Encyclopedia > Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824

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Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824

The Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1824, also known as the Treaty of London (one of several), was a treaty signed between the United Kingdom and the United Kingdom of the Netherlands in London on March 17, 1824. The treaty was to resolve disputes arising from the execution of the Anglo-Dutch Treaty of 1814. For the Dutch it was signed by Hendrik Fagel[?] and Anton Reinhard Falck[?] and for the UK George Canning and Charles Watkin Williams Wynn[?].

The treaty holds that subjects of the two nations are permitted to trade at the others territories in India, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, on the basis of "most favoured nation", but they must obey local regulations. It limits the fees that may be charged on the subjects and ships of the other nation. They also agree not to make any further treaties with Eastern states that would exclude trade with the other nation. They agree not to use their civil and military forces to hinder trade. They agree to oppose piracy and not provide hiding places or protection to pirates or allow the sale of pirated goods. They agree that their local officials can not open new offices on East Indies islands without permission from their government in Europe.

  • British subjects to be given trade access with the Maluku Islands, in particular with Ambon[?], Banda and Ternate[?].
  • The Netherlands cedes all of its establishments on the Indian continent and any rights associated with them.
  • The UK cedes its factory of fort Marlborough[?] and all its property on the island of Sumatra to the Netherlands and will not establish another office on the island or make any treaty with its rulers.
  • The Netherlands cedes the city and fort of Malacca and agrees not to open any office on the Malacca peninsula or make any treaty with its rulers.
  • The UK withdraws its opposition to the occupation of the island of Billiton[?] by the Netherlands.
  • The Netherlands withdraws its opposition to the occupation of the island of Singapore by the UK.
  • The UK agrees not to establish any office on the Carimon Islands[?] or on the islands of Battam[?], Bintang[?], Lingin[?], or any of the other islands south of the strait of Singapore, or to make any treaties with the rulers of these places.

All the transfers of property and establishments were to take place on March 1, 1825.

They agreed that the return of Java to the Netherlands, as according to a Convention on Java of June 24, 1817, had been settled, apart from a sum of 100,000 pounds sterling to be paid by the Netherlands in London before the end of 1825.

The treaty was ratified by the Netherlands on June 2, 1824 and by the UK on April 30, 1824.


  • Text in Dutch (http://www.antenna.nl/wvi/nl/dh/geschiedenis/traktaat)
  • English apparently nowhere available online, as of February 9, 2003.

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