Encyclopedia > Infectious diseases

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List of infectious diseases

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Health Sciences > Medicine > Infectious Diseases

Human infectious diseases grouped by causative agent and alphabetically

Table of contents

Viral infectious diseases

AIDS -- AIDS Related Complex -- Chickenpox or Varicella -- Common cold -- Cytomegalovirus Infection[?] -- Colorado tick fever[?] -- Dengue fever -- Ebola haemorrhagic fever -- Epidemical parotitis -- Flu -- Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease -- Hepatitis -- Herpes zoster -- Influenza -- Lassa fever -- Measles -- Marburg haemorrhagic fever -- Mononucleosis -- Mumps -- Poliomyelitis -- Progressive multifocal leukencephalopathy[?] -- Rabies -- Rubella -- SARS -- Smallpox or variola -- Viral meningitis -- West Nile disease -- Yellow fever

Bacterial infectious diseases

Anthrax -- Bacterial Meningitis -- Brucellosis[?] -- Bubonic plague -- Campylobacteriosis[?] -- Cholera -- Diphtheria -- Epidemic Typhus -- Gonorrhea -- Hansen's Disease -- Legionellosis -- Leprosy -- Leptospirosis[?] -- Listeriosis[?] -- Lyme Disease -- MRSA infection[?] -- Nocardiosis[?] -- Pertussis -- Pneumococcal pneumonia[?] -- Psittacosis -- Q fever -- Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever[?] or RMSF[?] -- Salmonellosis[?] -- Scarlet Fever[?] -- Shigellosis -- Syphilis -- Tetanus -- Trachoma[?] -- Tuberculosis -- Tularemia[?] -- Typhoid Fever -- Typhus

Parasitic infectious diseases

African trypanosomiasis[?] -- Amebiasis[?] -- Ascariasis[?] -- Chagas Disease[?] -- Clonorchiasis[?] -- Diphyllobothriasis[?] -- Dracunculiasis[?] -- Echinococcosis -- Enterobiasis -- Fascioliasis[?] -- Fasciolopsiasis[?] -- Filariasis[?] -- Giardiasis[?] -- Gnathostomiasis[?] -- Hymenolepiasis[?] -- Kala-azar -- Leishmaniasis -- Lice -- Malaria -- Onchocerciasis[?] -- Pediculosis -- Pinworm Infection -- Scabies -- Schistosomiasis -- Toxocariasis[?] -- Toxoplasmosis -- Trichinellosis -- Trichinosis -- Trichuriasis -- Trypanosomiasis[?]

Fungal infectious diseases

Aspergillosis[?] -- Blastomycosis[?] -- Candidiasis -- Coccidioidomycosis -- Cryptococcosis[?] -- Cryptosporidiosis[?] -- Cysticercosis[?] -- Histoplasmosis[?]

Prion infectious diseases

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy -- Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease -- Kuru

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