Encyclopedia > Soybean

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Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Division: Magnoliophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Fabales
Family: Fabaceae
Genus: Glycine
Species: max
Binomial name
Glycine max
Soybeans (Glycine max) are a high-protein legume grown as food for both humans and livestock.

Soybeans may be boiled whole and served with salt, often under the Japanese name edamame.

They can be processed in a variety of ways. Common forms of soy (or soya) include soy meal (often used as animal feed), soy flour, tofu, textured vegetable protein[?] (TVP, which is made into a wide variety of vegetarian foods, some of them intended to imitate meat), tempeh[?], and vegetable oil. Soybeans are also the primary ingredient involved in the production of soy sauce. Many traditional dairy products have been imitated using soy beans, and products such as soy milk[?], soy yogurt and soy cream cheese[?] are readily available in most supermarkets. These products have the same texture and appearance as milk-based ones, however soy beans do not naturally contain calcium (though they may be fortified with it). Soy products must not be fed to infants, although specially designed soy infant formula has also been made in recent times. This formula has extra vitamins etc added to it to make it compatible with the infant's needs. In some cases, infants fed normal adult soy milk on a long-term basis have become extremely malnourished and even died.

Soybeans are also used in industrial products including oils, soap, cosmetics, resins, plastics, inks, solvents, and biodiesel.

Soybeans are native to southeast Asia, but 45 percent of the world's soybean acreage, and 55 percent of production, is in the United States. The US produced 75 million metric tons of soybeans in 2000 of which more than 1/3 was exported. Other leading producers are Brazil, Argentina, China, and India. Much of the US production is either fed to animals or exported, though US consumption of soy by people has been increasing. Soy oil makes up 80% of the edible oil consumption in the U.S.

Soy beans are one of the crops that are being genetically modified, and GMO soybeans are being used in an increasing number of products.

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