Sherlock Holmes is a famous, brilliant, fictional detective of the late 19th century, created by British author and physician Arthur Conan Doyle. Sherlock Holmes describes himself as a "consulting detective", which means that people come to consult him about their problems, rather than him going to see them; we are told that he is often able to solve a problem without leaving home (although this aspect is somewhat lost in the stories themselves, which focus on the more interesting cases which often do require him to do actual legwork). He specializes in solving unusual cases using his extraordinary powers of observation and "deduction" (see below). Conan Doyle loosely based Holmes on his teacher at the medical school of Edinburgh University, the gifted surgeon and forensic detective Joseph Bell. The Sherlock Holmes name was derived from a pair of cricketers.
It is a popular myth that Sherlock Homes gave rise to an entire genre of murder mystery fiction, whereas the detective genre was alive before Holmes, if not one which followed a logical progression to the solution. Many fictional detectives have imitated Holmes' logical methods and followed in his footsteps, in many different ways. Some of the more popular fictional detectives to continue Holmes' legacy include Agatha Christie's Hercule Poirot, Ellery Queen, Perry Mason, Columbo, Dick Tracy and even the comic book superhero Batman.
In many of the stories he is assisted by his companion, the practical Dr. John H. Watson, with whom Holmes shared rooms for some time, before Watson's marriage. Watson is portrayed as Holmes's friend and chronicler, i.e., Holmes's stories are told as reports, by Watson, of Holmes's solutions to actual crimes. Holmes also has a brother, Mycroft Holmes[?], who appears in at least three stories: "The Greek Interpreter[?]", "The Final Problem[?]", and "The Adventure of the Bruce-Partington Plans[?]".
In three stories, including The Sign of Four[?], he is assisted by a group of street children or urchins he calls the Baker Street Irregulars.
In the very first Holmes story, A Study in Scarlet, something of Holmes's background is given. On March 4, 1881 he is presented as an independent student of chemistry with a variety of very curious side-interests—which turn out all to be single-mindedly bent toward making Holmes superior at solving crimes. (Well, perhaps not all—certainly violin playing and pipe-smoking do not). In another early Holmes story, "The Gloria Scott[?]", we get more background on what caused Holmes to become a detective: a college friend's father complimented him very highly on his deductive skills.
In this first story, Dr. Watson makes an evaluation of Sherlock's skills:
"Sherlock Holmes–his limits"
Elsewhere Sherlock himself mentions that he has "some knowledge" of baritsu, "the Japanese system of wrestling", by means of which he escaped the death-grip of his arch-enemy.
In this same first story Doyle presents a comparison between his debuting character and two earlier established and better known at the time fictional detectives: Edgar Allan Poe's Auguste Dupin[?] and Emile Gaboriau's Monsieur Lecoq[?]. Dupin had first appeared in "The Murders in the Rue Morgue", first published in 1841, and Lecoq in "L'Affaire Lerouge[?]" ("The Lerouge Affair") in 1866. The brief discussion between Watson and Holmes about the two characters begins with a comment by Watson:
Holmes's arch-enemy, and popularly-supposed nemesis was Professor James Moriarty ("the Napoleon of Crime") who fell, struggling with Holmes, over the Reichenbach Falls[?]. Conan Doyle intended "The Final Problem", the story in which Holmes and Moriarty fell over the cliff, to be the last that he wrote about Holmes; however the mass of mailings he received demanding that he bring Holmes back convinced him to continue. "The Adventure of the Empty House" had Conan Doyle explaining that only Moriarty fell over the cliff, but Holmes had allowed the world to believe that he too had perished while he dodged the retribution of Moriarty's underlings. Notably, Moriarty does not appear directly in the stories; Watson never encounters Moriarty, and so the encounters between Holmes and his nemesis are described by Holmes.
Irene Adler[?] was always referred to by Holmes and his fans as "The Woman". She only appeared in "A Scandal in Bohemia", but she is often thought to be the only woman who broke through Holmes's reserve. Given the fact that he got himself engaged in several times during different books (only to add information to his cases, but even so) this is most unlikely.
