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Yin Yang

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In Chinese concept, yin (陰 or 阴 in pinyin: yin1) and yang (陽 or 阳 yang2) are two opposing elements of the universe. They are not two poles like good and evil, however.

Yin: associates with Moon (facing away from Sun), represents feminine nature
Yang: associates with Sun, represents masculine nature

Yang: the south side of the mountain, the north side of the river.
Yin: the north side of the mountain, the south side of the river.

Yang: the traffic light on the freeway.
Yin: the traffic that flows past that traffic light.

Although while yin dominates femininity and yan masculinity. Within the body of either sex, there are still traces of both elements. And an imbalance of the yin-yang ratio can cause illness.

Together, the symbolic colours of yin and yan, black and white respectively, are combined into a circle that symbolizes Taoists.

See also: Chinese philosophy, I Ching, Chinese five elements, Tai Chi Chuan, Taoism, trinity, Latvian_goddess_Mara.

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