Tribe of Zebulun - numbered at Sinai (Num. 1:31) and before entering Canaan (26:27). It was one of the tribes which did not drive out the Canaanites, but only made them tributary (Judg. 1:30). It took little interest in public affairs. It responded, however, readily to the summons of Gideon (6:35), and afterwards assisted in enthroning David at Hebron (1 Chr. 12:33, 40). Along with the other northern tribes, Zebulun[?] was carried away into the land of Assyria by Tiglath-pileser[?] (2 Kings 15:29).
In Deborah's song the words, "Out of Zebulun[?] they that handle the pen of the writer" (Judg. 5:14) has been rendered in the R.V., "They that handle the marshal's staff." This is a questionable rendering. "The word sopher ('scribe' or 'writer') defines the word shebhet ('rod' or 'pen') with which it is conjoined. The 'rod of the scribe' on the Assyrian monuments was the stylus of wood or metal, with the help of which the clay tablet was engraved, or the papyrus inscribed with characters. The scribe who wielded it was the associate and assistant of the 'lawgivers.'" (Sayce).
The territory of the Tribe of Zebulon was located in the southern Galilee, adjacent to the Tribe of Issachar[?], and the two tribes had strong bonds between them. The prophet Jonah was a member of the Tribe of Zebulon (I Kings 14:15).
From Easton's Bible Dictionary (1897)
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