantin Feoktistov
, (born 1926), astronaut
Martin Fettman[?]
, astronaut
Anatoly Filipchenko[?]
, astronaut
Anna Fisher[?]
, astronaut
William Fisher[?]
, astronaut
Klaus-Dietrich Flade[?]
, astronaut
Michael Foale[?]
, astronaut
Patrick Forrester[?]
, astronaut
Stephen Frick[?]
, astronaut
Dirk Frimout[?]
Charles Fullerton[?]
, astronaut
Reinhard Furrer[?]
, (1940-1955), astronaut
Francis Gaffney[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Gagarin
, (1934-1968), Soviet cosmonaut
Guy Gardner[?]
, astronaut
Dale Gardner[?]
, astronaut
Jake Garn[?]
, astronaut
Marc Garneau
, (born 1949), astronaut, first Canadian in space
Owen Garriott[?]
, astronaut
Charles Gemar[?]
, astronaut
Michael Gernhardt[?]
, astronaut
Edward Gibson[?]
, author, astronaut
Robert Gibson[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Gidzenko[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Glazkov[?]
, astronaut
John Glenn
, (born 1921), US astronaut
Linda Godwin[?]
, astronaut
Viktor Gorbatko
, (born 1934), astronaut
Richard Gordon[?]
, astronaut
Dominic Gorie[?]
, astronaut
Ronald Grabe[?]
, astronaut
Georgy Grechko[?]
, astronaut
William Gregory[?]
, astronaut
Frederick Gregory[?]
, astronaut
Stanley Griggs[?]
, astronaut
Virgil Grissom
, (1926-1967), US astronaut
John Grunsfeld[?]
, astronaut
Aleksey Gubarev[?]
, astronaut
Umberto Guidoni[?]
, astronaut
Judgerdemidiyin Gurragcha[?]
, astronaut
Sidney Gutierrez[?]
, astronaut
Chris Hadfield
, (born 1959), first Canadian to walk in space
Jean-Pierre Haignere[?]
, astronaut
Fred Haise[?]
, astronaut
James Halsell[?]
, astronaut
Lloyd Hammond[?]
, astronaut
Gregory Harbaugh[?]
, astronaut
Bernard Harris[?]
, astronaut
Terry Hart[?]
, astronaut
Henry Hartsfield[?]
, astronaut
Frederick Hauck[?]
, astronaut
Steven Hawley[?]
, astronaut
Susan Helms[?]
, astronaut
Karl Henize[?]
, astronaut
Thomas Hennen[?]
, astronaut
Terence Henricks[?]
, astronaut
Miroslaw Hermaszewski[?]
, astronaut
John Herrington[?]
, astronaut
Richard Hieb[?]
, astronaut
David Hilmers[?]
, astronaut
Kathryn Hire[?]
, astronaut
Charles Hobaugh[?]
, astronaut
Jeffrey Hoffman[?]
, astronaut
Scott Horowitz[?]
, astronaut
Millie Hughes-Fulford[?]
, astronaut
Rick D. Husband
, (1957-2003), astronaut
James Irwin[?]
, (died 1991),
Apollo 15
Alexandr Ivanchenkov[?]
, astronaut
Georgy Ivanov[?]
, astronaut
Marsha Ivins[?]
, astronaut
Greg Jarvis
, (1944-1986), astronaut
Sigmund Jähn
, german cosmonaut
Mae Jemison
, (born 1956), first African-American woman
in space
Tamara Jernigan
, (born 1959), astronaut
Brent Jett[?]
, astronaut
Thomas Jones[?]
, astronaut
Leonid Kadenyuk[?]
, astronaut
Alexander Kaleri[?]
, astronaut
Janet Kavandi[?]
, astronaut
James Kelly[?]
, astronaut
Mark Kelly
, astronaut
Scott Kelly[?]
, astronaut
Joseph Kerwin[?]
, astronaut
Yevgeny Khrunov
, (1933-2000), astronaut
Leonid Kizim[?]
, astronaut
Petr Klimuk[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Komarov
, (1927-1967), Soviet cosmonaut
Elena Kondakova[?]
, astronaut
Valery Korzun[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Kovalyonok[?]
, astronaut
Konstantin Kozeyev[?]
, astronaut
Kevin Kregel[?]
, astronaut
Sergey Krikalev[?]
, astronaut
Valeri Kubasov
, (born 1935), astronaut
Judith Lapierre[?]
, astronaut
Alexander Laveykin[?]
, astronaut
Wendy Lawrence[?]
, astronaut
Vasily Lazarev[?]
, astronaut
Alexander Lazutkin[?]
, astronaut
Valentin Lebedev[?]
, astronaut
Mark Lee[?]
, astronaut
David Leestma[?]
, astronaut
William Lenoir[?]
, astronaut
Aleksei Leonov
, (born 1934), astronaut
Frederick Leslie[?]
