Encyclopedia > Denis Norden

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Denis Norden

Denis Norden (born 1922) is a British comedy writer and television presenter.

Norden is nowadays best known to television audiences for his occasional show, It'll be Alright on the Night[?], which consists of outtakes from film and television linked by witty comments and has run since 1977. However, he has had a long and distinguished career as a writer and radio personality, partnered by Frank Muir[?].

Born in London, Norden began by managing a theatre and organising variety shows. His writing career began in the army during World War II, following which he wrote material for comedian Dick Bentley[?], before meeting Muir in 1947. Their first joint venture was the radio show, Take It From Here, and they went on to write many successful radio and television scripts. They became known as something of a double act, and were regular participants in panel shows such as My Music. Norden also hosted an ITV nostalgia quiz, Looks Familiar.

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