Sonic is a blue hedgehog who lives on the planet Earth (Mobius in various American sources). He has the ability to run very fast. His blue pigmentation was explained in an issue of gaming magazine Gamepro as being the result of getting caught in an explosion involving cobalt, but this is probably not canonical. There is an alternative explanation in Stay Sonic: Official Sega Handbook, a book about Sonic the Hedgehog written by Mike Pattenden. At some point it was divulged (probably from an American source) that Sonic enjoys eating chili dogs.
The premise of the games revolves around Dr. Eggman[?] (Dr. Robotnik[?] in earlier American releases) trying to take over the world by turning the animals into robots called Badniks[?]. Sonic is charged with saving them. In later games he is joined by Miles "Tails" Prower, Amy Rose, Knuckles the Echidna and a host of others.
Interestingly, one of a class of genes involved in fruit fly embryonic development, called hedgehog genes after the name given to the first member of this class discovered, has been named sonic hedgehog after this character.
Games involving Sonic the Hedgehog
Games Sonic Characters have cameoed in:
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