Encyclopedia > Blue shark

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Blue shark

Blue shark
Scientific classification
Binomial name
Prionace glauca

The blue shark (Prionace glauca) is a carcharhinid shark. They are surface predators in the deep waters of the world's temperate and tropical oceans. They prefer cooler waters and are not found, for example, in the Gulf or Mexico[?] or Red Sea. Blue sharks are known to migrate long distances -- from New England to South America for example. Although generally lethargic, they are capable of moving very quickly if the need arises. Blue sharks are viviparous[?] (give live birth) and are noted for their large litters of 25 to over 100 pups[?]. They feed primarily on small fish and squid although they are perfectly capable of taking larger prey should the opportunity present itself. They are often found in schools segregated by sex and size.

Blue sharks are light bodied with long pectoral fins[?]. The top of the body is deep blue lightening on the sides. The underside of the shark is white. The animals grows to lengths of 3.8 meters or more, but the usual size is 1.8 to 2.4 meters. Typical weight is 30-50kg. Blue Sharks are not easily confused with any other species. They are occasionally sought as game fish[?]. The flesh is edible, but not widely sought after. Blue sharks are frequent accidental catches by commercial fisherman seeking swordfish or tuna.

Blue sharks are rarely or never found in shallow water and thus are not included in lists of sharks endangering humans. However, they are believed to attack victims of air and sea disasters.

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