However Holmes is not at all a stuffy strait-laced Victorian gentleman; in fact, he describes himself and his habits as "Bohemian". He apparently suffers from bipolar disorder, alternating between days or weeks of listless lassitude and similar periods of intense engagement with a challenging case or with his hobby, experimental chemistry. Modern readers of the Holmes stories are apt to be surprised that he is an avid user of cocaine, though Watson describes this as Holmes's "only vice". Watson might not have considered as a vice Holmes's habit of smoking (usually a pipe) like a chimney, nor his tendency to bend the truth and break the law (i.e. burgle, housebreak, but not say murder or rape) when it suited his purposes; in Victorian England these were probably not considered vices as long as they were done by a gentleman for noble purposes. Since a lot of the plot revolved around doing this, a reader must accept this as contemporary readers did.
Holmesian (or Sherlockian) deduction "From a drop of water"—Holmes wrote in an essay described in A Study in Scarlet—"a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other." Holmes stories often begin with a bravura display of Holmes's talent for "deduction". It is of some interest to logicians and those interested in logic to try to analyze just what Holmes is doing when he performs his deduction. Holmesian (that's the British adjective; Americans say "Sherlockian") deduction appears to consist primarily of drawing inferences based on either straightforward practical principles—which are the result of careful inductive study, such as Holmes's study of different kind of cigar ashes—or inference to the best explanation. In many cases, the inference can be modelled either way. In 2002, Holmes was inducted as an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry[?]—the only fictional character so honored—in appreciation of the contributions to forensic investigation.
Holmes's straightforward practical principles are generally of the form, "If p, then q," where "p" is observed evidence and "q" is what the evidence indicates. But there are also, as one may observe in the following example, often some intermediate principles. In "A Scandal in Bohemia[?]", Holmes deduces that Watson had gotten very wet lately and that he had "a most clumsy and careless servant girl". When Watson, in amazement, asks how Holmes knows this, Holmes answers:
In this case, we might say Holmes employed several connected principles such as these:
(Of course they could be used to remove anything from the shoe, or by someone wishing to damage the shoe.)
(But of course we only gather that mud was scraped off by the information above.)
(Which seems a very bad turn of speech. People would likely to get wet often! Also the mud wasn't placed there recently anyway.)
By applying such principles in an obvious way (using repeated applications of modus ponens), Holmes is able to infer from
But perhaps Holmes isn't giving a proper explanation—after all Holmes may be well aware of Watson's servant girl. As Watson is a doctor and it has been raining it is likely he has been out in the rain.
In other instances of Holmesian deduction, it is more difficult to model his inference as deduction using general principles, and logicians and scientists will readily recognize the method used, instead, as an inductive one—in particular, argument to the best explanation[?], or, in Charles S. Peirce's terminology, abduction. (That Holmes should have called this deduction is entirely plausible, however; in several stories, Holmes is said not to have known anything at all of philosophy.)
The instances in which Holmes uses abduction tend to be those where he has amassed a large body of evidence, produced a number of possible explanations of that evidence, and then proceeds to find one explanation that is clearly the best at explaining the evidence. For example, in The Sign of Four[?], a certain man is found dead in his room, with a ghastly smile on his face, and with no immediately visible cause of death. From a whole body of background information as well as evidence gathered at and around the scene of the crime, Holmes is able to infer that the murderer is—not the various people that Scotland Yard has in custody (each of them being an alternative explanation)—but rather ... well, we don't want to give away the story, but you get the idea. As Holmes says in the story, "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth?"
In the latter example, in fact, Holmes's solution of the crime depends both on a series of applications of general principles and argument to the best explanation.
Holmes's success at his brand of deduction, therefore, is due to his mastery of both a huge body of particular knowledge of things like footprints, cigar ashes, and poisons, which he uses to make relatively simple deductive inferences, and the fine art of ordering and weighing different competing explanations of a body of evidence. Holmes is also particularly good at gathering evidence by observation, as well locating and tracking the movements of criminals through the streets of London and environs (in order to produce more evidence)—skills that have little to do with deduction per se, but everything to do with providing the premises for particular Holmesian deductions.
In the stories by Conan Doyle, Holmes often remarked that his logical conclusions were "elementary", in that he considered them to be simple and obvious. However, the complete phrase "Elementary, my dear Watson" does not appear in any of the 68 Holmes stories written by Doyle.
It should be noted too, that our modern stereotype of police procedure-someone who looks for physical clues, rather than someone who examines opportunity and motive, comes from Holmes.
Readers of the Sherlock Homes stories have often been surprised to discover that their author, Conan Doyle, was a fervent believer in paranormal phenomena, and that the logical, skeptical/sceptical character of Holmes was in opposition to his own in many ways.
The word 'Sherlock' has entered the language to mean a detective or nosey person.
