Encyclopedia > Schwarzwald-Baar

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Adm. Region:Freiburg
Area:1,025.27 km²
Inhabitants:211,535 (2002)
pop. density:206 inh./km²
Car identification:VS

Rottweil is a district (Kreis) in the middle of Baden-Württemberg, Germany. Neighboring districts are (from north clockwise) Ortenaukreis, Rottweil, Tuttlingen, Constance, the Swiss canton Schaffhausen, and the district Waldshut[?], Breisgau-Hochschwarzwald and Emmendingen.

Table of contents

History The district was created in 1973, when the two districts Donaueschingen and Villingen were merged.

Geography The district got its name from the two predominant landscapes in the district. The Black Forest (Schwarzwald), and the Baar, the foothills between the Black Forest and the Swabian Alb. The river Danube as well as the Neckar have their spring in the district.

Coat of arms

The coat of arms is modeled after the two coat of arms of the cities Villingen and Schwenningen. Villingen had an horizontally divided blue-and-white arms, while Schwenningen had a vertically divided blue-and-white arms. Combining both divisions give the four fields. The eagle in the top-left quarter is taken from the coat of arms of the city Villingen, and derives from the Zähringen family who ruled that city in the 13th century.

Towns and municipalities

  1. Bad Dürrheim[?]
  2. Blumberg[?]
  3. Bräunlingen[?]
  4. Donaueschingen[?]
  5. Furtwangen[?] (Schwarzwald)
  6. Hüfingen[?]
  7. St. Georgen[?] (Schwarzwald)
  8. Triberg[?] (Schwarzwald)
  9. Villingen-Schwenningen[?]
  10. Vöhrenbach[?]
  1. Donaueschingen
  2. Furtwangen
  3. Raumschaft Triberg
  4. Villingen-Schwenningen
    1. Brigachtal[?]
    2. Dauchingen[?]
    3. Gütenbach[?]
    4. Königsfeld[?] (Schwarzwald)
    5. Mönchweiler[?]
    6. Niedereschach[?]
    7. Schonach[?] (Schwarzwald)
    8. Schönwald[?] (Schwarzwald)
    9. Tuningen[?]
    10. Unterkirnach[?]

External links

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