His 1972 novel The Iron Dream is an unusual alternate history novel; the bulk of the text is a reprint of a (fictional) fantasy classic, written in a couple of weeks by a famous fantasy writer shortly before his death in 1953 from (it was rumoured) tertiary syphilis. (the book won the 1953 Hugo Award) The remainder of the book is a commentary on the text, pointing out the elements of fetishism, phallic imagery, and paranoia in this most famous and beloved of fantasy epics. The novel is, of course, the 1953 fantasy classic Lord of the Swastika, by Adolf Hitler. As a commentary on and parody of the fascistic undertones in popular fantasy fiction, Spinrad's book was not entirely successful; the book was banned in Germany.
External link: Norman Spinrad's homepage http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/normanspinrad/
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