Encyclopedia > Afghanistan timeline April 1-15, 2003

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Afghanistan timeline April 1-15, 2003

Afghanistan timeline

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April 15, 2003

April 14, 2003

April 13, 2003

April 12, 2003

  • A taxi packed with explosives exploded in Karwan Sarui[?], four miles east of Khost[?], Afghanistan, killing four people who apparently were planning a terrorist attack. Two of the killed were unidentified Pakistani nationals and one man was from Yemen. The fourth, the driver, was identified as Bacha Malkhui[?] in one report and Zarat Khan[?] in another report, a former intelligence officer for the deposed Taliban government. The blast destroyed a two-story home and injured a nearby woman.
  • The International Committee of the Red Cross announced it had resumed most of its operations in Afghanistan after a two-week suspension following the murder of Ricardo Munguia. However, travel for ICRC employees outside many major cities remained off-limits, and, in remote areas considered insecure, some programs were postponed indefinitely or canceled. As a consequence of the heightened dangers, the ICRC also announced that it would its permanent expatriate staff in Afghanistan by about 25 people, to around 120. To date, the ICRC employed 1,500 Afghans.
  • Zabul province[?] officials announced that Orfeo Bartolini, an Italian tourist, had been shot to death, Afghanistan by suspected Taliban gunmen.
  • Unidentified attackers threw hand-grenades at Italian troops on patrol near Khost[?], Afghanistan. No Italians were injured. Italian troops detained one person after the incident.

April 11, 2003

April 10, 2003

April 9, 2003

  • Eleven Afghans were killed and one wounded when a stray U.S. laser-guided bomb hit a house on the outskirts of Shkin[?] in Paktika province[?]. The bomb was fired by U.S. Marine Corps AV-8 Harrier II air support that had been summoned by coalition forces in pursuit of two groups of five to 10 enemy personnel. The enemy attackers had attacked an Afghan military post checkpoint, wounding four government soldiers. Amnesty International promptly called for an investigation.

April 8, 2003

April 7, 2003

April 6, 2003

  • Officials announced a U.N.-sponsored program to disarm, demobilize and reintegrate an estimated 100,000 fighters across Afghanistan over the next three years, starting in July. Former fighters would be provided with vocational training, employment opportunities and access to credit. Others would be given the chance to apply for positions in the national army. Funded by Japan, Canada, Britain and the United States, the program has a three-year budget of $157 million.
  • The United Nations removed a ban on the movement of U.N. personnel in southern Afghanistan, however the International Committee of the Red Cross, with 150 foreign workers in Afghanistan, suspended operations indefinitely. The U.N. ban had been imposed ten days earlier when Ricardo Munguia, of the International Committee of the Red Cross, was pulled out of his car and shot dead.
  • The United Nations Children's Fund warned that millions of Afghan women and children continued to face major health and nutrition problems, with maternal and infant mortality in Afghanistan among the worst in the world. To day, Afghanistan's infant mortality rate was 165 per 1,000 live births, and its maternal mortality ratio was 1,600 maternal deaths per 100,000 live births. In its report, UNICEF also said it had received 65 percent of its $35 million budget for Afghan programs in 2003 and called on donors to fill the shortage.
  • Nearly 50 suspected Taliban fighters attacked an Afghan government checkpost in the Shingai[?] district of Zabul province[?]. Three Afghan government troops were wounded. The fighters fled after a brief gun battle, but government troops captured 20 of them a day later during raids on several villages in the region.

April 5, 2003

April 4, 2003

  • Two explosions occurred in Spin Boldak[?], Afghanistan at a shop and a public baths, but no one was hurt.
  • An Afghan agricultural department official Aibak[?] announced that an international aid organization had sent experts to Samangan province[?] to train hundreds of people in anti-locust measures and had supplied spraying equipment to eliminate the pest. Locusts were threatening the crops of the region for a second year running.

