A popular comedic anime series. It began as a series of four movies, and later two alternate-universe OVAs (the "Vs." series) were released. This parody series references and lampoons a number of other works of anime from the 1970s and 1980s. Mari, for example, is an odd parody of Kenshiro from
Fist of the North Star[?]. The title itself is a reference to a
Jackie Chan movie, "Project A."
The A-ko series is as follows:
- Project A-ko
- Project A-ko 2: Plot of the Daitokuji Financial Group
- Project A-ko 3: Cinderella Rhapsody
- Project A-ko 4: Final
- Project A-ko: Vs. Battle 1 - Grey Side
- Project A-ko: Vs. Battle 2 - Blue Side
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