August 5 is the 217th day of the year in the Gregorian Calendar (218th in leap years), with 148 days remaining.
- 1811 - Thomas Ambroise[?], composer (+ 1896)
- 1842 - Ferdinand Keller[?], painter (+ 1922)
- 1850 - Guy de Maupassant, author (+ 1893)
- 1866 - Carl Harries[?], chemist (+ 1923)
- 1889 - Conrad Aiken, poet (+ 1973)
- 1890 - Erich Kleiber, conductor (+ 1956)
- 1906 - John Huston, director (+ 1987)
- 1911 - Robert Taylor[?], actor (+ 1969)
- 1930 - Neil Armstrong, astronaut
- 1935 - John Saxon[?], actor
- 1939 - Princess Irene of the Netherlands
- 1940 - Roman Gabriel[?], professional football player
- 1946 - Loni Anderson[?], actress
- 1946 - Jimmy Webb, composer, musician
- 1947 - Rick Derringer[?], rock and roll musician
- 1951 - Airto[?], percussionist
- 1956 - Maurren McCormick[?], actress, The Brady Bunch
- 1962 - Patrick Ewing, basketball player
Holidays and observances
See Also:
August 4 - August 6 - July 5 - September 5 -- listing of all days
January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December
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