April 3, 2003

  • The United Nations extended a ban on travel for its staff in southern Afghanistan to give local authorities time to improve security in the area where a foreign aid worker was murdered a weak earlier.
  • The U.N. special investigator for human rights in Afghanistan, Kamal Hossain[?], told the United Nations Human Rights Commission[?] meeting in Geneva that insufficient funding for Afghanistan could jeopardize the development of such groups as the army and police, which are important to ensure stability. He added that the absence of enough security forces would embolden warlords around the country to harass different ethnic tribes and to roll back educational opportunities for women and girls. To date, Afghanistan had received almost $2 billion out the $4.5 billion pledged by the international community.
  • The humanitarian projects board of the U.S.-led coalition approved 19 assistance and reconstruction projects valued at $722,000. The projects included water improvement and the construction of medical clinics and schools in 10 provinces.

  • Afghan militia soldiers (number about 250) and U.S.-led coalition plane-strikes killed eight suspected Taliban fighters in the Tor Ghar[?] mountains near Spinboldak[?], Afghanistan. One Afghan militia member was killed and three others were injured. Fifteen suspects were taken into custody. In the cleanup the soldiers also found and confiscated light machine guns, bomb-making materials, improvised explosive devices, two trucks, two motorcycles and ammunition. More than 35,000 pounds of ordnance were dropped or fired from five types of aircraft — Harrier jets, B-1 bombers, A-10 Thunderbolts and helicopter gunships — on the rebel positions.
  • Haji Gilani and his nephew were killed outside their home in Deh Rawood[?], Afghanistan by six gunmen. According to witnesses, one of the gunmen was Mardan Khan[?], whose brother was a Taliban commander, but no arrests were made.

April 2, 2003

  • A deminer from U.S. military contractor Ronco[?] lost his right foot after stepping on a mine near the Bagram[?] base in Afghanistan.
  • U.S. soldiers called in B-1[?] bombers and A-10 aircraft after three explosions apparently caused by rockets shook a U.S. military post in the Asadabad[?], Afghanistan. The planes did not strike.
  • A 9-year-old Afghan boy was evacuated from Deh Rahwood[?] to a U.S.-led base in Kandahar after suffering a bullet wound to the leg.
  • Afghan forces mounted an operation near Spinboldak[?] against 50 to 60 suspected terrorists. Two government soldiers were killed and one wounded in the fighting. Seven suspected terrorists were captured.

April 1, 2003

  • Speaking on Afghan television, the Information and Culture Minister, Makhdum Rahin[?], said that the country was making progress in encouraging an independent media. He also encouraged Afghanistan's young journalists to criticize the government and himself personally, when mistakes were made.
  • In Islamabad, Shaukat Aziz[?] announced that Pakistan would actively participate in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and undertake various development projects for the welfare of its people. Aziz said that a Pakistani private construction company has obtained a 25 million U.S. dollar contract to build a road link from Chaman[?] to Kandahar and a 30 million US dollar sub-contract in other reconstruction projects.
  • A U.S. armored Humvee struck a landmine near Kandahar, Afghanistan. No one was injured. The mine caused major damage to the front end of the vehicle.
  • Northeast of Kandahar, Afghanistan, two rockets were fired at a U.S. base.
  • A rocket was fired toward a U.S. base at Orgun[?] in Paktika province[?], Afghanistan.
  • Afghan troops, following a trail in the Dara-e-Noor[?] mountains north of Kandahar, stumbled on tents and mud huts that appeared to be a base for about 30 rebel fighters.
  • A patrol of U.S. soldiers investigating a rocket launch site near Gardez, Afghanistan came under small arms fire from a walled compound. An investigation of the compound "revealed a group of Afghan militia force soldiers had fired at the U.S. soldiers inadvertently."
  • Afghan border guards and U.S. special forces soldiers apprehended two men attempting to cross a checkpoint near Khost[?]. The men were escorting a donkey carrying two anti-tank mines, 10 pressure plates for the mines, 10 rocket-propelled grenade rounds and high-explosive rounds.

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