, astronaut
Anatoly Levchenko[?]
, astronaut
Byron Lichtenberg[?]
, astronaut
Don Lind[?]
, astronaut
Steven Lindsey[?]
, astronaut
Jerry Linenger[?]
, astronaut
Richard Linnehan[?]
, astronaut
Gregory Linteris[?]
, astronaut
Paul Lockhart[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Lonchakov[?]
, astronaut
Michael Lopez-Alegria[?]
, astronaut
John Lounge[?]
, astronaut
Jack Lousma[?]
, astronaut
Jim Lovell[?]
, (born 1928), astronaut
George Low[?]
, astronaut
Edward Lu[?]
, astronaut
Shannon Lucid[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Lyakhov[?]
, astronaut
Steven MacLean[?]
, astronaut
Sandra Magnus[?]
, astronaut
Oleg Makarov
, (1933-2003), astronaut
Yuri Malenchenko[?]
, astronaut
Franco Malerba[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Malyshev[?]
, astronaut
Gennady Manakov[?]
, astronaut
Musa Manarov[?]
, astronaut
Michael Massimino[?]
, astronaut
Richard Mastracchio[?]
, astronaut
Thomas Mattingly[?]
, astronaut
William McArthur[?]
, astronaut
Christa McAuliffe
, (1948-1986), astronaut
John McBride[?]
, astronaut
Bruce McCandless[?]
, astronaut
William C. McCool
, (1961-2003), astronaut
Michael McCulley[?]
, astronaut
James McDivitt[?]
, astronaut
Donald McMonagle[?]
, astronaut
Ronald McNair
, (1950-1986), astronaut
Carl Meade[?]
, astronaut
Bruce Melnick[?]
, astronaut
Pamella Melroy[?]
, astronaut
Ulf Merbold
, (born 1941), German astronaut
Ernst Messerschmid[?]
, (born 1945), astronaut
Edgar Mitchell[?]
, (born 1930),
Apollo 14
Abdul Mohmand[?]
, (born 1959), astronaut
Mamoru Mohri[?]
, (born 1948), astronaut
Lee Morin[?]
, astronaut
Boris Morukov[?]
, astronaut
Chiaki Mukai[?]
, astronaut
Richard Mullane[?]
, astronaut
Talgat Musabayev[?]
, astronaut
Story Musgrave[?]
, astronaut
Steven Nagel[?]
, astronaut
George Nelson[?]
, astronaut
William Nelson
, astronaut
Rodolfo Neri Vela[?]
, astronaut
James Newman[?]
, astronaut
Claude Nicollier[?]
, (born 1944), pilot, astronaut
Andrian Nikolayev
, (born 1929), astronaut
Carlos Noriega[?]
, astronaut
Bryan O'Connor[?]
, astronaut
Ellen Ochoa[?]
, astronaut
Wubbo Ockels[?]
, astronaut
Ellison Onizuka
, (1946-1986), astronaut
Yuri Onufrienko[?]
, astronaut
Stephen Oswald[?]
, astronaut
Robert Overmyer[?]
, astronaut
Gennady Padalka[?]
, astronaut
William Pailes[?]
, astronaut
Scott Parazynski[?]
, astronaut
Roland Parise[?]
, astronaut
Robert Parker[?]
, astronaut
Viktor Patsayev
, (1933-1971), astronaut
James Pawelczyk[?]
, astronaut
Julie Payette[?]
, (born 1963), astronaut
Gary Payton[?]
, astronaut
Philippe Perrin[?]
, astronaut
Donald Peterson[?]
, astronaut
Donald Pettit[?]
, astronaut
Tuan Pham[?]
, astronaut
John Phillips
, (1935-2001), astronaut
William Pogue[?]
, astronaut
Mark Polansky[?]
, astronaut
Alexander Polishchuk[?]
, astronaut
Vlery Polyakov[?]
, astronaut
Leonid Popov[?]
, astronaut
Pavel Popovich
, (born 1930), astronaut
Charles Precourt[?]
, astronaut
Dumitru Prunariu[?]
, astronaut
Ilan Ramon
, (1954-2003), astronaut
William Readdy[?]
, astronaut
Kenneth Reightler[?]
, astronaut
James Reilly[?]
, astronaut
Thomas Reiter[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Remek[?]
, astronaut
Judith Resnik
, (1949-1986), astronaut
Paul Richards[?]
, astronaut
Richard Richards[?]
, astronaut
Sally Ride
, (born 1951), astronaut
Stephen Robinson[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Romanenko[?]
, astronaut
Kent Rominger[?]
, astronaut
Stuart Roosa[?]
, astronaut
Jerry Ross[?]
, astronaut
Valery Rozhdestvensky[?]
, astronaut
Nikolay Rukavishnikov[?]
, astronaut
Mario Runco[?]
, astronaut
Valery Ryumin[?]
, astronaut
Albert Sacco[?]
