The list is not necessarily complete or up to date - if you see an article that should be here but isn't (or one that shouldn't be here but is), please do update the page accordingly.
Digits and symbols 3DES -- A Adi Shamir -- Advanced Encryption Standard -- AES -- Alan Turing -- Leone Battista Alberti -- algebraic cryptanalysis[?] -- anonymous remailer -- Arthur Scherbius[?] -- asymmetric key algorithm -- Atbash cipher -- B Babington plot -- bit-flipping attack[?] -- Bletchley Park -- blinding (cryptography)[?] -- block cipher -- block cipher modes of operation -- Blowfish encryption algorithm -- Blum Blum Shub -- Boris Hagelin[?] -- Bruce Schneier -- brute force attack -- C Caesar cipher -- chaffing and winnowing -- cipher -- cipher-block chaining -- ciphertext -- Claude Shannon -- Clipper chip[?] --Clifford Cocks[?] -- code -- codebook[?] -- codec -- Cold War -- confusion and diffusion[?] -- courier[?] -- covert channel -- covertext[?] -- cryptanalysis -- crypto[?] -- cryptographers -- cryptographic algorithm[?] -- cryptographic key -- cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generator -- cryptography -- cryptology -- D Daniel J. Bernstein -- Data Encryption Standard -- David Kahn[?] -- decryption -- DeCSS -- DES -- dictionary attack -- differential cryptanalysis -- differential power analysis[?] -- Diffie-Hellman -- digital fingerprint[?] -- digital signature -- digital watermark -- dining cryptographers protocol -- diplomatic bag[?] -- E Echelon -- Edward Hebern[?] -- electronic cash[?] -- electronic codebook -- El Gamal[?] -- Elizabeth Friedman[?] -- elliptic curve cryptography -- encryption -- Enigma -- entropy pool[?] --espionage -- F Feistel network[?] -- G GCHQ -- Gilbert Vernam[?] -- GOST[?] -- GPG -- group (mathematics) H hardware random number generator -- hash function -- Henryk Zygalski[?] -- I IACR -- IDEA encryption algorithm -- IKE -- index of coincidence -- information theory -- International Data Encryption Algorithm -- invisible ink -- IPSec -- IPv6 -- Iraqi Block Cipher -- ISAKAMP[?] -- J Jerzy Rozycki -- Joan Daemen[?] -- K Kasiski attack[?] -- Kerckhoffs' principle -- key escrow -- key exchange[?] -- KGB -- known-ciphertext attack[?] -- known-plaintext attack[?] -- L Leonard Adleman -- letter-substitution cipher[?] -- linear cryptanalysis -- Lucifer cipher[?] -- M man-in-the-middle attack -- Marian Rejewski -- Mars encryption algorithm[?] -- Martin Hellman[?] -- MD4[?] -- MD5 -- message digest -- microdot[?] -- monoalphabetic substitution[?] -- N nonce (cryptography)[?] -- NSA -- null cipher -- number theory -- O One-time pad -- P Permissive Action Link -- Phil Zimmermann -- PKI -- plaintext -- polyalphabetic substitution -- Polybius square[?] -- Pretty Good Privacy -- pseudo-random number generator -- public key crytography[?] -- Purple code -- Q Quantum Cryptography -- R Ralph Merkle -- RC4 -- RC4 cipher -- RC5 encryption algorithm -- RC6 encryption algorithm -- related-key attack[?] -- RIPEMD-160 -- Ronald Rivest -- ROT-13 -- rotor machine -- RSA -- rubber-hose cryptanalysis S S-box -- Safer block cipher[?] -- Scott Vanstone[?] -- scrambler telephone[?] -- scytale -- secret writing -- secure cryptoprocessor -- Secure Sockets Layer -- security engineering -- Serpent encryption algorithm[?] -- SHA -- SHA-1 -- SIGABA -- SIGINT -- SKIPJACK[?] -- slide attack cryptanalysis[?] -- snake oil -- steganography -- stegotext[?] -- straddling checkerboard[?] -- stream cipher -- symmetric key algorithm -- T The Codebreakers[?] -- The Communications Theory of Secrecy Systems[?] -- TEMPEST -- Tiger hash function[?] -- timing attack[?] -- traffic analysis[?] -- trapdoor function -- Twofish encryption algorithm -- U Ultra -- Ultra secret -- unicity distance -- USSR -- V VENONA -- Vignere cipher[?] -- Vincent Rijmen[?] -- W Whitfield Diffie[?] -- William Friedman -- X XOR -- Y Yarrow algorithm -- Z Zero-knowledge proof[?] -- zeroise[?] --
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