Current announcements -
January 2003 -
November 2002
Announcements for December 2002
Wiktionary now has its own url and has moved to (
Wiktionary, a companion project aiming to be a multilingual dictionary and thesaurus linked to Wikipedia's encyclopedia articles, is starting up at
article count watchers, note that some longstanding drift problems, exacerbated recently by a buglet in the
Rambot, have been fixed. The usefulness of the count algorithm is still open to debate, but the numbers are now correct.
Wikipedia now has a
Google PageRank of 8/10. This is likely to bring in even more traffic and contributors to the site.
Swedish Wikipedia ( is now running on the
new server with a fully localized user interface. Also, a stub has been set up for
Greek (; the user interface is not yet localized, but it's set up for Unicode and should work for inputting Greek text.
All Wikipedia text
is available under the
terms of the GNU Free Documentation License