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Peter Bagration

Prince Peter Ivanovich Bagration (1765 - 1812), a descendent of the noble Georgian family of the Bagratides, served as a Russian general.

Bagration entered the Russian army in 1782, and served for some years in the Caucasus. He participated in the siege of Ochakov[?] (1788), and in the Polish campaign of 1794, being present at the taking of Praga[?] and Warsaw. His merits were recognized by Suvorov[?], whom he accompanied in the Italian and Swiss campaign of 1799, winning particular distinction by the capture of the town of Brescia[?].

In the wars of 1805 Bagration's achievements appeared even more brilliant. With a small rearguard he successfully resisted the repeated attacks of forces five times his own numbers (Battle of Hollabrunn, 16 November 1805), and though half his men fell, the retreat of the main army under Kutuzov was thereby secured. At Austerlitz (2 December 1805) Bagration fought against the left wing of the French army commanded by Murat[?] and Lannes[?]. At the battles of Eylau (7 February 1807), Heilsberg[?] (11 June 1807) and Friedland (14 June 1807) he fought with the most resolute and stubborn courage.

In 1808, by a daring march across the frozen Gulf of Finland, Bagration captured the Åland Islands, and in 1809 he commanded against the Turks at the battles of Rassowa and Tataritza.

In 1812 Bagration commanded the 2nd army of the West, and though defeated at Mogilev[?] (23 July 1812), rejoined the main army under Barclay de Tolly, and led the left wing at the Battle of Borodino (7 September 1812), where he received a mortal wound.

Tsar Nicholas I had a monument erected in his honour on the battlefield of Borodino.

Original text from 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica

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