Watson calls Holmes a "desiccated calculating machine" (desiccated means "dried up", as in dessicated coconut). This was, by the way, the era of Charles Babbage. In some ways this is true. If Holmes wants to find out information, he will either send out his Irregulars or look through books (as he looked up about The Hound of the Baskervilles), treating all he finds as data — information to be interpreted. This is very similar to a way a computer works. Like a machine, he doesn't have a social life and he doesn't seem to eat or even sleep (even when he was ill). When a computer wants to solve a problem it focuses it — just like Holmes. A detective nowadays may go out for a walk or go out for the night and try to clear the mind. There are differences however. Although a computer could possibly come with the idea of getting engaged to a woman to gain information from them, it couldn't come up with a way of doing this. A computer would not stoop to disguise or acting as Holmes did. In fact if you consider Holmes's deduction principles above, it seems a very skewed logic. Of course, even computers aren't always that logical.
The Canon Conan Doyle wrote four novels and fifty-six short stories about Sherlock Holmes. All were narrated by Dr. Watson, with the exception of two narrated by Holmes himself and two more written in the third person. The stories appeared in magazine serialization, notably in The Strand[?], over a period of forty years. This was a common form of publication in those days; Charles Dickens also wrote in a similar fashion.
(organized by collection)
"The Hiatus" Holmes fans refer to the period from 1891 to 1894—the time between Holmes's disappearance and presumed death in "The Final Problem" and his reappearance in "The Adventure of the Empty House"—as "the Hiatus". It is notable, though, that one later story ("The Adventure of Wisteria Lodge") is described as taking place in 1892.
For Conan Doyle, writing the stories, the period is ten years. Conan Doyle, wanting to devote more time to his historical novels, killed off Holmes in "The Final Problem", which appeared in print in 1893. After resisting public pressure for eight years, Conan Doyle wrote The Hound of the Baskervilles, which appeared in 1901, setting it before Holmes's "death". The public, while pleased with the story, were not satisfied with a posthumous Holmes, and so Conan Doyle resuscitated Holmes two years later. Many have speculated on Conan Doyle's motives for bringing Holmes back to life, notably writer-director Nicholas Meyer[?], who wrote an essay on the subject in the 1970s, but the actual motives are not known. For whatever reason, Conan Doyle continued to write Holmes stories for a quarter-century more.
Adaptations The stories were very popular as adaptations for the stage, and later film, and still later television.
A number of plays have been written around Holmes and also one musical.
Other people who have played Sherlock Holmes in film, television, stage, or radio include:
Holmesian Speculation A popular pastime among fans of Sherlock Holmes is to pretend that Holmes and Watson were real people, and Arthur Conan Doyle merely Watson's "literary agent", and to attempt to "discover" new facts about them, either from clues in the stories or by combining the stories with historical fact.
One influential player of the historical-Holmes game was William S. Baring-Gould, whose works on the subject included The Chronological Holmes, an attempt to lay out in chronological order all the events alluded to in the Sherlock Holmes stories; Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street, an influential "biography" of Holmes; and Nero Wolfe of West Thirty-fifth Street, a "biography" of Rex Stout's detective character Nero Wolfe which popularised the theory that Wolfe was "really" the son of Sherlock Holmes and Irene Adler.
Various authors have given different views of Holmes's parentage, but usually agree he was of English-French origin and that his father was a country Squire and that his mother was named or nick-named Violet.
This widespread agreement is due to Sherlock Holmes of Baker Street, the influential "biography" of Holmes by William S. Baring-Gould. Faced with Holmes's reticence about his family background and early life, Baring-Gould invented one for him. According to Baring-Gould, Sherlock Holmes was born in Yorkshire, the youngest of three sons of Siger Holmes and Violet Sherrinford. The middle brother, Mycroft, appears in the Canon, but the eldest, Sherrinford Holmes, was invented by Baring-Gould to free Mycroft and Sherlock from the obligation of following Siger as a country squire. (In reality, "Sherrinford Holmes" was one of the names Arthur Conan Doyle considered for his hero before settling on "Sherlock".) Siger Holmes's name is derived from "The Adventure of the Empty House", in which Sherlock spends some time pretending to be a Norwegian mountaineer called Sigerson. (This hardly qualifies as a clue about the name of Sherlock's father, but in the absence of any genuine clues it was the best Baring-Gould had to work with.)
Some other versions of Sherlock's parentage:
Authors of new (i.e. Non-Doyle) Sherlock Holmes stories
See also: Scotland Yard (the HOLMES computer).
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