The URC is a result of the merger between the Presbyterian Church of England and the Congregational Church in England in 1972 and subsequent mergers with the Re-formed Churches of Christ in 1981 and the Congregational Union of Scotland in 2000.
Each congregations within the URC is run by a church meeting consisting of all the members, with the assistance of the elder's meeting (similar to the Scottish Kirk's session). Several congregations organize at roughly the county level to form districts, which in turn groups into provincial synods in England (national synods in Scotland and Wales). A General Assembly gathers the whole of URC to meet annually; advised by the Mission Council, they plan the activity of the URC across the United Kingdom.
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The charge has even been made that
the piety commended by the "Imitation" is of a
selfish monkish type. It was written by a monk and
intended for the ...