Encyclopedia > Composite family

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Composite family

Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Asterales
Family: Asteraceae
  Acamptopappus[?] goldenhead
  Acanthospermum[?] starburr
  Achillea yarrow
  Achyrachaena[?] blow wives
  Acmella[?] spotflower
  Acourtia[?] desert peony, desertpeony
  Acroptilon[?] hardheads, Russian knapweed
  Adenocaulon[?] trailplant
  Adenophyllum[?] dogweed
  Adenostemma[?] medicineplant
  Ageratina[?] snakeroot
  Ageratum[?] whiteweed
  Agoseris[?] mountain dandylion
  Almutaster[?] alkalai marsh aster
  Ambrosia[?] bursage, ragweed
  Ampelaster[?] climbing aster
  Amphiachyris[?] broomweed
  Amphipappus[?] chaffbush
  Anaphalis[?] pearly everlasting
  Ancistrocarphus[?] neststraw, woolly fishhooks
  Antennaria[?] pussytoes
  Anthemis[?] Roman chamomile
  Antheropeas[?] easter bonnets, easterbonnets
  Aphanostephus[?] doze daisy, dozedaisy
  Arctium burdock, burrdock
  Arctotheca[?] capeweed
  Argyranthemum[?] dill daisy
  Argyroxiphium[?] silversword
  Arnica[?] arnica
  Arnoglossum[?] Indian plaintain
  Artemisia tarragon,
      sagebrush, sagewort, wormwood, mugwort
  Asanthus[?] brickellbush
  Aster L.
  Astranthium[?] western daisy
  Baileya[?] desert marigold
  Balduina[?] honeycombhead
  Balsamorhiza[?] balsamroot
  Barkleyanthus[?] willow ragwort
  Bebbia[?] sweetbush
  Berlandiera[?] greeneyes
  Bidens[?] beggartick
      devil's sticktight, Spanish needles
  Bigelowia[?] rayless goldenrod
  Blennosperma[?] stickyseed
  Blumea[?] FALSE oxtongue
  Boltonia[?] doll's daisy
  Borrichia[?] seaside tansy
  Brachyactis[?] rayless aster
  Brickellia[?] brickelbush, brickellbush
  Brickelliastrum[?] brickellbush
  Brintonia[?] mock goldenrod
  Calendula marigold
  Calycadenia[?] western rosinweed
  Calycoseris[?] tackstem
  Canadanthus[?] mountain aster
  Carduus[?] plumeless thistle
  Carlina[?] carline thistle
  Carphephorus[?] chaffhead
  Carphochaete[?] bristlehead
  Carthamus[?] distaff thistle
  Centaurea knapweed, star thistle
  Chaenactis[?] pincushion
  Chaetadelpha[?] skeletonweed
  Chaetopappa[?] least daisy
  Chamaemelum[?] dogfennel
  Chamomilla[?] chamomilla
  Chaptalia[?] sunbonnetts
  Chloracantha[?] Nesom
  Chromolaena[?] thoroughwort
  Chrysanthemum daisy
  Chrysopsis[?] goldenaster
  Chrysothamnus[?] rabbitbrush
  Cichorium chicory
  Cirsium[?] thistle
  Clappia[?] clapdaisy
  Cnicus[?] blessed thistle
  Condylidium[?] villalba
  Conoclinium[?] thoroughwort
  Conyza[?] horseweed
  Coreopsis[?] tickseed
  Corethrogyne[?] sandaster
  Cotula[?] L. -- water buttons, waterbuttons
  Crassocephalum[?] ragleaf
  Crepis[?] hawksbeard
  Critonia[?] thoroughwort
  Crocidium[?] spring-gold
  Croptilon[?] scratchdaisy
  Cyanopsis[?] knapweed
  Cyanthillium ironweed
  Delairea[?] capeivy
  Dendranthema[?] arctic daisy
  Dicoria[?] twinbugs
  Dimorphotheca[?] cape marigold
  Doellingeria[?] whitetop
  Doronicum[?] FALSE leopardbane
  Dracopis coneflower
  Dysodiopsis[?] dogfennel
  Dyssodia[?] dogweed
  Echinacea[?] purple coneflower, coneflower
  Echinops[?] globethistle
  Egletes[?] tropic daisy
  Elephantopus[?] elephantsfoot
  Emilia[?] tasselflower
  Encelia[?] brittlebush
  Enceliopsis[?] sunray
  Engelmannia[?] Engelmann's daisy
  Enydra[?] swampwort
  Erechtites[?] burnweed
  Ericameria[?] goldenbush, heath goldenrod
  Erigeron[?] daisy, fleabane
  Eriophyllum[?] woolly sunflower
  Eucephalus aster, eucephalus
  Eupatorium[?] thoroughwort
  Eurybia aster
  Euthamia[?] goldentop
  Evax[?] pygmy cudweed
  Facelis[?] trampweed
  Filago[?] cottonrose
  Flaveria[?] yellowtops
  Fleischmannia[?] thoroughwort
  lourensia[?] tarwort
  Flyriella[?] brickellbush
  Gaillardia[?] blanketflower
  Galinsoga[?] gallant-soldier
  Gamochaeta[?] everlasting
  Geraea[?] desert sunflower
  Gerbera[?] Transvaal daisy
  Gnaphalium[?] cudweed
  Grindelia[?] gumweed
  Gutierrezia[?] snakeweed
  Gymnosperma[?] Less.
  Gymnostyles[?] burrweed
  Gynura[?] Cass.
  Haplocarpha[?] onefruit
  Haploesthes[?] FALSE broomweed
  Hasteola[?] FALSE Indian plantain
  Hazardia[?] bristleweed
  Hebeclinium[?] thoroughwort
  Helenium[?] sneezeweed
  Helianthus[?] sunflower
  Helichrysum[?] strawflower
  Heliomeris[?] FALSE goldeneye
  Hemizonia[?] tarweed
  Hesperevax[?] dwarf-cudweed
  Hesperodoria[?] glowweed
  Hesperomannia[?] island-aster
  Heteranthemis[?] oxeye
  Heterotheca[?] FALSE goldenaster, telegraph plant
  Hieracium[?] hawkweed
  Holocarpha[?] tarweed
  Hulsea[?] alpinegold
  Hymenoclea[?] burrobrush, burrobush
  Hymenothrix[?] thimblehead
  Hymenoxys[?] rubberweed
  Hypochaeris[?] catsear
  Inula[?] yellowhead
