Pretty Sammy is an anime series about Sasami Kawai, a cute young Japanese girl who is asked by magical queen-to-be Tsunami Jurai to be Magical Girl Pretty Sammy, a champion of justice. She is constantly harrassed by Pixy Misa, an evil magical girl created by a rival candidate for queen of the magical world, Ramia. Sasami is unaware that Pixy Misa is actually Sasami's best friend, Misao Amano (who is herself unaware of the transformation forced on her via hypnosis by Ramia's brother Rumiya).
Pretty Sammy is a spoof of the magical girl (mahou shoujo) genre of anime (particularly Sailor Moon), using the characters from AIC's popular Tenchi Muyo series (where Sasami is known as Sasami Jurai Masaki). In demonstration of its strangeness, a notable episode in the OVA series features Sasami fighting the evil "Biff Standard", an obvious parody of American Entrepeneur Bill Gates.
There were actually two Pretty Sammy series: A six-episode OVA, followed by a 26-episode TV show. Afficionados of the Tenchi Muyo OVA often disparage the Pretty Sammy TV series "Magical Project S" as being for children. Well, it is for children, and it is highly entertaining in it's own right. The episode where Tokyo is attacked by a giant cheesecake is especially fun.
In the Pretty Sammy OVA's, Sasami's father is not present. Sasami's mother is constantly breaking into a fit of karaoke where she sings a dramatic torch song about a man who leaves his wife for another man (who cooks and sews better). In the TV series, Sasami's father, Ginji, is, well, let's just say you wish your father was as talented as Ginji!
Both the OVA's and the TV series are notable for the quality of the musical tracks. Many of the tracks are hilarious parodies of popular karaoke tunes.
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