, astronaut
Gennady Sarafanov[?]
, astronaut
Viktor Savinykh[?]
, astronaut
Svetlana Savitskaya
, astronaut
Wally Schirra[?]
, (born 1923), astronaut
Hans Schlegel[?]
, astronaut
Harrison Schmitt
, (born 1935), astronaut
Russel Schweickart[?]
, astronaut
Dick Scobee
, (1939-1986), astronaut
Winston Scott[?]
, astronaut
David Scott[?]
Apollo 15
Paul Scully-Power[?]
, astronaut
Richard Searfoss[?]
, astronaut
Rhea Seddon[?]
, astronaut
Ronald Sega[?]
, astronaut
Piers Sellers[?]
, astronaut
Alexander Serebrov[?]
, astronaut
Vitali Sevastyanov
, (born 1935), astronaut
Salizhan Sharipov[?]
, astronaut
Rakesh Sharma[?]
, astronaut
Helen Sharman[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Shatalov
, (born 1927), astronaut
Brewster Shaw[?]
, astronaut
Alan Shepard
, (1923-1998),
Apollo 14
William Shepherd[?]
, astronaut
Georgi Shonin
, (1935-1997), astronaut
Loren Shriver[?]
, astronaut
Mark Shuttleworth[?]
, Web entrepreneur, founder of
, astronaut
Donald Slayton[?]
, astronaut
Michael J. Smith
, (1945-1986), astronaut
Steven Smith[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Solovyev[?]
, astronaut
Anatoly Solovyev[?]
, astronaut
Sherwood Spring[?]
, astronaut
Robert Springer[?]
, astronaut
Thomas Stafford[?]
, astronaut
Robert Stewart
, astronaut
Susan Still (Kilrain)[?]
, astronaut
Guennadi Strekalov[?]
, astronaut
Frederick Sturckow[?]
, astronaut
Kathryn Sullivan[?]
, astronaut
John Swigert[?]
, astronaut
Daniel Tani[?]
, astronaut
Joseph Tanner[?]
, astronaut
Valentina Tereshkova
, (born 1937), Soviet cosmonaut
Norman Thagard[?]
, astronaut
Gerhard Thiele[?]
, astronaut
Robert Thirsk[?]
, astronaut
Donald Thomas
, astronaut
Andrew Thomas[?]
, astronaut
Kathryn Thornton[?]
, astronaut
William Thornton
, (1759-1828), architect
Pierre Thuot[?]
, astronaut
Dennis Tito[?]
, astronaut
Gherman Titov
, (1935-2000), astronaut
Vladimir Titov[?]
, astronaut
Michel Tognini[?]
, astronaut
Valery Tokarev[?]
, astronaut
Arnaldo Tomayo-Mendez[?]
, astronaut
Sergei Treschev[?]
, astronaut
Eugene Trinh[?]
, astronaut
Richard Truly[?]
, astronaut
Bjarni Tryggvason[?]
, astronaut
Vasily Tsibliyev[?]
, astronaut
Mikhail Tyurin[?]
, astronaut
Yuri Usachev[?]
, astronaut
Lodewijk van den Berg[?]
, astronaut
James van Hoften[?]
, astronaut
Vladimir Vasyutin[?]
, astronaut
Charles Veach[?]
, astronaut
Franz Viehboeck[?]
, astronaut
Alexander Viktorenko[?]
, astronaut
Pavel Vinogradov[?]
, astronaut
Roberto Vittori[?]
, astronaut
Igor Volk[?]
, astronaut
Vladislav Volkov
, (1935-1971), astronaut
Alexander Volkov[?]
, astronaut
Boris Volynov
, (born 1934), astronaut
James Voss[?]
, astronaut
Janice Voss[?]
, astronaut
Koichi Wakata[?]
, astronaut
Rex Walheim[?]
, astronaut
Charles Walker[?]
, astronaut
David Walker[?]
, astronaut
Ulrich Walter
, (born 1954),
Carl Walz[?]
, astronaut
Taylor Wang[?]
, astronaut
Mary Weber[?]
, astronaut
Paul Weitz[?]
, astronaut
James Wetherbee[?]
, astronaut
Edward White
, (1930-1967),
Peggy Whitson[?]
, astronaut
Terrence Wilcutt[?]
, astronaut
Dafydd Williams[?]
, astronaut
Donald Williams[?]
, astronaut
Jeffrey Williams[?]
, astronaut
Peter Wisoff[?]
, astronaut
David Wolf[?]
, astronaut
Alfred Worden[?]
, astronaut
Boris Yegorov
, (1937-1994), astronaut
Aleksei Yeliseyev
, (born 1934), astronaut
John Young[?]
Fyodor Yurchikhin[?]
, astronaut
Sergey Zalyotin[?]
, astronaut
Vitaly Zholobov[?]
, astronaut
Viacheslav Zudov[?]
, astronaut
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