  Ionactis aster
  Isocarpha[?] pearlhead
  Isocoma[?] goldenbush, jimmyweed
  Iva[?] marshelder, sumpweed
  Kalimeris aster
  Koanophyllon[?] thoroughwort
  Krigia[?] dwarfdandelion
  Lactuca lettuce
  Laennecia[?] laennecia, laennicia
  Lagenifera[?] island-daisy
  Lagophylla[?] hareleaf
  Lapsana[?] nipplewort
  Lapsanastrum[?] nipplewort
  Lasiospermum[?] cocoonhead
  Lasthenia[?] goldfields
  Layia[?] tidytips
  Leibnitzia[?] sunbonnets
  Leontodon[?] hawkbit
  Lepidospartum[?] broomsage
  Lessingia[?] vinegarweed
  Leucanthemum[?] daisy, oxeye daisy
  Liatris[?] blazing star, gay feather
  Lipochaeta[?] nehe
  Logfia[?] cottonrose
  Luina[?] silverback
  Lygodesmia[?] skeleton plant, skeleton weed
  Machaeranthera[?] goldenweed, tansyaster
  Madia[?] tarweed
  Malacothrix[?] desert dandelion
  Marshallia[?] Barbara's buttons
  Matricaria[?] mayweed
  Megalodonta[?] watermarigold
  Melampodium blackfoot
  Melanthera[?] squarestem
  Micropus[?] cottonseed
  Microseris[?] silverpuffs
  Mikania[?] hempvine
  Monoptilon[?] desertstar
  Nicolletia[?] hole-in-the-sand plant
  Nothocalais[?] prairie-dandelion
  Oclemena aster
  Oligoneuron goldenrod
  Omalotheca[?] arctic cudweed
  Onopordum[?] cotton thistle
  Oonopsis[?] FALSE goldenweed
  Oreochrysum goldenrod
  Oreostemma aster
  Osmadenia[?] Nutt.
  Osteospermum[?] daisybush
  Palafoxia[?] palafox
  Parasenecio[?] Indian plantain
  Parthenium[?] feverfew
  Pectis[?] cinchweed, fetid marigold
  Pentachaeta[?] pygmydaisy
  Pericallis ragwort
  Perityle[?] rock daisy, rockdaisy
  Petasites[?] butterbur
  Petradoria[?] rock goldenrod
  Peucephyllum[?] pygmy cedar, pygmycedar
  Phalacroseris[?] mock dandelion
  Phoebanthus[?] FALSE sunflower
  Picradeniopsis bahia
  Picris[?] oxtongue
  Picrothamnus[?] bud sagebrush
  Pinaropappus[?] rock lettuce, rocklettuce
  Piptocarpha[?] ashdaisy
  Piptocoma[?] velvetshrub
  Pityopsis[?] silkgrass
  Platyschkuhria[?] basindaisy
  Pluchea[?] camphorweed
  Porophyllum[?] poreleaf
  Prenanthes[?] rattlesnakeroot
  Psacalium[?] Indianbush
  Psathyrotes[?] turtleback
  Pseudelephantopus[?] dog's-tongue
  Pseudobahia[?] sunburst
  Pseudoclappia[?] FALSE clapdaisy
  Pseudognaphalium[?] cudweed, falsecudweed
  Psilactis[?] tansyaster
  Psilocarphus[?] woollyheads, woolyheads
  Psilostrophe[?] paperflower
  Pterocaulon[?] blackroot
  Pulicaria[?] FALSE fleabane
  Pyrrhopappus[?] desert chicory
  Pyrrocoma[?] goldenweed
  Rafinesquia[?] California chicory
  Raillardella[?] silvermat
  Ratibida[?] prairie coneflower
  Rayjacksonia[?] tansyaster
  Reichardia[?] brighteyes
  Rolandra[?] yerba de plata
  Roldana groundsel
  Rudbeckia coneflower
  Rugelia[?] Rugel's Indianplantain
  Salmea[?] bejuco de miel
  Santolina[?] lavender cotton
  Sanvitalia[?] creeping zinnia
  Sartwellia[?] glowwort
  Saussurea[?] saw-wort
  Schkuhria[?] FALSE threadleaf
  Sclerocarpus[?] bonebract
  Sclerolepis[?] bogbutton
  Scolymus[?] goldenthistle
  Senecio groundsel, ragwort
  Sericocarpus[?] whitetop aster
  Serratula[?] plumeless saw-wort
  Shinnersoseris[?] beaked skeletonweed
  Sigesbeckia[?] St. Paul's wort
  Silphium[?] rosinweed
  Silybum[?] milk thistle, milkthistle
  Simsia[?] bush sunflower
  Solidago goldenrod
  Soliva[?] burrweed
  Sonchus[?] sow thistle, sowthistle
  Sphaeromeria[?] chickensage
  Sphagneticola[?] creeping-oxeye
  Spilanthes[?] toothache flower
  Spiracantha[?] dogwoodleaf
  Stebbinsoseris[?] silverpuffs
  Stenotus[?] mock goldenweed
  Stephanomeria[?] wire lettuce
  Stevia[?] candyleaf
  Stylocline[?] neststraw
  Symphyotrichum aster
  Syntrichopappus[?] Fremont's gold
  Tagetes marigold
  Tamaulipa[?] boneset
  Tanacetum[?] tansy
  Taraxacum dandelion
  Tephroseris groundsel
  Tetradymia[?] horsebrush
  Tetragonotheca[?] nerveray
  Tetraneuris[?] four-nerve daisy
  Thelesperma[?] greenthread
  Thymophylla[?] pricklyleaf
  Tolpis[?] umbrella milkwort
  Tonestus[?] serpentweed
  Townsendia[?] Townsend daisy
  Tracyina[?] Indian headdress
  Tragopogon[?] goat's beard, salsify
  Trichocoronis[?] bugheal
  Trimorpha[?] boreal daisy
  Tripleurospermum[?] mayweed
  Tripolium[?] sea aster
  Trixis[?] threefold
  Tussilago[?] coltsfoot
  Uropappus[?] silverpuffs
  Verbesina[?] crownbeard
  Vernonia ironweed
  Viguiera goldeneye
  Wedelia[?] creepingoxeye
  Wilkesia[?] iliau
  Wyethia[?] mule-ears
  Xanthisma[?] sleepydaisy
  Xanthium[?] cocklebur
  Xylorhiza[?] woody aster
  Yermo[?] desert yellowhead
and about 1050 more.
Ref. ITIS 35420 (http://www.itis.usda.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=35420) 2002-09-10
For full list, see Kew (http://www.rbgkew.org.uk/cgi-bin/web.dbs/genlist.pl?COMPOSITAE)

