Encyclopedia > List of science fiction films

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List of science fiction films

The tone of science fiction films is often a guide to the tone of the times the film was made: other worlds and species are viewed in turn as wonderful, terrifying, threatening, incomprehensible, and childishly benign.

Notable science fiction films include:

Prior to 1930

1902 A Trip to the Moon[?] (original title Le voyage dans la lune)
1927 Metropolis
1929 Frau im Mond[?]


1931 Frankenstein
1933 The Invisible Man
1936 Flash Gordon Serial
1938 Things to Come


1951 The Day the Earth Stood Still
1951 The Thing From Another World (Howard Hawks original)
1958 Plan 9 from Outer Space
1952 The War of the Worlds
1954 Godzilla (original title ゴジラ Gojira)
1956 Forbidden Planet
1954 This Island Earth[?]
1957 The Incredible Shrinking Man
1958 The Blob[?]
1959 Journey to the Center of the Earth[?]


1960 The Time Machine
1963 Day of the Triffids
1964 Dr. Strangelove or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb
1966 Fahrenheit 451
1966 Seconds
1968 2001 A Space Odyssey
1969 Colossus: the Forbin Project[?]


1970 THX 1138
1971 A Clockwork Orange
1971 The Andromeda Strain
1971 The Omega Man
1972 Solaris (original title Солярис Solyaris)
1973 Sleeper[?]
1973 Soylent Green
1974 Dark Star
1975 Rollerball
1977 Star Wars
1977 Close Encounters of the Third Kind
1979 Star Trek: The Motion Picture
1979 Alien


1980 The Empire Strikes Back
1981 Outland
1981 Escape from New York
1982 E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
1982 Blade Runner
1982 The Thing (John Carpenter remake)
1983 Return Of The Jedi
1983 Le Prix du Danger
1984 Dune (David Lynch version)
1984 The Terminator
1984 Starman
1984 Sexmisja[?]
1985 Cocoon
1986 Aliens
1987 RoboCop[?]
1988 Akira (animated film by Katsuhiro Ôtomo)
1989 The Abyss


1990 Robocop 2[?]
1993 Jurassic Park
1995 Twelve Monkeys
1996 Mars Attacks
1997 Contact
1997 Gattaca
1999 The Matrix
1999 eXistenZ[?]
1999 Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace


2000 Mission to Mars[?]
2001 A.I.: Artificial Intelligence
2002 Minority Report
2002 Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
2003 The Matrix Reloaded, (The Matrix Revolutions to be released in November)

See also:

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