2 divided by 1 '3 '4 equals 1 '6 '12 '114 '228
By following Ahmes, young pupils learn how to handle unit fractions and unit fraction series, whereas advanced learners may solve a more demanding problem. Let the edges of a right parallel-epiped measure
height 2 units length 1 '3 '4 units breadth 1 '6 '12 '114 '228 units
How long are the cubic diagonals?
1 '3 '4 plus 1 '6 '12 '114 '228 unitsor
1 1 plus '3 '6 plus '4 '12 plus '114 '228 unitsor
2 '2 '3 '76 units
Divide 2 by any number a and you obtain b:
2 : a = b
Using these numbers you can define a 'magic' parallelepiped of the following properties:
height 2 units length or breadth a units breadth or length b units area base or top ab square units volume 2ab cube units cubic diagonal a+b units
Let the capacity of a granary measure 500 cube cubits and find solutions of the above type. All granaries have a height of 10 royal cubits, while length and width can vary. Here is one of many solutions:
inner height 10 royal cubits or 70 palms inner length 50 palms inner width 49 palms cubic diagonal exactly 99 palms
Allow a tiny mistake and you obtain this right-parallelepiped:
(10 royal cubits = 70 palms = 280 fingers)
rp 280 by 198 by 198 fingers
cubic diagonal practically 396 fingers or 99 palms
This granary can easily be measured out using a simple rope with knots:
10 royal cubits 198 fingers 198 fingers o------------------------o-----------------o-----------------o inner height inner length inner width o------------------------o-----------------------------------o diagonal base or top cubic diagonal
(My interpretations of some 65 problems from the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus are found on my web site www.seshat.ch)
Franz Gnaedinger Zurich
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