The sunflower family (Asteraceae or Compositae) is a family of dicot flowering plants.

Asteraceae is a large and diverse family whose typical inflorescence (what many people mistake for a single flower) is a densely packed cluster of many individual flowers called florets. The arrangement of florets within this cluster (or head) is such that each flower is separated from the next by approximately the golden ratio, producing a pattern of spirals where the number of left spirals and the number of right spirals are successive Fibonacci numbers.

Members of the Asteraceae have one or both of two kinds of florets. The outer-most perimeter of composites like the sunflower is composed of a row of florets each possessing a long strap-like petal, termed ligule; these are the ray flowers. The inner portion of the flower (or disc) is composed of small flowers with tubular corollas[?]; these are the disc flowers. The composition of Asteraceous inflorescences varies from all ray flowers (like dandelions, genus Taraxacum) to all disc flowers (like pineapple weeds[?]).

The composite nature of these inflorescences led early taxonomists to call this family the Compositae. Since most plant families have the suffix -aceae, efforts to make the family name more standard motivated changing the name from Compositae to Asteraceae.

References ITIS report 2002-09-10 (http://www.itis.usda.gov/servlet/SingleRpt/SingleRpt?search_topic=TSN&search_value=35420)

Dirk R. Walters and David J. Keil (1996). Vascular plant taxonomy. 4th ed. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company. Dubuque, Iowa

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