Encyclopedia > Waveland

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Rockall is a small, rocky island in the North Atlantic. It is an area of high dispute, being claimed by four different countries (United Kingdom, Ireland, Denmark and Iceland). By itself, the island does not have much importance, but the seas around it are considered very valuable. Therefore, it is also an important question whether Rockall is considered inhabitable or not - if it is habitable, whoever is its owner can claim 200 nautical miles of exclusive economic zone[?], if not, the claim can go no further than Rockall's territorial waters[?]. Greenpeace occupied the islet for a short time in 1997, calling it "Waveland", to protest oil exploration, but the company sponsoring it collapsed in 1999, and the experiment ended.

Rockall is also close to the Darwin Mounds, deep-water coral mounds about 185 km. north west of Cape Wrath[?]

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An Irish/Celtic band, "The House Band", has an album called Rockall, named after the place.

Rockall is also the name of the land where Anthony Swithin[?]'s series "The Perilous Quest for Lyonesse" takes place.

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