Encyclopedia > Padmasambhava

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Padmasambhava (Sanskrit "lotus-born") founded the Tibetan or tantric school of Buddhism in the 8th century. In Bhutan and Tibet he is better known as Guru Rinpoche ("precious master") where followers of the Nyingma school regard him as the second Buddha.

According to tradition Padmasambhava was incarnated as an 8 year old child appearing in a lotus blossom floating in Lake Dhanakosha[?], located near the present-day Afghanistan-Pakistan border. His special nature was recognized by the local king who married him to one of his daughters. Padmasambhava's ability to memorize and comprehend esoteric texts in a single hearing established his reputation as a master above all others. Accused of the mystical killing of an evil minister, he was banished from the court and freely chose to live in a cemetery district. Transiting various heavens and hells , he developed the power to transcend the cycle of birth and death.

His fame became known to Trisong Deutson[?], the 38th king of Tibet (742-797), whose kingdom was beset by evil mountain deities. The king invited Padmasambhava to Tibet where he used his tantric powers to subdue the evil deities he encountered along the way. This was in accordance with the tantric principle of not eliminating negative forces but instead redirecting them to the proper worship of Buddha. In Tibet he founded the first monastery (Samye[?]), initiated the first monks, and introduced the people to the practice of tantric Buddhism.

In Bhutan he is associated with the famous Taktshang or Tiger's Nest monastery built on a sheer cliff wall about 500m above the floor of Paro[?] valley. He flew there from Tibet on the back of his favorite consort, the dakini Yeshe Tsogyal[?], who he transformed into a flying tigress for the purpose of the trip. Later he traveled to Bumthang[?] district to subdue a powerful deity offended by a local king. The Padmasambhava's body imprint can be found in the wall of a cave at nearby Kurje Lhakhang temple.

Padmasambhava's also hid a number of religious treasures (termas) in lakes, caves, fields and forests around Bhutan to be found and interpreted by future tertons or spiritual treasure finders.

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