Encyclopedia > Metis (moon)

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Metis (moon)

Discovered byS. Synnott[?]
Discovered in1979
Orbital characteristics
Mean radius127,969 km
Revolution period7h 4.5m
Is a satellite ofJupiter
Physical characteristics
Equatorial diameter60(×40) km
Surface areakm2
Mass9.5467×1016 kg
Mean density2.8 g/cm3
Surface gravity0.0159 m/s2
Rotation period7h 4.5m
Axial tilt°
Surface temp.
Atmospheric pressure0 kPa

Metis (pronounced "MEE tis") is the innermost of Jupiter's known moons. It was discovered in 1979 by the Voyager 1 probe and named after Metis, a Titaness who was the first wife of Zeus and the mother of Athena. It lies within Jupiter's main planetary ring, and may be the source of the material that comprises it. Its orbit lies inside Jupiter's synchronous orbit radius, and as a result tidal forces are slowly causing its orbit to decay. It is also within Jupiter's Roche limit, but is small enough to avoid tidal disruption.

This image of Metis was taken by Galileo's solid state imaging system between November 1996 and June 1997.

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