Encyclopedia > Sumerian king list

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Sumerian king list

The Sumerian king list is an ancient text in the Sumerian language listing kings of Sumer from Sumerian and foreign dynasties. The later Babylonian king list[?] and Assyrian king list[?] were similar. The list records the location of the "official" kingship and the rulers, with the lengths of their rule. The kingship was believed to be handed down by the gods and could be passed from one city to another by military conquest. It is possible that some of the kings were purely mythological. The lengths of the reigns are improbably long in many cases. There were many other monarchs who ruled their own cities without gaining the "official" kingship. The list mentions only one female ruler: Kug-Bau of Kic, the tavern-keeper, who reigned for 100 years.

"After the kingship descended from heaven, the kingship was in Eridug. In Eridug, Alulim became king; he ruled for 28800 years."

  • Alulim of Eridug (Eridu)
  • Alaljar of Eridug

  • En-men-lu-ana of Bad-tibira
  • En-men-gal-ana of Bad-tibira
  • Dumuzid of Bad-tibira

  • En-sipad-zid-ana of Larag

  • En-men-dur-ana of Zimbir

  • Ubara-Tutu of Curuppag

"After the flood had swept over, and the kingship had descended from heaven, the kingship was in Kic. In Kic, Jucur became king; he ruled for 1200 years".

  • Jucur of Kic (Kish)
  • Kullassina-bel of Kic
  • Nanjiclicma of Kic
  • En-tarah-ana of Kic
  • Babum of Kic
  • Puannum of Kic
  • Kalibum of Kic
  • Kalumum of Kic
  • Zuqaqip of Kic
  • Atab of Kic
  • Macda of Kic
  • Arwium of Kic
  • Etana of Kic
  • Balih of Kic
  • En-me-nuna of Kic
  • Melem-Kic of Kic
  • Barsal-nuna of Kic
  • Zamug of Kic
  • Tizqar of Kic
  • Ilku of Kic
  • Iltasadum of Kic
  • En-men-barage-si of Kic
  • Aga of Kic

  • Mec-ki-aj-gacer of E-ana

  • Enmerkar of Unug (Uruk or Erech)
  • Lugalbanda of Unug
  • Dumuzid of Unug
  • Gilgamec of Unug (Gilgamesh)
  • Ur-Nungal of Unug
  • Udul-kalama of Unug
  • La-ba'cum of Unug
  • En-nun-tarah-ana of Unug
  • Mec-he of Unug
  • Melem-ana of Unug
  • Lugal-kitun of Unug

  • Mec-Ane-pada of Urim (Ur)
  • Mec-ki-aj-Nanna of Urim
  • Elulu of Urim
  • Balulu of Urim

  • ? of Awan
  • ? of Awan
  • ? of Awan

  • Susuda of Kic (Kish)
  • Dadasig of Kic
  • Mamagal of Kic
  • Kalbum of Kic
  • Tuge of Kic
  • Men-nuna of Kic
  • ? of Kic
  • Lugalju of Kic

  • Hadanic of Hamazi

  • En-cakanca-ana of Unug (Uruk or Erech)
  • Lugal-ure of Unug
  • Argandea of Unug

  • Nani of Urim (Ur)
  • Mec-ki-aj-Nanna of Urim
  • ? of Urim

  • Lugal-Ane-mundu of Adab

  • Anbu of Mari
  • Anba of Mari
  • Bazi of Mari
  • Zizi of Mari
  • Limer of Mari
  • Carrum-iter of Mari

  • Kug-Bau of Kic (Kish)

  • Unzi of Akcak
  • Undalulu of Akcak
  • Urur of Akcak
  • Puzur-Nirah of Akcak
  • Icu-Il of Akcak
  • Cu-Suen of Akcak

  • Puzur-Suen of Kic (Kish)
  • Ur-Zababa of Kic
  • Zimudar of Kic
  • U??i-watar of Kic
  • Ectar-muti of Kic
  • Icme-Camac of Kic
  • Cu-ilicu of Kic
  • Nanniya of Kic

  • Sargon of Agade
  • Rimuc of Agade
  • Man-icticcu of Agade
  • Naram-Suen of Agade
  • Car-kali-carri of Agade
  • Irgigi of Agade
  • Imi of Agade
  • Nan?m of Agade
  • Ilulu of Agade
  • Dudu of Agade
  • Cu-Durul of Agade

  • Ur-nijin of Unug (Uruk or Erech)
  • Ur-gigir of Unug
  • Kuda of Unug
  • Puzur-ili of Unug
  • Ur-Utu of Unug

  • Army rule in Gutium
  • Inkicuc of Gutium
  • Zarlagab of Gutium
  • Culme of Gutium
  • Silulumec of Gutium
  • Inimabakec of Gutium
  • Igecauc of Gutium
  • Yarlagab of Gutium
  • Ibate of Gutium
  • Yarla of Gutium
  • Kurum of Gutium
  • Apil-kin of Gutium
  • La-erabum of Gutium
  • Irarum of Gutium
  • Ibranum of Gutium
  • Hablum of Gutium
  • Puzur-Suen of Gutium
  • Yarlaganda of Gutium
  • ? of Gutium
  • Tiriga of Gutium

  • Ur-Namma of Urim (Ur)
  • Culgi of Urim
  • Amar-Suena of Urim
  • Cu-Suen of Urim
  • Ibbi-Suen of Urim

  • Icbi-Erra of Isin
  • Cu-ilicu of Isin
  • Iddin-Dagan of Isin
  • Icme-Dagan of Isin
  • Lipit-Ectar of Isin
  • Ur-Ninurta of Isin
  • Bur-Suen of Isin
  • Lipit-Enlil of Isin
  • Erra-imitti of Isin
  • Enlil-bani of Isin
  • Zambiya of Isin
  • Iter-pica of Isin
  • Ur-dul-kuga of Isin
  • Suen-magir of Isin


The Sumerian king list: translation, as of July 28, 2002 - http://www-etcsl.orient.ox.ac.uk/section2/tr211.htm - Black, J.A., Cunningham, G., Fluckiger-Hawker, E, Robson, E., and Zólyomi, G., The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (http://www-etcsl.orient.ox.ac.uk/ (http://www-etcsl.orient.ox.ac.uk/)), Oxford 1998- .

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