Redirected from Communication basic topics
Alphabet -- Communication -- Communication theory -- Dialetic[?] -- General Semantics -- Information -- Information theory -- Journalism -- Language -- Library -- Persuasion -- Printing -- Propaganda -- Public speaking -- Speech -- Rhetoric -- Semiotics -- Sophist -- Symbol -- Translation -- Development Support Communication[?]
Aristotle -- Charles Berger[?] -- Cicero -- Claude Shannon -- Dalmas Taylor[?] -- George Herbert Mead[?] -- I. A. Richards[?] -- Irving Janis[?] -- Irwin Altman[?] -- Marshall McLuhan -- Noam Chomsky -- Plato -- Quintilian -- Roland Barthes -- Walter Fisher[?] -- Warren Weaver[?]
Media and Technology Book -- Communication technology[?] -- Computer network -- Image -- Internet -- Film -- Mail -- Mass media -- News media[?] -- Newspaper -- Radio -- Telephone -- Television -- Video -- Writing -- Redacting[?] -- Technical writing[?]
Theories, Schools, and Approaches
Knowledge gap hypothesis[?] -- Two-step flow of communication[?] -- Opinion leadership[?] -- Hypodermic needle model[?] -- Uses and gratifications[?] -- Elaboration of likelihood model[?] -- Excitation transfer theory[?] -- Priming[?] -- Limited capacity model[?] -- Framing -- Scheme -- Spiral of silence[?] -- Diffusion of innovation[?] -- Technology acceptance model[?] -- Social learning theory[?] -- Theory of cognitive dissonance[?]
Ethnomethodology[?] -- Content analysis[?] -- Conersation analysis[?] -- Symbolic interactionism[?] -- Structuralism -- Critical theory -- Cultural studies -- Network analysis[?] -- Political economy -- Media ecology[?] -- Cybernetics
Digital divide -- Information society -- New world information order[?] -- Universal service[?] -- Late capitalism -- Imagined community[?] -- Micropolitics[?] -- Hegemony -- Globalization -- Postmodernity -- Self -- Family communication[?] -- Social network[?] -- Social capital -- Public sphere[?] -- Democracy -- Identity -- Gender role -- Nationalism -- Cultural imperialism
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