Encyclopedia > Comparative military ranks

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Comparative military ranks

British, US and German Military Ranks

Rank is a system of categorizing the hierarchy of an armed force. See military rank for details on the history of the rank system.

Officer Ranks

British ArmyUS ArmyRoyal NavyUS NavyRAFUSAFWehrmacht
Field MarshalGeneral of the ArmyAdmiral of the Fleet[?]Fleet AdmiralMarshal of the Royal Air Force[?]General of the Air ForceFeldmarschall
GeneralGeneralAdmiralAdmiralAir Chief Marshal[?]GeneralGeneral
Lieutenant GeneralLieutenant GeneralVice AdmiralVice AdmiralAir MarshalLieutenant GeneralGeneralleutnant[?]
Major GeneralMajor GeneralRear AdmiralRear AdmiralAir Vice-Marshal[?]Major GeneralGeneralmajor[?]
BrigadierBrigadier GeneralCommodoreRear AdmiralAir Commodore[?]Brigadier General
ColonelColonelCaptainCaptainGroup Captain[?]ColonelOberst
Lieutenant ColonelLieutenant ColonelCommanderCommanderWing Commander[?]Lieutenant ColonelOberstleutnant[?]
MajorMajorLieutenant-Commander[?]Lieutenant Commander[?]Squadron Leader[?]MajorMajor
CaptainCaptainLieutenantLieutenantFlight Lieutenant[?]CaptainHauptmann[?]
Lieutenant Junior GradeFlying Officer[?]First LieutenantOberleutnant[?]


Second LieutenantSecond Lieutenant
EnsignPilot Officer[?] Second LieutenantLeutnant[?]

Acting Pilot Officer[?]

Certain ranks are war-time only.

Not listed are US Warrant officers, who are technical leaders who receive officer's pay, but wear different insignia and do not command troops.

Enlisted Ranks

British Army
Warrant Officer Class 1
Warrant Officer Class 2
Staff Sergeant[?]
Lance Corporal[?]

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