What I believe is most essential for progress towards nonlinear compuation[?], is the development of Fractional Differential Geometry[?]: a synthesis of Fractional Calculus and Differential Geometry.
I could have very well constructed my own web pages, but I decided that my efforts would be far more progressive and worthwhile if they were directed in a large-scale multilateral cooperative effort. Wikipedia appears to me to be the perfect medium.
I've thus found a constructive use for my free time and a way to release my creative energy: by expanding Wikipedia in topics of relevance in which I am knowledgable.
My secondary interest is in politics, primarily international. Unfortunately, it seems that, though we have the capacity to become great, we are far too often overruled by the ignorance of our biology. As Plato once said: What is, is. That is, denying the realities of our existence will not enable us to overcome them. We must seek to accept and understand the subtleties and connundrums of our mortality. Only then can we begin to overcome ourselves; our self-imposed limitations.
Quotes "God grant me the sincerity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can, And the wisdom to know the difference."
"In the end it is not a question of man -- he is to be overcome." -Fredrich Nietzsche
My watches and contributions: Analog computer -- attractor -- Riemannian geometry -- tensor-classical -- metric tensor -- tensor product -- Jacobian -- Intellectual history of time -- angle -- Special Relativity -- tensor -- inverse functions and differentation[?] -- covariant -- contravariant...
My major topics/projects:
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