Encyclopedia > Millennium Falcon

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Millennium Falcon

The Millennium Falcon is a starship in the fictional Star Wars universe, piloted by Han Solo and Chewbacca. The ship was chartered by Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker to deliver R2-D2 and the stolen Death Star plans to Alderaan.

When challenged by Obi-Wan about his ship's speed, Solo famously replied, "Fast enough for you, old man." The ship is capable of attaining "point five past lightspeed", and "made the Kessel run in less than twelve parsecs" which perhaps hints to its manouverability (or may be just meaningless bragging). Mr. Solo seems unaware that a parsec is a unit measuring length, not speed.

The ship sports twin ray-blasters startlingly reminiscent of World War II crew-operated machine guns, with the operator tracking targets optically and swiveling along with the gun barrel.

The ship has been captured by the Death Star's tractor beam and searched by Imperial Stormtroopers, who managed to miss the crew and passengers secreted in the smuggling holds. It has also been pilotted through asteroid fields, and on one occasion (miraculously) outran the massive explosion of the second Death Star.

The ship played vital roles in both of the Death Star battles.

In real life, the original model for the Millennium Falcon was changed at the last minute because it too closely resembled ships from Space: 1999[?]. The replacement is said to be based on a half-eaten hamburger held by George Lucas. The rushed nature of the replacement meant that the interior sets can not actually physically fit within the exterior sets. Subsequent extended universe[?] plans are consequently a compromise attempt at squeezing the interiors in (often with detriment to head-room).

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